Weight Loss Exercise

Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Read a great review of the Fat Loss for Idiots program. See if you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days and what Cycled Eating is

There are a few things that you can do to gain muscle weight fast. The first thing to remember is that to gain muscle weight fast you need to take care of your diet, you need to train correctly and finally you need to rest very well so that you can make the most of those workouts.

Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Gain Muscle Weight Fast

In the last article I pointed out that most people do not use weightlifting as a form of exercise although it is critical to do this instead of just cardio to help drive up your metabolism. There are a few problems though. Most people as they try to gain muscle weight fast make the critical mistake of overtraining while also not eating and resting enough.

So lets look at the proper way for eating, resting and training to maximize gains and minimize overtraining in your quest to gain muscle weight fast.

Eating to Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Eating to gain muscle is critical. Every time that you work out you are going to be breaking down that muscle and you need water and protein to rebuild your muscle bigger and better to handle higher weights. Most people eat very little protein and lots of carbohydrates, especially grains and other white carbs instead of colored vegetables.

The best way to eat is as I have mentioned lots before is to have 6 meals a day. These meals are made up of getting all of your claories in one day and then break that up into six small meals. This means that your meals are a lot smaller than you may be used to.

The next thing to worry about is the amount of protein in each meal. Eat 20 grams or so of protein in each meal and then over time if you get really serious about becoming a serious bodybuilder then you would take this protein up to 30 or even 40 grams of protein in a meal. 20 grams of protein by the way would be something around half a chicken breast or 2 to 3 ounces of meat.

Lastly remember that if you are taking in this protein that you can not just substitute by eating a giant steak instead all at one time. Your body can not process that much protein at once and you will just pass it unused. With the price of steak and chicken we may as well be making the most of it instead of wasting it.

Resting to Gain Muscle Weight Fast

Rest is also critical when trying to gain muscle fast. You need to make sure that you are sleeping well and not being affected by stress as these two things are the really important actions to gaining muscle after a tough workout.

As you may or may not know the workout that gets you strong is only the fiest part of gaining muscle. The only time that oyur body actually recovers and gains muscle back is during the night when you are sleeping. If you get lots of sleep then your muscles will heal, if you sleep poorly or not enough then your body will not recover fully and your body will become overtrained easily.

Stress also is a roadblock to muscle gains. Your body is not going to recover from a stressful workout if you are not allowing yourself the recovery period. Stress causes your body and muscles to be tight and the tightness of the muscles is a primal reaction that allows you to react quickly to the various dangers that our caveman background was preparing for. So eliminate stress wherever you can.

Training to gain muscle weight fast

OK, I saved the biggest until last. To really gain muscle weight fast you of course need to workout smart and get the most out of your muscles without over-training.

Have you ever looked at a construction worker? They tend to be big with muscle and fat but considering how much they lift they are not huge as bodybuilders. The best way to build muscle is not to just lift a lot of weight throughout the day but instead you need to lift a lot of weight in a short period of time. Even most people training in gyms do not realize this as you will see guys doing set after set with long rest times between sets.

I can tell you that the best way to workout is to warmup your muscles and then do sets to failure. Going to failure means that you are doing a set of 10 reps or so and that at the end of that set you have nothing left ot lift with. After you have a couple of months of working out like this you will be able to use advanced strategies like stripping weights, pauses, and supersets but at this point just try to make sure that you need a spot on that last rep or two.

As far as number of sets try to do two sets to failure for two exercises in each muscle group. This means that for back for example that you would do lat pulldowns for two sets to failure and the two sets of seated rows to failure.

Using this weightlifting strategy should also make your workouts much quicker than you would expect. Your workouts should not last more than 45 minutes total.

How to gain muscle weight fast

So her you are a total strategy to gain muscle weight fast. As you can see there are really only three things to be aware of. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that gaining muscle was 99% mental and I have to agree. If you are not only aware but have conviction in your actions when it comes to getting the right amount of rest, eating the right foods at the right times and training like a superstar for your body then you are going to gain muscle weight fast.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Gain Muscle Fast

Gain Muscle Fast

Gain Muscle Fast

Many guys and gals want to gain muscle fast, especially with summer coming and more chances of wearing less clothes. So I thought I would give some tips on how you can gain muscle fast

How to Gain Muscle Fast

Eating to Gain Weight – You need to eat big to gain big. I know all the magazines will let you know that you have to eat enough protein to bloat up a horse. But really you need to eat about 30 grams of protein and 60 grams of carbs every meal. Next make sure that you eat at least five meals a day and if you can up to seven meals a day. Make sure that you are getting at least a couple hours between meals and don’t make them too big so that you can eat every two hours.

Cut the Cardio to Gain Muscle Fast – Cardio is great for burning fat and improving your stamina. One of the problems with cardio is that you are using up energy and burning fat as well as some muscle. The key to your workouts and lifestyle is to decrease the amount of muscle loss to near zero and to keep your energy up.

Concentrate on Compound Exercises – The best exercises to gain muscle fast are to do are the basics such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. A lot of people will do curls and pushdowns and even concentration curls to work arms when really you will make great gains on your arms by doing the compound exercises.

