Weight Loss Exercise

Healing Power Tai Chi

It is likely that you have heard about Tai Chi but know very little information about it. This article is going to discuss what Tai Chi is and the benefits you can receive by practicing it regularly.

Tai Chi is the ancient Chinese system of exercise that strengthens the body and the energy within it.

The slow, flowing movements of Tai Chi help to relax the mind and body, while at the same time bringing you a sense of vitality and wellness.

Healing Power Tai Chi – Body and Mind

Daily practice of Tai Chi has a profound impact not only on the body but also the mind.

People who take part in Tai Chi for any length of time note an increase in self-confidence and thought clarity.

This is because Tai Chi increases the life energy within the body, bringing about clearer thoughts and actions that lead to more positive thinking and self-confidence.

Healing Power of Tai Chi

Healing Power of Tai Chi

Here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive with a daily practice of Tai Chi.

Increased strength of core muscles and ligaments. The Tai Chi form works to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and ligaments by the slow shifting of from one side of the body to the other.

This tones muscles, tendons and ligaments while improving flexibility and strength throughout the whole body.

Deep relaxation. Tai Chi has the effect of inducing deep relaxation in the body. You may find yourself yawning and taking spontaneous deep breaths that release a great deal of physical tension during your practice. Not only does this feel great, it is also very beneficial. Less tension in the body conserves energy and provides a sense of well being and ease in your life.

Improves oxygen absorption. The ability to absorb more oxygen into the body has untold health benefits. Your brain works more efficiently, your heart and lungs become healthier, and energy is drastically increased.

Basically, a system wide rejuvenation occurs.

Oxygen is absolutely critical to a healthy life. Most of us go along with just enough oxygen in our system to continue living. Few people have excess amounts of oxygen within their system.

Having extra oxygen in the body is the key to vibrant health. It has even been discovered that cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated system.

This shows the far-reaching implications of your body’s oxygen content.

Improves coordination. Tai Chi is wonderful for making your mind and body more connected. The movements of Tai Chi help to make the body far more agile and coordinated.

This is of great benefit to anyone who feels disconnected to their body or is frequently clumsy.

Your reflexes will become sharper and quicker, helping you in all aspects of your life.

This is just a taste of what Tai Chi offers. Very few forms of exercise offer such striking health and wellness benefits. The daily practice of Tai Chi can take under twenty minutes a day and will improve every aspect of your life.

Try getting a beginner Tai Chi DVD to start learning the movements. You will feel a difference almost immediately. If you stick with your practice on a regular basis, your life will drastically soar in health.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Canned Food, Sodium, and Serving Sizes

Today for lunch I brought a can of chili. Hormel Brand Stagg chili and I have to admit I love this stuff but there are a few shortcomings to say the least.

If you make homemade chili then you are in for a real treat. Chili is high in protein thanks to the beans and meat, has lots of vegetables for your vitamins and minerals, and the cayenne pepper that people put in chili to spice it up is very good for you as well.

Not so in a can.

Serving Sizes vs Can Size

stagg chiliBut the reason that started me on this bit of a rant is the fact that the nutritional information on the can list all the numbers for 247 grams of chili when in fact you can see by this picture that the can actually weighs in at 425 grams. You have to do some crazy math just to breakdown those nutritional information numbers.

Protein 425 gram can divided by 247 grams per serving times 15 grams of protein per serving equals 25.8 grams of protein per can.

So the protein in here is pretty good for a serving, a serving of course being one can of chili.

Trouble is that this happens in all the boxes, bags, and cans of food in the grocery store. Take a look next time, serving sizes are small always 8 chips, or 10 crackers, or in this case 2/3 or so of a can.

Sodium in Canned Foods

The second thing that drives me crazy is the sodium content. As a father of a kidney patient I can tell you what our nutritionist told us a couple of years ago.

Everybody should limit sodium. Sodium leads to hypertension, kidney problems, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and the average american diet includes about 3400 mg of sodium. Much more than the 2000 mg we should stay under

The numbers that we use at home which is what anyone should use in life is that you should have no more than 250 mg of sodium per snack and 500 mg sodium per meal.

So using these numbers lets do the crazy can math again

Sodium 425 gram can divided by 247 grams per serving times 750 mg of Sodium per serving equals 1290 mg of sodium per can. This is most of a days sodium all in one can. And it is not just them. Almost all canned products are very high in sodium.

Look on a can of even the “Healthy Soup” types in the grocery store. You will see that the sodium levels are really high.

Low Nutrient Levels in Canned Food

Finally, although it is really hard to check when you are looking at a nutrition label, the amount of nutrients in canned foods tends to be crappy. You get these overprocessed, overcooked veggies and all the preservatives that can kill nutrients. Although the Canned Food People say that freshly canned fruits and vegetables do not lose much of their nutrients.

Cans and plastic bottles are often lined with bisphenol A, or BPA, which has the ability to leech into the food. In large doses, BPA can act as the hormone estrogen and may be linked with an increased risk of some cancers.

You know what the much better option is? Frozen! Believe it or not frozen veggies and frozen fruit tend to be frozen very close to the picking time and the freezing does not affect the nutrients. This means that you get all of those great phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins without hanging around in the field to pick it.

My normal lunch, and I mean almost every single workday is leftovers from dinners that we make at home. We will cook dinner, make extra and package it up for me to take the next day or freeze for later. This I think is the best and cheapest option but of course, just like today, sometimes the plans just don’t work out.

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Spring Fitness Tuneup

I was getting ready to write my monthly newsletter and when I looked at last months newsletter I thought that this content maybe of good use to many people now that the sunn is shining and the days are getting warmer.

If you have been working out all Winter then great, you should be fine, but if you have not been working out keep these five tips in mind over the next few weeks as Spring becomes running, biking, exercising, and eating season.

balance-life-fitness1. Stretching. I have mentioned this before but thought it would be good to go over it again and that is the idea of stretching smart.

When you start to exercise get your body temperature up and your muscles warmed up and do not stretch much at all.

Once you are warm you can stretch away and this will help you get more limber.

The problem with stretching at the beginning of a exercise session is that you can potentially pull a muscle and then be hobbled for a few weeks and unable to exercise at all.

2. Eating. When you are exercising and spending more time outside you are going to build a bigger and more healthy appetite.

I used to feel like I did not deserve to eat very much in the Winter as my exercise was allweights and no cardio but one I got the cardio going I would just be more naturally hungry.

So make sure you eat enough, and that is good food not junk food.

3. Start slow and work up. I remember the spring three years ago that I decided to be a runner and with no background or experience started running every day.

Because of my fitness that I already had I was doing really well but my knees were not strong enough and I ended up with bad knees that Spring and have not really been back to running since. (more on that in the next point.)

4. Try something new. If you are going to go out and do the same thing every year you are going to be bored. Why not take up a new sport.

There are lots of community leagues for people that are new to a sport to try out. You can play Tennis, Softball, mountain climbing, hiking, baseball, volleyball biking, running or even join a walking club.

Trying new sports helps you to build up your body and mind in different ways.

5. Rest enough. This time of year the sun is finally up early and setting late so there is a lot more day.

I know I have been neglecting my sleep and have been working and doing more with the day and not worrying enough about my rest and have started to pay the price.

I can push myself for weeks and then finally one day I start getting sick and am down for a couple of days. My wife sees it coming every time but I still have not learned to listen to her warnings.

Anyway that is all that I have to report this month. If you have any questions please email me at

Also as a little plug, if you are looking for a diet that you can do online I have a review of the fat loss for idiots plan and for people looking to transform their bodies I have done a review of the extensive and intense Burn the Fat ebook .

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