General Weight Loss Tips

Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

wholewheatfrenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

Remember all that snow we got the other day? It’s all melted and sunny today. I’m so ready for spring!

This morning we had whole wheat french toast with organic blue agave maple flavored syrup. I picked up a bottle at the Fresh Market last week with this breakfast in mind (and maybe some almond flour pancakes too!). The bread was dipped in an egg/milk/cinnamon mixture and fried in the skillet like grilled cheese.

I don’t have any thoughts about using agave versus anything else, but I like that a little goes a long way and I never feel groggy after eating like I do regular syrups.

Served with half a banana and cherries.

frenchtoast Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I have a new DVD coming in the mail and I’m so excited to get started. It’s called Strong Knees and I’m hoping it will strengthen my knees to prevent future injury and to help heal my knee from where I fell two weeks ago. From the reviews, it sounds like these exercises are exactly like the ones in physical therapy, or very similar. I like the idea of building up the muscles around my knees to give them more support with exercise and daily movement. This could be very good for runners too.

strong knees2 Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

It was hard giving up TV yesterday. I may have whined about it to Josh for 10 minutes and then I got over it. Not watching TV or a movie last night made the day seem much longer and more full. It felt like I was spending quality time with Josh rather than zoning out like I normally want to do. We ended up meditating (I always fall asleep) and listening to music and eating popcorn. It was nice.

deepak chopra Whole Wheat French Toast With Agave Maple Syrup

I also start reading Deepak Chopra’s book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You with highlighter in hand. I have a lot to share with this one!

And listening to a lot of Miike Snow these past couple of days. In fact, I’m listening as I write this. Someone recently asked me what kind of music I listen to, and my answer made me pause. I seem to gravitate towards more upbeat/poppy/electronicy music.


Random Question:

If you could hang out with a blogger for a day, who would it be? I would hang out with Olivia from Every Day Musings. Her life, photos and enthusiasm are incredible and inspiring. She is living a big life. She also makes Charleston, SC seem like the best place on earth to live.


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Healthy Recipes for Kids

It’s important to teach kids to eat healthy foods while they are young. This will help them develop healthy eating habits for life. Healthy recipes for kids will get them excited about cooking and eating nutritious foods that children love. Delicious and healthy kid-friendly recipes will teach your kids to love whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

There are many sites where you can find collections of healthy recipes that kids and the whole family will enjoy. You will also find recipes tested and rated by kids themselves. These recipes will make meal planning easier, and you can be sure your kids will love them.

Get The Kids Involved

Many parents have discovered that the best way to get kids to eat healthy food is to get them involved in the cooking process. This doesn’t mean they have to make dinner themselves, but kids should be encouraged to help choose recipes, shop for ingredients, and prepare the food. They get to taste and rate each recipe. If you have a backyard garden, it’s also a great idea to allow your kids to grow some of the ingredients.

Kids can actually help out in the kitchen, and you can spend some quality time together. They are also more likely to try a dish if they have helped in its preparation, or even just in picking out a healthy, kid-friendly recipe. What’s more, healthy eating habits developed at a young age will last a lifetime.

Find Healthy Recipes For Kids

You’ll be amazed at the number of kid-friendly recipes that you can find online. Many of these recipes include a variety of vegetables and proteins that are naturally low in calories yet rich in vitamins and minerals. Kids need plenty of protein and calcium to build strong bones and a healthy body. Be sure to include calcium-rich and protein-rich recipes for growing kids.

The internet is a rich source of healthy recipes for kids, including healthy breakfast recipes, healthy snack recipes, and healthy dinners. There are also healthy dessert recipes, because everyone deserves a treat. All of these recipes are designed with kids’ palates in mind.
Start your kid’s day right with a healthy breakfast. A fruit smoothie for breakfast is refreshing, tasty and healthy. Kids also love oatmeal with bananas and cinnamon chips for breakfast.

Other recipes that kids will enjoy include Healthy Macaroni and Cheese, Vegetarian Chili, and Grilled Chicken Breasts with Soy Honey Sauce. There are also healthy dessert recipes for kids. Yogurt Sundaes, Low Fat Brownies, and Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies have less fat, less sugar, and less calories than many desserts, but they also have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

It’s easier than you think to get your kids to eat nutritious foods. All you need is a collection of healthy recipes for kids.

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