The best exercises are the best way to build muscle but remember also that you need to do weight workouts quickly and heavy as I will note below.

Keep Sets Short – Make you workouts short so that you can get the most out of heavy weights. The optimal number of reps are 6 to 8 per set but these reps should be all that you can do. Make sure there is nothing left after these reps.

Keep Weight Workouts Short – Workouts need to only be about 45 minutes. Spending more time in the gym means that you will be doing more lighter sets and wasting time. Also there is an urge to do more sets and really doing more sets can be counterproductive to gain muscle fast as it will force you to burn some muscle for energy instead of the glycogen in your muscles only

I hope that these weight tips will help you out. Keep all of these tips in mind and build your lifestyle around them so that this summer your body will be big and you will gain muscle fast as you can get on it.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Keep Making Muscle Gains

How To Keep Making Muscle Gains

Keep Making Muscle Gains

Keep making muscle gains, never stop gaining muscle. While there are literally hundreds and thousands of muscle-building strategies circulating on the Web at any given time, whether they are capable of producing reliable gains or results is another matter. Many, in fact, don’t and leave the aspiring body-builder/ trainee more disappointed and confused than anything. It’s also not uncommon for these strategies to be conflicting in nature, especially when they come from different sources.

So inevitably, the question arises as to what courses of action, workouts, diet plans, amount of recovery is capable of producing reliable muscle gains, and keep making muscle gains. The truth of the matter is that one can build a ripped, chiseled physique without so much as opening a modern-day muscle magazine, with its overpriced supplements and ever-changing ‘best workout for X or Y body part’ and so on. The following is a summary of the most effective and surprisingly overlooked principles needed to ensure reliable, fail-safe muscle-growth:

Keep Making Muscle Gains Tips

  1. Avoid Overtraining: That’s right and it (overtraining) occurs more frequently than most people would care to admit. Unless you’re in the final phase of training for a contest, say goodbye to the 1 hour-long gym sessions and the 6-day training regimen. ‘More’ is not necessarily better when it comes to reliably packing on pounds of muscle. Plus, as you’ll later learn, training less frequently, and for shorter periods will actually leave you in better position to do what actually needs to be done, i.e. training with intensity! This is the first and I think most important tip to keep making muscle gains
  2. Alter Your Eating Habits to Suit Your New Regimen: The old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is true on a number of levels when it comes to building muscle. For most of the skinny fellows out there, this will involve greatly increasing the amount of calories that they consume. In fact, people are often astounded at the increments they are told are needed in their calorie consumption, to reliably keep making muscle gains. The trick is to do it piecemeal. It’s naive to assume that one can make gains on a Spartan diet, but it’s equally foolish to assume that one can go from the average couch potatoe’s consumption-levels to that of an experienced body-builder, in one week. Equally, important as the quantity, is the quality of one’s calories. Needless to say, there is a huge difference between eating 3000 calories of donuts, and other highly processed junk food, and eating 3000 calories of high-quality fats, proteins and carbohydrates. One will promote muscle gain at a reliable rate and the other will simply lead to sluggishness, laziness and a useless build-up of ‘empty calories’.
  3. Train With Intensity: This is possibly the most valuable piece of advice that for anyone who wants to build muscle. Yet, it also remains the least implemented. The average gym-goer, nowadays, chooses to do the same exercise with roughly the same number of reps and sets, over and over again. After a while, he/ she simply grows tired of the fact that no more gains are being made (after the initial ones) and simply gives up on the idea altogether. High intensity training is what triggers muscle growth. It does this by signaling to the body that more muscle fibre is needed to cope with the body’s growing demands. While there are many ways to measure this intensity, one good rule of thumb is to ensure that you are lifting weights above 80% of your 1-rep Maximum. A carefully crafted, high intensity training regimen will keep the muscles adapting structurally and neurologically, and thereby ensuring you keep making muscle gains.
  4. Track Your Progress: Finally, one of the most overlooked, yet also one of the most useful strategies for ensuring reliable, sustained muscle growth. There is a tendency to lose track of the gains one has made because they all occur so gradually that they’re not immediately noticeable. This can often lead to decreased motivation as well as stagnancy in training regimes. Keeping a diary which tracks both muscle gains as well as strength gains, on the other hand, can help put a trainee’s progress into perspective and keep his/her motivation levels high. It can also be used as a tool to inform one about when and whether changes need to be made to the training or diet regimen. For instance, if the gains eventually slow down on one meal plan, we can conclude that it’s time to move on to the next one.

Overtraining Kills Muscle Gains

Adhering to these principles of avoiding overtraining, orienting one’s calorie intake to one’s activity levels, training with high intensity should greatly enhance the reliability with which ANYONE can keep making muscle gains.

Remember that overtraining will not only hurt you in the gym but also your rest and re

No one will deny that muscle building is often easier said than done. It’s also shown to be more complex than it really is. For a simple, yet comprehensive step-by-step muscle-building plan to follow, please visit

So if you are having trouble to keep making muscle gains look often at the tips above