Weight Loss Exercise

Is Green Tea Weight Loss real?

There’s a lot of vocalization these days about Green Tea loss and whether or not it’s a viable option for losing and keeping it off.

For most people, the jury’s still out, but it does look promising, to say the least.

Green Tea Weight Loss

Green tea loss is a subject which is currently in vogue in the United States, one of the many kinds of diets to hit the media and magazine covers. Green tea loss is both old and new.

Green tea has been popular in the orient for millennia  it’s just new for us here in the States.

Green Tea Weight Loss

Green Tea Weight Loss

Proponents of green tea loss also cite the high levels of EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate with numerous health benefits aside from boosting the natural fat burning capabilities of the human body.

Green tea loss is something that depicted as good by many and ineffective by others.

The effectiveness is directly related to the amount of fats and sugars one consumes, as well as the amount of exercise one gets, so any generalization as to whether it works or not is relative.

It all boils down to this: if green tea is the factor that helps you lose , then it’s a success.

Green Tea Includes Antioxidants

Regardless of whether green tea loss is possible with exercise and healthy eating or not, it is a fact that green tea is saturated with antioxidants which have been shown to battle cancer.

This benefit alone is enough to add it to your daily regimen.

It’s been stated that drinking a cup either before or after meals will stimulate the metabolism and increase calorie burning by at least 4% over plain water.

That doesn’t mean much on a 2000 calorie diet, but for someone who consumes 10,000 or more calories a day, it translates into quite a reduction!

Certain brands of green tea loss are also thought to regulate blood sugar, preventing ups and downs that can lead to binge eating. Eating a balanced diet, on a regular schedule, is another factor to keep in mind when you need to lose extra .

Green tea loss claims to be able to raise your core body temperature and increase your metabolic rate. Higher metabolism translates proportionately into burning calories, which in turn means burning fat leading to the aforementioned loss.

Effort Free Green Tea Weight Loss

This is what makes green tea loss so attractive; it’s basically effort-free. If you can boil water and lift a cup, you can lose . If you couple this with a balanced diet  low in sugar and fat, and a modicum of exercise, the results can be phenomenal!

To make it even more appealing, many companies now put green tea extract in pill form, so you don’t even have to boil the water, just pour a glass and pop a couple of pills. It doesn’t get any easier than that.

This, along with aggressive advertising on TV and in magazines is pushing green tea loss into being the next generation of loss solutions.

Green tea loss is rapidly taking over the field for most actors, actresses, fashion models and anyone whose body shape factors into their livelihood.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Surround Yourself With Success

It is really important to surround yourself with success. As excited as we get in life it is always a struggle at some points.

I know that when I am riding my bike in June it is like a dream but in December, not so much. So make sure that you have support all over the place.

How To Find Support For Your Success

So how do you support yourself with success? Mostly from reading and seeing stories about other people that have done what you want to do.

If you want to lose then go to Amazon and don’t look for the newest hottest diet book but instead look for books and stories about people that have lost . You know that these people didn’t just lose easily, they had setbacks just like you will have and they will have written about how they coped with these setbacks.

support.jpgYour friends are also a great inspiration to help you get stronger and improve your confidence. Have you figured out yet that this post is all about confidence being the key to success.

Success Is Rooted In Teamwork


Choose your friends and coworkers that you hang out with carefully. Make sure that everyone around you is going to nourish your confidence and be very ready and eager to receive praise from people about your changes and your success

One of the big reasons that I am such a fan of the Biggest Loser TV show is not just to see competition, or fitness tips, or diet tips. The biggest reason I watch the Biggest Loser is to watch success stories in action.

See the elation as someone gets one step closer to their goal.

See the tears as someone has a bad week or feels their dream slipping away.

All of the people on the Biggest Loser TV show win in the end but the struggle is always there and it is incredibly motivating.

The flip side of having people and things to support you is of course to avoid things, events and people that will sabotage your goals and dreams. If you are hanging around and viewing a lot of negativity then your subconscious will fall back into your old destructive way of thinking.

What Kind Of People Are Bad?

Those that are trying to sway you, “Ice cream is OK every now and then” or “You worked out to much this week, take the weekend off and go out with us”.

Also situations like buffets or bars and nightclubs can be bad things that will grind down your will power as opposed to building it up and making your more confident in your goals

So today try surfing around and find the stories of people losing and getting healthy. Find these role models that will help you through the tough times as well as help you get better with their success.

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Weight Loss Exercise

The Best Compound Exercises

The best way to add muscle is to do compound exercises. Compound exercises are the kind of exercise that work more than one muscle group and although compound exercises are harder to do they tend to have a bigger payback in muscle mass gained.

If you are looked to lose compound exercises are also good as they tend to concentrate on the massive muscle groups that will help to increase your metabolism.

best compound exercisesOne thing to really concentrate on when doing compound exercises is to make sure that you are controlling the on the up as well as down part of the rep so that you do not cheat and not use those weaker muscles at all.

Slow and controlled is the message when doing these exercises

A great example of the difference between an isolated exercise and a compound exercise is Flyes, which are very isolated to your pectoral muscles compared to bench presses which hit your pecs, deltoids, and triceps.

So know that you know the difference here is that list. Here are the best compound exercises.

5 Best Compound Exercises

Bench press

As already mentioned bench presses are great as they will work all of your chest, shoulders and triceps. There are three kinds of bench press. Inclined bench presses get the upper part of your chest and shoulders more, flat bench presses hit all of your chest and declines (when you are using a decline bench) are best for the lower part of your chest and triceps although doing too many decline bench presses will really give you a saggy looking chest.
compound exercises

Military press

This is the classic exercise where you sit upright and push a barbell up from behind your neck straight up above your head.

Military presses push your anterior deltoid (front of shoulder) and again your triceps and are a great mass gainer for both.


Doing squats are great for all of your core muscles as well as the muscles in your legs. This is perhaps the toughest and best workout for gaining mass ever devised.

As you likely know the biggest muscles in your body are your quadriceps on the front of your legs. To do squats properly you need to take care that you lower back is not bowed in or out and to do this a belt or lower helps most.

Also when doing squats I have found that my calves do not extend far enough so I have always rested my heels on a block of wood.


Using a machine row is a great way to work your whole back and is hard to emulate doing free weights. This exercise works all of your back muscles, upper and lower and also work your biceps.

After doing a few sets of rows your whole back will be sore. Doing rows it is again important to protect your lower back by making sure that you do not twist it in any direction.


build musclePullups are done by holding a barbell with both hands fairly close together and then pulling up towards your chin. Pullups work your biceps, rear deltoids and your traps.

Traps are the muscles on either side of the top of your back beside you neck.

This a great exercise I find for opening up and strengthening the very top of my body.

How Best to do Compound Exercises

OK now that you know the best compound exercises there is one thing that is important to note and that is the locking out of your joints. Over years of lifting weights locking out at the tops of bench presses or squats or really any exercise can lead to joint problems.

On every rep try to get right to the end of the extension until you are about to lock your joint and then stop. Locking your joints is bad and is one thing to really remember especially when lifting the heavyweights that compound exercises allow you to lift.

I believe that if you do nothing but the best compound exercises in every workout making them the core then you will get bigger faster with lots of strength gains

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