Weight Loss Exercise

Home Fitness Workouts

While working out in the gym can be productive, it would be much more cost-efficient to workout right in the comfort of your own home. There are various home fitness workouts that have been made available to provide people with more options for their fitness. By opting to do home fitness workouts instead of having to go to a gym and hire a personal trainer, you can save time, effort, and money, and the whole family can join in on the workout fun as well.

In choosing to do home fitness workouts instead of going to the gym, you might need to purchase a few basic necessities to complete your workout regimen. Some of these include:

– Dumbbells of various weights

– Barbells

– Exercise ball

– Weight bench

– Exercise mat

Some of the workouts that can be done using the above fitness equipment to enhance physical fitness are the following:

– Bench press

– Ball crunches

– Lateral shoulder raises

– Hammer curls

– Kickbacks

– Squats

– Static lunges

There are other types of exercises that can be done with the use of simple fitness equipment, but what’s important is to find the type that will work well for you and cater to your fitness needs. It’s important to identify what your fitness goals are first. That way you can better determine what type of exercise you should do. There are also many fitness DVDs to choose from that will provide you will a great workout in your home. You can find many DVDs just by doing a simple search online. These fitness videos offer a wide range of workouts from simple weight lifting, dance workouts, to Pilates.

One of the most popular fads right now in home fitness workouts are the dance-type exercises including the popular Hiphop Abs, Zumba, Belly dancing, and so on. The great thing about these workouts is that they provide entertainment while helping you shed a few pounds. It’s become the highly recommended cardio workout alternative to jogging or using the treadmill.

Home fitness workouts can be considered the best alternative for those who don’t want to subscribe to gym memberships and for those who don’t have the time and means to run off to a gym to workout. With a wide array of fitness workout options that can be done at home, more and more women are finding the perfect workout for them without having to leave the comfort of their homes.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Training Bench – Important Things You Should Know

If you are buying weight training equipment for a home gym one of the most important things you will need is a weight training bench. When choosing fitness equipment, you should never compromise on quality. There are several types of weight training benches and you will have to decide which one suits your needs best. Just keep in mind that the weight bench you choose must be strong and stable enough to provide support while you perform a variety of workout exercises.

A weight training bench is a standard piece of exercise equipment that provides support while you do weightlifting exercises. A weight bench can help you maintain proper form while working out with free weights. Weight training benches should be sturdy enough to withstand the strain of heavy weights. They also need a wide base to maintain stability. In most cases, the top surface of the bench is padded for comfort and safety of the user.

Flat Benches

A flat bench is the most common type of weight training bench. There are many exercises that can be performed on a flat bench, including flys, bench presses, and lying rows. Exercises that require you to be seated can also be done on a flat bench.

A flat bench is essential when performing bench press exercises with free weights. You can find flat benches that come with brackets to hold barbells. This accessory makes it easier, safer and more convenient to perform your bench press because it provides a place to set the weight before and after the lift.

You will also find flat benches that fold. This allows you to perform incline bench presses, decline bench presses, and many other exercises.

Hyperextension Bench

A hyperextension bench is a weight training bench designed to provide support for the abdomen and has padded braces behind the ankles and above the knees. A hyperextension bench is used for back exercises and exercises for the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

Abdominal Bench

As the name suggests, an abdominal bench is used to exercise the abdominal muscles. The bench can be set at different angles of decline to give you a more intense workout when doing crunches. Padded rollers at the highest end allow you to secure your feet so you can exercise your abs safely and effectively.

Preacher Bench

A preacher bench can help you maintain proper form and technique when doing arm curls. When doing biceps curls, for example, you sit on the weight training bench and place your arms on the padded surface that slopes away from you. In this position, you cannot use momentum to complete the biceps curls. Using a preacher bench isolates the biceps and provides a more intense workout.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Colder Weather Exercise

The Summer is creeping away here in Calgary. On my ride in this morning the temperature was right at freezing so the nice easy schedule of riding in to work and home will be over sooner than I would hope. Now is the time of year that all of those outdoor activities that keep you in shape so easily are going to come to an end in the northern latitudes.

What will you do about it?

Most people have a bad habit of fluctuation exercise. In the Spring you get sore from exercising outside for the first time since the fall and your body hates you for it, but you endure it and workout through the Summer and in the Fall and Winter get almost no exercise again and have your weight float up a few pounds hoping that you can lose it again next Spring. I will be giving tips all Winter for staying in shape but this is a good chance to look at what you should start thinking about right now.

First prioritize your exercise schedule for the Winter. It may be tougher to work out but of course you can do it if you work out the days and times you will be working out. Most of all be realistic. The best times to workout are early morning before you get caught up with the issues of the day and after work if you have a stable work schedule. If you push dinner out a bit you may be able to either workout right after work before dinner or else get an hour in while watching one of the many great TV shows that eat up our Winter nights.

Next figure out what you want to do this Winter for exercise. A few years ago my family (actually my wife and I, the toddlers had no say in it) bought a good treadmill and exercise bike and then each Fall we go out and replace one of the items and lose a bit on the trade-in but at least have some great new and new to us equipment to keep us interested in the Winter.

Lastly make sure that you have a good mix of exercise. One or two pieces of fitness equipment may not be enough to keep you motivated is make sure you plan on skating, skiing or climbing stairs in an office building to supplement your exercise this Winter. If you can find local fitness events that you can take part in. There are a lot of different leagues in the Winter be they hockey or curling or badminton and volleyball.

One great tip for exercise equipment is to have a running log of your distance. This would be floors for a stair machine or actual miles on a treadmill, bike or elliptical trainer. Using a map it is fun to keep track of the distance that you have covered and you can even try to go city to city with goals in between over the course of the Winter.

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