Weight Loss Exercise

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Once confined to bodybuilders with huge muscular physiques, weight training is now gaining acceptance from men who want to bulk up their body and women who want toned muscles and stronger bones. People who go to the gym or work out at home find it beneficial to add weight training exercises to their fitness regimen.

While fitness experts recognize the importance of cardio workouts, the consensus in physical fitness these days is to include strength training for overall fitness. Cardio workouts increase the oxygen levels in the body and helps burn fat.

However, weight training exercises are also important if you want to firm up your abdomen, thighs, arms, and hips. Cardiovascular exercises can cause your body to sag, but when accompanied by weight training exercises you will have a wonderfully toned and firm body. Strength training exercises offer the following benefits:

* Improve your muscular strength and endurance- Weight training exercises will make you stronger and help your muscles work longer.

* Improve functional capacity and ability- Working out with weights will improve your coordination and balance and help you avoid injuries. For example, you’ll find it easier to climb stairs and reduce the risk of falling.

* Lower blood pressure- People who lift weights experience normal blood pressure levels.

* Prevent osteoporosis- Studies show that strength training exercises lower the risk of osteoporosis especially in women. Lifting weights will help make your bones stronger.

* Increase your resting metabolic rate- Weight training exercises help raise your metabolism. Because muscles burn more calories than fat, if you have more muscles your body will burn more calories throughout the day.

* Improve psychological wellbeing- When you exercise, you will feel good about yourself. This will increase your confidence and self-esteem.

* Reduce lower back pain– People who exercise have less body fat and stronger core muscles. This helps minimize the risk of lower back pain.

Choosing a Weight Training Exercise Routine

For all-around physical fitness, your workout program should include exercises for cardiovascular endurance, strength training, and muscular endurance. You should also include routines to enhance your body’s flexibility.

Weight training exercises for men and women differ slightly. Women usually work out with lighter weights and lesser sets. Also, men go through weight training exercises to bulk up while women prefer to tone their muscles without putting on too much bulk.

You can do weight training exercises at home if you do not have access to a gym. When working out at home, you will need basic exercise equipment such as dumbbells, weight bench, resistance bands, etc. Some weight training exercises like leg extensions and lateral pull-ups require exercise machines that you can find in a gym. You may want to buy some exercise equipment for your home gym, or do other weight training exercises that will work out the same muscles without the use of an exercise machine.

Weight Loss Exercise

Aerobic Fitness declines with age

Ran into this interesting article from Reuters:

Jul 26 (Reuters Health) – Physical fitness is known to wane with age, but a study published Monday shows that the decline gains speed with each decade, regardless of a person’s exercise habits.
The study of 810 healthy adults found that the rate of decline in aerobic fitness was about four times greater among people in their 70s or older, compared with those in their 20s and 30s.

Despite the fact that it boosts aerobic fitness, regular exercise did not change a person’s rate of age-related decline.

However, that does not mean it’s time to retire those running shoes, according to the study authors.

At any given age, people who were at least moderately active were more fit than their sedentary peers, said lead author Dr. Jerome L. Fleg of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.

In addition, he told Reuters Health, research shows that older people can improve their aerobic capacity by getting regular, moderate exercise like walking. The point, according to Fleg, is to help elderly people stay fit enough to perform daily activities — like housework or yard work — and maintain their independence as long as possible.

Fleg and his colleagues at the National Institutes of Health report their findings in Circulation, a medical journal published by the American Heart Association.

The study looked at changes over time in individuals’ VO2max, a measure of aerobic fitness that refers to how much oxygen the body uses during a given activity. The VO2max is the point at which the body can no longer ramp up its oxygen use to keep up with the intensity of the exercise, and the activity rapidly becomes unsustainable.

It’s well known that a person’s VO2max declines with age. But the rate of that decline, Fleg explained, has not been clear-in large part because studies on the subject have typically compared different age groups rather than following the same people over time.

His team’s study included healthy men and women between the ages of 21 and 96 who periodically underwent treadmill tests to gauge their VO2max. The researchers also charted changes in participants’ blood pressure, body composition and lifestyle habits, over an average of eight years of follow-up.

In general, the study found, VO2max declined by 3 to 6 percent per decade while people were in their 20s and 30s. The rate of decline increased with age, going above 20 percent per decade among adults in their 70s or older.

The “good news,” Fleg said, is that active people maintained a higher VO2max than sedentary people their age, pointing to the importance of staying active throughout life.

He noted that older, sedentary adults who want to boost their fitness should consult their doctors before starting to exercise, as should anyone with heart disease.

SOURCE: Circulation, August 2, 2005.
Publish Date: July 26, 2005

Weight Loss Exercise

Fast Fitness Success

Fast fitness success may seem difficult for many but really it is something that you can achieve with planning and a set of goals. Losing weight and staying fit might seem like it is an uphill battle at times. The process does take a lot of patience and hard work, but many people get frustrated or lose sight of their goals only after a few short months. While being physically fit definitely takes effort, there are some things you should remember in order to stay successful in your fitness journey.

Keep these three simple fast fitness success tips in mind when you embark on the path towards a healthier you, and you should be successful in due time.

Tips for Fast Fitness Success

Fast Fitness Success

Fast Fitness Success

You have to change your lifestyle. Being fit does not just mean you can walk a great distance for a long period of time, or that you are not sick. True physical fitness requires an actual lifestyle change. Quitting smoking and the consumption of alcohol (except in moderation) as well as eating a healthier diet and getting proper exercise all require a change in the way you live your life.

To achieve fast fitness success you have to make changes, and quickly. You can make these lifestyle changes quickly by slowly incorporating new healthier meals in your routine once a week, as well as adding exercise and changing your lifestyle. Then slowly adding a few better meals a week in until they replace all meals. The same goes with exercise: start walking a few days a week for a short distance, and then increase the length of the walks as well as the frequency. Eventually you’ll be able to incorporate tougher, more rigorous exercises.

Invest in some fitness equipment, or use it at the local gym. Whether you decide to buy a piece or two of good exercise equipment or just go to the gym, using this equipment will make your workouts easier and more effective towards your fast fitness success. Utilize the machines available to you and work them to your advantage.

It’s much more fun to work out with some fitness tools to help you out along the way, and they can help to spot tone or work on certain problem areas, depending what they are what the machine does.

Utilize a fitness trainer to help you along the way. Certified fitness trainers are another great tool that can help you to get fit. They are able to show you how to get the most out of a work out, assist you with tracking your success, and guide you to doing things the safe way so you minimize risk of personal injury.
You can hire a personal trainer if you have the money, but most local gyms offer the help of their trainers as part of the overall membership plan. This combined with a new, healthy lifestyle change and good fitness equipment should guarantee your fast fitness success when it comes to getting fit.

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