General Weight Loss Tips

Mini Food

Hors d’oeuvres, appetizers, finger foods…whatever you call it, I love them. For some reason, I think the variety, I love food served in bite-size portions. Last week I went to an event for a local women’s magazine and was just so smitten with the variety of single-serving food that I had to take pictures and share with you guys.

This plate is small, about 6 inches in diameter and check out those shot glasses! Here’s what was on my plate: blueberry salad which had some sort of vinaigrette mixed in. A slight basil flavor and tangy with olive oil. In the other shot glass you will find a bit of lettuce at the bottom, then a layer of egg salad topped with a few thin slices of smoked salmon and a sping of dill. A little cucumber and cream cheese tea sandwich wedge. It was light and crisp. A banana bread sandwich, right beside the blueberry salad. I loved this idea. Two thin slices of banana bread with a  layer of cream cheese in between. A couple of vegetable chips. And then a flaky almond galette. I tasted almond paste, which is one of my most favorite things in the world.

I made effort at this event to only eat what I truly wanted and to share dessert with my friend. But, what I really love is that it was a small sampling of really good food. It wasn’t a buffet gorge sort of thing, just nice little treats that were well executed and delicious. I want to apply this mentality more to my everyday life. Having a taste and moving on. It’s difficult for me because when something is really delicious, I want a lot of it, and then it isn’t special anymore. This food felt special to me like an indulgent treat and not in an unreasonable amount. Eating this plate of food in its white flour, sugar and cream cheese glory would not make anyone overweight. This plate is not the problem. It’s only when you multiply this plate, add guilt, and secrecy that it becomes a problem. And I want to learn this lesson over and over if I have to. Special food should remain special.

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General Weight Loss Tips

PB and J Oatmeal

As soon as I woke up this morning I ate half of a banana and 1 C of Uncle Matt’s orange juice. I was feeling the need to eat very lightly and keep heavy foods out of my system. 165 calories

Around 11am I got hungry again and was in the mood for a bowl of oatmeal. 1/2 C. plain oatmeal, 1/2 C. whole milk, water (to thin it out), 1 T homemade peanut/almond/cashew butter, 1 T all-fruit jam, about eight peanuts on top. 380 calories

After breakfast I enjoyed an Arbonne Antioxidant Immunity Booster sent to me from my friend Claire. She also sent me a bunch of other Arbonne products to try out- my skin is thanking her for that! 40 calories

I didn’t get hungry again until well into the evening. I started making a quiche for dinner with a nice salad around 7pm.

The quiche was easy to throw together- 1 package frozen broccoli (steamed), 1 frozen deep-dish pie crust, 2 oz. cheddar cheese, 6 eggs, 1/2 C. whole milk, salt and pepper. Bake at 375 degrees for 45-50 minutes. 288 calories per slice (I had 1.5 slices at about 400 calories)

Mixed greens salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, sprinkling of feta and vinaigrette dressing. 210 calories.

I also ate 3 glucosamine chews- not shown- 70 calories

Total Calories: 1,265

Exercise: 45 minutes of Insanity Workout, burned about 400 calories

Earned a sticker for the day!

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