Weight Loss Exercise

Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery (paperback)

We all work hard trying to achieve our ideal weight. There are diets and exercise routines that seem over the top. Most people feel over whelmed by the work that we put in without seeing the results we hope for. It’s a difficult struggle.

If you are one of the many considering weight loss surgery, then Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery may be a book for you. Many people assume that having weight loss surgery is a quick and easy fix to their waist line struggles. The truth is the surgery is just the beginning. There is a great deal of diet changing and life changing that must occur post-op.

In most surgery cases, patients lose weight easily at first but soon after have trouble with the weight returning after they are eating solids again. This book was designed to walk a patient step by step through changing the behavior that is making it hard to keep the pounds off. Success could be just a few pages away.

Product Features

* Explains important medical information that you must consider prior to having weight loss surgery

* Helps reader decide if surgery would help them

* Explains the hardships patients will be facing post-op

* Provides information on losing weight and keeping it off after bariatric surgery

Covers Emotional, Medical, Lifestyle Changes

When deciding if Bariatric surgery is right for you, there is a tremendous amount of information to weed through. Deciding what information is important can be very time consuming. Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery has this information organized and displayed using the author’s own story. This book provides a variety of emotional, medical, and life style challenges that you would be facing if you were to choose to have weight loss surgery.

There are many other books available on this topic, but the author wrote this guide using their own experiences to make the information easier to digest. This book follows the author down her journey to personal triumph. She takes the reader step by step through deciding if they want the surgery and what they need to know about the side effects.

Then she takes them through the surgery process including insurance issues and choosing a surgeon. Finally she discusses the actual surgery and the post-op care. The author tried to be as comprehensive as possible.


The book Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery is typically priced around $19.95 if purchased from This book is priced on the higher end of similar guides. This guide is very comprehensive and could be a great resource for anyone considering weight loss surgery or who under gone it.

What Do Customers Think?

The book Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss received five out of a possible five stars in the category of customer satisfaction. Customers were very happy with how informative this book is. One customer stated that they read seven books about recovering and losing weight after weight loss surgery and they felt this book was the best. One customer stated that they were four years post-op and were having problems keeping the weight off. They tried everything they could and were having problems staying healthy.

After reading this book, they felt hope and had a new action plan for dropping some pounds. Customers also found the human side to this guide to be uplifting. Many other books were more clinical than they liked. Readers were also happy with the chapters written by weight loss surgeons. They felt that the combination of clinical information and personal documentation made for a great guide to surviving weight loss surgery. One customer stated that they were considering bariatric surgery and purchased this book. Once they began reading it they had a hard time putting the book down.

Within days they read the entire book cover to cover. They were enthralled by the author’s tribulations and triumphs. They felt that the journal format of this guide made them feel like the author was talking straight to them. The customer knew that bariatric surgery was for them after reading this journal.

Out of all the customers that reviewed this book, no one rated this book with fewer than five stars. Customers were very satisfied by their purchases. All customers gave this guide rave reviews.

Our Recommendation

When considering any kind of major surgery it is important to be informed. This book was highly recommended by people who have purchased it. This guide is as entertaining as it is informative. This book is priced relatively high but is not expensive. Overall, if you are considering weight loss surgery or are post-op and having trouble keep the weight off, then this book is a safe purchase. You can find it for less on

Fat No More  Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery (paperback)

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Weight Loss Exercise

Leptin – Fat Hormone Regulation

Leptin is a hormone in our body that controls fat regulation. This post is going to be a work in progress but I wanted to point out a hormone that we all have to deal with when it comes to hunger and fat loss and fat storage (getting fat).

One of the problems that I have found, and my wife as well, when Leptin is explained is that science is not very nice to us common folk. I suspect that you want to know how to lose weight and are not really too interested in becoming a biochemist to do it.

How Leptin controls fat stores

Leptin is that starvation hormone that decides that our body has to store fat if we are in a starvation situation (like animals getting ready for winter hibernation) or to burn our calories quickly (like when animals are in a hunting or hunter situation).

Basically when we eat too much food and do not exercise enough we store fat. Leptin controls that storing of fat in our body just like it would in animals but we as people with supermarkets, fast food, and easy access to the smells and tastes that we like. We kind of mess things up as far as eating when hungry comes in and do have to do something to regulate it on our own.

Okay, have you got that straight? Hope so. So when we are on any kind of a regular diet what will happen is that we lose weight for the first few days or couple weeks and then we plateau. The other crappy side effect is that our energy drops and we have trouble working out. The plateau is caused by our our Leptin levels dropping which causes our metabolism (energy burning) to slow down and at the same time our body stores as much fat as possible.

This means that we have to do something to take us out of this fat storage problem

How to Reset Leptin Levels

Leptin   Fat Hormone Regulation

Reset Leptin Levels

There is a simple way to rest our Leptin levels and this is to stop our bodies from thinking we are starving. What will happen is that you will diet for a week or week and a half and then take a day or two off and remind our bodies that we are not in a starvation phase. Some diets do this already and they call it different things. Fat Loss for Idiots calls it calorie shifting, in 24/7 Fat Loss Joel Marion calls it a cheat day.

