General Weight Loss Tips

Good News: Coffee is Good for You!

As you may have heard the results of a recent study suggest that drinking coffee can actually help you live longer. According to the results of this study regular coffee drinkers are less likely to die from the following causes: heart disease, lung disease, strokes, injuries, accidents, diabetes and infections. As a coffee addict myself, this is the best news I’ve heard in quite some time.

coffee beans Good News: Coffee is Good for You!

This is not the first study to suggest there are actually many positives to drinking coffee regularly. Among the positives found in other studies:

(1) Decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes. It’s believed that the cause of this decrease is because of the antioxidants in coffee rather than the caffeine.

(2) Lower risk of stroke.

(3) Lower risk of heart disease.

(4) Lower risk of Parkinson’s disease (due to caffeine.)

(5) Significantly lower risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

(6) Decreased risk of cancer, particularly liver cancer.

Coffee Weight Loss

I’ve long thought that drinking coffee every morning helps with weight loss as the caffeine boosts the metabolism while also acting as an appetite suppressant. Of course any weight loss positives associated with coffee drinking are lost if you aren’t drinking real coffee (not decaf) but instead one of those 500 calorie desert “coffee” drinks from Starbucks. Forget about that stuff, it’s just an excuse to drink an extra dessert.

Drink real coffee!. Once you get a taste for it you won’t want to have any part of that super sweet stuff anymore. To a real coffee drinker those sugary Frappuccino type drinks are like kool-aid to a wine lover.

“The Token Fat Girl”

She’s moved her personal weight loss blog over to for a fresh start, so that’s the place to go to follow her.

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