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Migraine Neck Pain – More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine neck pain is both a symptom and a trigger of migraines. It is in fact a very common feature of most migraine attacks. While neck pain is common for people with migraines, they don’t associate it with migraines right away. This leads to misdiagnosis and the problems with migraines and neck pains don’t get any better.

Knowing Migraine Neck Pain

Migraine neck pain is most often described as ‘a tightness’ in the neck. Some can feel it at the base while some describe migraine neck pain as coming from the neck and going up towards the head. This is usually followed by a migraine headache where they may experience the symptoms of a migraine such as aura and pain. Nausea and dizziness can also follow.

Migraine Neck Pain   More Than Just A Pain In The Neck

Migraine Neck Pain

While neck pain can be common symptom of other ailments, if it is linked with a migraine then migraine treatment is the most appropriate response. Treatment using muscle relaxants, tranquilizers and other pain relievers can prove ineffective. These treat only neck pain and not the migraine.

What To Do About Migraine Neck Pain

Avoiding Neck Pains

Stress and posture have a lot to do with migraine neck pain. Whether the neck pain starts the migraine attack or is a symptom of it, you can benefit a lot from preventing neck pain. Relax your neck muscles by adopting proper posture, especially if your work requires you to sit in front of a computer. Adopt an ergonomic workstation setup so you aren’t tense while sitting down.

Practice proper breathing and relaxation techniques. You may want to attend classes on how to avoid from being too emotional or stressed while at work. Go for therapeutic massages or spas once in awhile.

Medicine for Migraines

For your migraines, you can take several types of medicine. Aspirin and other analgesics are the usual recourse to lessen the intensity of a migraine. While these can work, some medicine may have side effects which may not work well if you have other medical conditions.

Other medication such as anti-depressants, anti-epilepsy and heart medicines have been found to have good effects in preventing migraines. While they do not stop headaches or migraine attacks, they can lessen the frequency and intensity of migraines.

A Final Word on Neck Pain and Migraine

Migraine neck pain prevention and therapy is just one part of the solution. To completely solve migraines, you need to learn what the other triggers of your migraine attacks are. Food as well as other factors can play a role in triggering a migraine. Keep a log of what you do and eat each day so you can see if what you’re doing or eating is the reason for the migraine.

Whatever the course you may take it is important to consult a doctor. Both neck pain and migraines are serious ailments and can also be signs of other conditions. Describe neck pain fully and in detail, especially if accompanied by migraines. This makes the diagnosis of your ailment much easier.

Remember that you need not suffer from migraine neck pain if you act on it early and take the right steps.

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Natural Cures for Migraines

You may find that natural cures for migraines can work as well if not better than pharmaceutical products. Natural cures for migraines involve physical, psychological as well as nutritional aspects. While typical medicine does work, people are starting to give more interest to alternative cures and medicine. These may work in conjunction with the medicine you are currently taking for headaches.

Natural cures also work mostly in the prevention of migraines. They help reduce both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

Natural Cures for Migraines, Of Diets, Herbs and Therapies

* Biofeedback

Biofeedback is essentially a procedure where you are made aware of the different processes going on inside your body. Different equipment and sensors are placed on your body. Measurements such as brain activity, temperature, heart rate and blood pressure are all displayed for you to see. The theory is you can control these parameters since you are aware of the different levels they are in. Relaxation techniques along with focusing can bring pain levels down when you suffer from migraines.

* Spa and Physical Therapies

Breathing exercises and spas all aim to relax the body and help in proper circulation of blood. They can relieve you of the pain caused by migraines as well as prevent them from occurring. Acupuncture and acupressure work to apply pressure or stimulus at pressure points in the body. While they are not steeped in medical research, these treatments have been documented to provide symptomatic relief of migraines and headaches.

Overall these natural cures for migraines can greatly reduce stress and tension which can be one of the triggers of migraines.

* Herbal Cures

Feverfew and butterbur are considered as analgesics and natural cures for migraines which are effective in treating headaches. They have shown promise in migraines as well. Food and vegetables which are rich in magnesium and calcium such as kale and spinach have also been found to be effective in migraine prevention.

Aromatherapy using essential oils such as mint, peppermint and eucalyptus also relax the body and can aid in the reduction of migraine intensity.

* Migraine Diet/Log Book

A natural way to prevent migraine is to determine what causes migraines in the first place. Specific foods and stress events can cause migraines. These can differ from person to person. When a migraine attack happens try to think of what you were doing and what you were eating at the time. This can help you link your own migraine triggers. Once you know what causes migraines, you can work to avoid these.

Natural Cures for Migraines: Safety and Efficacy

It is best to consult a medical professional before undertaking any therapy for migraines. Adverse reactions are a concern, especially if you are allergic to a certain substance. There are also side effects associated with some herbs, but sticking to recommended dosages can help you avoid these problems. Ask your doctor as well so you can be cleared to undergo or take these natural cures.

With proper guidance these natural cures for migraines can help you get rid of your headaches for good.

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Acupuncture For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, more than likely you have been offered traditional treatments by your doctors. Medication, therapy, recommendations for exercise, diet changes, and relaxation techniques are all frequently discussed as methods of dealing with these emotional issues. One other method not looked into as often is acupuncture. The ancient Chinese medical treatment involving needles may not be the most obvious way to treat mental health issues, but it is one used for thousands of years by millions of individuals.

Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that panic attacks and anxiety issues are manifested in three areas of the body ? the kidneys, the spleen, and the heart. The kidney is said to be the home of fear in the body (with fear leading to the feelings of panic and anxiety), as well as being the organ which determines how well you age and your overall constitution.

Stress affects the kidneys the hardest, which in turn affects the rest of your body. The spleen is thought to act on organizing of thoughts and ideas. Due to this, it holds all of the worry in the body. An effected spleen cannot ‘let go’ of negative thoughts and emotions, which builds up anxiety. The heart is seen as those in Western medicine see the brain ? the place where all the thinking, processing, and consciousness are housed. It is the place where the spirit resides.

Acupuncture can treat all three of these areas to help release stress and reduce panic attacks. The main focus is to calm the heart, which in turn will help release the strongholds on the other organs. In addition, Western scientists have documented positive results on the chemistry of the brain for those individuals undergoing acupuncture. This can be experienced by the patient themselves with the relaxed and calming feeling that they develop both while undergoing the therapy, as well as the after effects.

The practitioner triggers these reactions by placing thin needles ? thinner than a human hair ? at specific trigger points on the body, where they believe that the energy that flows through your body is either blocked or obstructed. After the needle as “awakened” that portion of the body and the energy is once again flowing correctly, the patient feels the effects of the endorphins which provide a euphoric feeling (similar to an antidepressant drug, but without the concerning side effects). Once the treatment is complete, the patient is able to relax, and start to enjoy life again.

Acupuncture For Anxiety And Panic Attacks

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