On any diet that uses this strategy you don’t just go and gorge, you eat normal size meals until satisfied but not worrying about fat content of the foods or carbohydrate types.

The important thing about this method is to make sure that you are reminding your body that you are safe, you are not starving, and to bring your Leptin levels back so that you are again able to lose fat and not have your body store fat.

Diet and Leptin Levels

Now that you know how this Leptin business works you have all the information you need to make your current diet or to further evaluate a diet. What you need to do is never diet hard for more than a week or two without taking a day or two off. Although these cheat days can cause a bit of weight gain if done incorrectly you will be doing more help then any single diet day to making sure that you are going to have long term weight loss success.

General Weight Loss Tips

Spring Cleaning

cornlorrie Spring Cleaning

Happy Easter!!

I bring this photo to you as a gift. It’s pretty cute, right? Please note the socks with sandals! There was a little packet of seeds sewn in a plastic pocket on the leg of this outfit. I remember wanting to get it out soo freakin’ bad! My mom’s note about this picture “I was so worried about your ears”. Luckily, I now have a large head to match.

I’m spending Easter weekend with my family, which means I got to do some deep discount shopping at Gabriel Brothers (hello $4 cacique bra!), and a couple of slices of grape pie. Which reminds me…

During our visit to Pies n’ Pints (in Charleston) me and Josh were seated, he was facing in towards me and I was facing out. Our waitress who could only see my husband’s very curly hair, but not his face, says to us “Can I get you ladies something to drink?” I laughed hard, like hand clapping, tears streaming down my face  for a good five minutes. I’m laughing now as I type this. Bless him and his curly hair.

3509af61 7ca0 4d3b a81c cf9d62ff7f48 Spring Cleaning

This morning I’m making a pineapple upside down cake, either using this recipe or this one. This cake always seems so kitschy, 1950’s to me, which is even more reason to make it!

Today I worked out a little personal “blogging manifesto”. I’ve had trouble blogging these past couple of weeks, a phase that I’ve encountered frequently in the past six years. Sometimes it means I’ve fallen off the ol’ wagon, while other times it just means I don’t know what to share. And lately it’s the latter. I’m doing good, very good in fact. Publicly announcing that I’m leaving obesity behind for my 30th birthday in a year is a lot of motivation for me. But sometimes I don’t know how to share my story.

And then I realized that it’s because I still struggle with my voice and letting it shine no matter what other people think. I get a lot of emails from people asking me about blogging and sometimes I just don’t feel like I can give that kind of advice. But, from experience, I would say more than anything, do what feels right for you, not what you feel like you should do.

I rarely get negative or preachy comments, but when I do they make me retreat. They sting because my blog is a part of me, and it reflects some small portion of who I am. If I showed everything, I don’t think I’d make it out alive. I’m sure I’d crawl in a hole and never come out again. What would people think if they knew I had an Arby’s sandwich on the road to WV? All that processed meat, white flour bun and *gasp* at a fast food restaurant!??!

What would they think if they knew that I work in my pajamas and spend the day designing right on my couch?  That I almost always have a sink full of dirty dishes? What will they say when I tell them that I never eat low-fat dairy?  And in fact, I find it completely offensive and disgusting? That occasionally I choose white over wheat pasta? Or that I sometimes put too many toppings on my frozen yogurt? What would be left when I showed the truth, that looks so similar to the truth of other people , especially when people were seeking a higher ground with me?

My blog is not a refuge or an escape. This is not the place for perfection or noble eating. I have no desire to “one-up” anyone with morals, ethical or clean eating. I try not to place my judgement on others, virtual or not because people and lives are more complex than any opinion I could ever dream up.

I write all of this to say that, I’m giving myself permission to be whoever it is I choose to be today. To celebrate that person, her life and all of the happiness it holds every day. And I hope you will too. I’m giving myself permission to share my life virtually (and in real life) regardless of the words others bring to my little space on the internet. Regardless of what I assume they are thinking, but usually aren’t. There is nothing you can say to me that I don’t already know about myself. No bits of wisdom that I haven’t already lost sleep over.

I won’t allow my blog to translate into my interactions with people in real-life, because the truth is, nobody is thinking that much about me. No one is losing sleep over my bad habits or inconsistencies. I’ve found myself heading down that path recently and it’s not pretty.

This life is just too damn short to make apologies to other people for living a full life or making a lot of mistakes. Am I wrong?

Anyway, that’s what the title “Spring Cleaning” means to me. Just celebrating my life and what I want to share and being proud of who I am and who I’m becoming. No apologies or justifications. My spring cleaning is about letting go of what I assume people are thinking about me. It’s about letting go of those who don’t want us to grow or change. Letting go of opinions or judgement.

I always like to say that there is no one I admire who hasn’t had negative words thrown at them. And I’m so thankful they kept going anyway. That they didn’t give up on their mission or fall off their path because someone called them out or stamped them with their opinion. We’ve all been on both sides.


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