Weight Loss Exercise

Women’s Workout Tips

Women’s Workout Tips for you to chew on. Many women are busy taking care of the family, work, and other things that they tend to forget about their own health and wellness. If you are one to take your health for granted then it’s time to start prioritizing your health just like you do other important aspects of your life. Living a healthy lifestyle will help you function at a higher level so that you can do all the things you have to do that much easier, faster, and better.

Top 5 Women’s Workout Tips

Womens Workout Tips

Women’s Health Tips

Create a workout plan that works for you. This is a critical Women’s health tips. Women lead different lives and have different needs when it comes to physical health and maintenance. In order for you to stay healthy you must find time to workout. By creating a workout plan that suits your lifestyle you will be able to fit exercise in without missing a beat. Exercise becomes increasingly important as you get older.

Maintain a well balanced diet. The saying, “we are what we eat”, is a true and faithful saying. So it is important to opt for a healthier array of foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and skip the processed junk food. Having a much healthier diet can do wonders for the body and it can reflect in a woman’s physical appearance, mind and attitude.

Get plenty of rest each night. It’s important to prioritize sleep at night because of its healing and reenergizing capabilities. The key is to get the proper amount of sleep on a consistent basis each night. In addition, taking a break once in a while (15-20 minutes will do) can do wonders for the mind and body as well.

Protect the skin. As a woman, it is important to take care of your skin. Your skin says a lot about your overall health, therefore, it should be a priority to take good care of it. One of the most effective ways to go about it is to stick to a healthy diet and protect your skin from UV rays by applying moisturizer with sunblock each day and night.

Work-Life balance. At the end of a busy week, it’s important to have some time for yourself to unwind and relax. You should always strive to achieve that work-life balance in order to recharge the mind, body, and soul, and to gear up for another busy week ahead. It also helps to use vacation time wisely by going somewhere where you can freely relax and rejuvenate yourself.

I hope these women’s workout tips show you the difference that you have to worry about as a woman

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Weight Loss Exercise

Sunscreen and Babys

Sunscreen and babys has been and issue since my daughter was born 12 years ago. No one really cares about sunscreen and babys until they have their own.  You’re at the beach, slathered in sunscreen. Your 5-month-old baby is there, too. Should you put sunscreen on her? Not usually, according to Hari Cheryl Sachs, M.D., a pediatrician at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“The best approach is to keep infants under 6 months out of the sun,” Sachs says, “and to avoid exposure to the sun in the hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when ultraviolet (UV) rays are most intense.”

Sunscreen and Babys

Sunscreens are recommended for children and adults. What makes babies so different?

For one thing, babies’ skin is much thinner than that of adults, and it absorbs the active, chemical ingredients in sunscreen more easily, explains Sachs. For another, infants have a high surface-area to body-weight ratio compared to older children and adults. Both these factors mean that an infant’s exposure to the chemicals in sunscreens is much greater, increasing the risk of allergic reaction or inflammation.

The best protection is to keep your baby in the shade, if possible, Sachs says. If there’s no natural shade, create your own with an umbrella or the canopy of the stroller.

If there’s no way to keep an infant out of the sun, you can apply a small amount of sunscreen—with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15—to small areas such as the cheeks and back of the hands. Sachs suggests testing your baby’s sensitivity to sunscreen by first trying a small amount on the inner wrist.

Cover Up your baby

Sunscreen and Babys

sunscreen and babies

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests dressing babyes in lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and brimmed hats that shade the neck to prevent sunburn. Tight weaves are better than loose. Keep in mind that while baseball caps are cute, they don’t shade the neck and ears, sensitive areas for a baby.

Summer’s heat presents other challenges for babies.

Younger babys also don’t sweat like we do, Sachs says. Sweat naturally cools the rest of us down when we’re hot, but babies haven’t yet fully developed that built-in heating-and-cooling system. So you want to make sure your baby doesn’t get overheated.

In the heat, babies are also at greater risk of becoming dehydrated. To make sure they’re adequately hydrated, offer them their usual feeding of breast milk or formula, says Sachs. The water content in both will help keep them well hydrated. A small of amount water in between these feedings is also okay.

Sun Safety Tips for Babys

Here are some things to keep in mind this summer when outside with babies:

  • Keep your baby in the shade as much as possible. If you do use a small amount of sunscreen on your baby, don’t assume the child is well protected.
  • Make sure your child wears clothing that covers and protects sensitive skin. Use common sense; if you hold the fabric against your hand and it’s so sheer that you can see through it, it probably doesn’t offer enough protection.
  • Make sure your baby wears a hat that provides sufficient shade at all times.
  • Watch your baby carefully to make sure he or she doesn’t show warning signs of sunburn or dehydration. These include fussiness, redness and excessive crying.
  • Hydrate! Give your baby formula, breast milk, or a small amount of water between feedings if you’re out in the sun for more than a few minutes. Don’t forget to use a cooler to store the liquids.
  • Take note of how much your baby is urinating. If it’s less than usual, it may be a sign of dehydration, and that more fluids are needed until the flow is back to normal.
  • Avoid sunscreens containing the insect repellant DEET on infants, particularly on their hands. Young children may lick their hands or put them in their mouths. According to AAP, DEET should not be used on infants less than 2 months old.
  • If you do notice your baby is becoming sunburned, get out of the sun right away and apply cold compresses to the affected areas.

The FDA has a lot of other info that is great for health in the Summer and in the sun, not just about sunscreen and babys. Check it out at

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Weight Loss Exercise

Women’s Health Tips

Many women are busy taking care of the family, work, and other things that they tend to forget about their own health and wellness. If you are one to take your health for granted then it’s time to start prioritizing your health just like you do other important aspects of your life. Living a healthy lifestyle will help you function at a higher level so that you can do all the things you have to do that much easier, faster, and better.

Top 5 Women’s Health Tips

Womens Health Tips

Women’s Health Tips

Create a workout plan that works for you. Women lead different lives and have different needs when it comes to physical health and maintenance. In order for you to stay healthy you must find time to workout. By creating a workout plan that suits your lifestyle you will be able to fit exercise in without missing a beat. Exercise becomes increasingly important as you get older.

Maintain a well balanced diet. The saying, “we are what we eat”, is a true and faithful saying. So it is important to opt for a healthier array of foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and skip the processed junk food. Having a much healthier diet can do wonders for the body and it can reflect in a woman’s physical appearance, mind and attitude.

Get plenty of rest each night. It’s important to prioritize sleep at night because of its healing and reenergizing capabilities. The key is to get the proper amount of sleep on a consistent basis each night. In addition, taking a break once in a while (15-20 minutes will do) can do wonders for the mind and body as well.

Protect the skin. As a woman, it is important to take care of your skin. Your skin says a lot about your overall health, therefore, it should be a priority to take good care of it. One of the most effective ways to go about it is to stick to a healthy diet and protect your skin from UV rays by applying moisturizer with sunblock each day and night.

Work-Life balance. At the end of a busy week, it’s important to have some time for yourself to unwind and relax. You should always strive to achieve that work-life balance in order to recharge the mind, body, and soul, and to gear up for another busy week ahead. It also helps to use vacation time wisely by going somewhere where you can freely relax and rejuvenate yourself.

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