General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 08: Catch Phrase

What’s your trademark phrase? Not sure? How about a quote or saying that you repeat often? Bonus points if it’s new for 2011, but we won’t be upset if it’s been around longer than that. Try to put it in context for us if it’s a little abstract

How will you resound? Follow along here.

This is easy: Bless.

Or blessings, or bless his heart or praise be. Tongue in cheek, of course. I think most ridiculous situations or people in life can benefit from a good, old-fashioned, southern, bless. You know when you’re talking about someone and their crazy antics with another person and you really want to say “have they lost their ever loving mind!??! what in the hell were they thinking?!!?” but instead, I find that all I ever really need to say is “bless their heart” and the other person gets it. It also acknowledges the fact that we all screw up and sometimes we just need the blessings and forgiveness of others to move on.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 07: Achievement Unlocked

What goal did you set for yourself and achieve this year? Did you achieve something you didn’t think you could? Did you win an award? Did you set a record? Did you finally get your VCR from 1985 to stop blinking 12:00? C’mon, share it! Today is your chance to brag and get a resounding round of interweb applause.

Congratulations! You did it! How will you resound? Follow along here.

My biggest public goal from the beginning of the year was my no-sugar rule which lasted a whopping five months. I wrote several private goals last year and one of them was to write more. I wrote a lot privately this year. I worked on stories and worked through feelings. Another goal was to keep up with blogging and change the look of my blog. I did both and plan to change it again in the near future. I wanted to travel and I’m happy to say that happened in a lot of fun and unexpected ways.

General Weight Loss Tips

Resound11 Prompt 06: Thelma & Louise

So far you’ve summed up the year in one word, admitted your vices, touted your virtues, revealed your superpower, and let us in on your theme song, but no superhero does it alone …

Who is the Thelma to your Louise? Who is your partner in crime? Did you reacquaint yourself with an old friend? Did you make a new friend? Or, perhaps, you are a lone ranger?

Take some time today to look back on how you spent your year and give a shout out to anyone that helped to make it special. If you don’t have any close friends that fit the bill, think about who you spend your time with on a regular basis, who is the bright spot in your day? Maybe you joke around with a coworker just to get through the day. Maybe the barista who serves your coffee knows your order by heart and/or knows when to suggest you mix it up. Who makes your life just a little bit better just by being themselves?

How will you resound? Follow along here. 

I think those mentioned in the virtues prompt, best fit in this section. Would it be horrible to call Josh, my Thelma? ha! He is my partner in crime most days.

For women, I’d have to go with my creative ladies group, more specifically Carly and Sarah. Who I over share with on a regular basis. They are my creative partners in crime.