Weight Loss Exercise

Discover The (FREE) Anti Aging Secret Weapon

What is the anti aging secret weapon? It’s water. Yes, plain old water – our best friend in the battle to restore or hold on to our youth.

Without water there would be no life. It’s that important.

Water is something that NASA looks for on new planets to establish whether there might be life on the planet.

Although for humans, oxygen is a more urgent need and we would die very fast without it, there are known forms of life that do not need oxygen or even are poisoned by it. But every living thing needs water.

How Essential Is Water To Our Lives

waterWater makes up 55% to 75% of the human body, depending on a person’s build and size. It is essential for all of our metabolic processes. It helps transport nutrients and eliminate toxins.

These substances are dissolved or held in suspension by our bodily fluids that are mostly water, and carried around the body.

Water is important for a healthy colon, kidneys, liver, brain and just about everything else.

Everything we eat and drink contains some water, even the driest cookie. But we also lose water all of the time, not only when we go to the bathroom, but in evaporation from our skin and in every exhalation.

You know how a mirror steams over when you breathe on it? That’s the airborne water in your breath condensing on the colder surface of the mirror. This water must be replaced, and the best way to do it is simply by drinking pure water.

Staying well hydrated by drinking lots of water is particularly beneficial to the skin. In fact, washing toxins from the skin is more effectively done by drinking lots of water than by showering. Showering only cleans off the perspiration and other substances.

Why We Need Water In Our Diet

Making sure we are never short of water on the inside, however, dilutes and washes away toxins in the pores and at the same time, moisturizes the skin, helping it to look younger and reducing wrinkles.

There is also research to show that drinking plenty of water can help to prevent many of the diseases that we associate with aging. Not drinking enough can contribute to high blood pressure and high cholesterol which in turn are factors in heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.

Some people become concerned that they may suffer from water retention and bloating if they drink too much water. This is not going to happen. A healthy body will expel all the water that it does not need and flush out waste along with it. Water retention is caused by other factors.

If you suffer from bloating, you should still drink plenty of water, otherwise there will be a buildup of waste and toxins in your body that will only make things worse.

How Much Water to Drink?

drinking waterThe latest recommendation from the US National Research Council is that the average woman should have 2.7 litres of water per day and the average man 3.7 litres. This depends on body size, so a large woman would need more, a small man would need less. Women also need more if they are breastfeeding. People also need more in hot temperatures or if they are very physically active.

We get 20% of the water that we need from food, so after subtracting that, the National Research Council’s figures mean that we should drink about 2.1 litres for a woman (9 x 8 oz glasses) or 3 litres for a man (13 x 8 oz glasses).

Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? But it’s worth it! If you are not drinking near that amount right now, you are sure to have some health benefits from increasing your consumption of liquids.

You will probably also find yourself looking younger and feeling fitter. Just be sure not to drink too much at once. Spread your intake through the day.

It doesn’t have to be just water. Other drinks will count toward your daily intake, except for anything containing alcohol, which dehydrates the body. Sodas are best avoided too, because they usually contain either a lot of sugar which is not good for our health, or sugar substitutes and additives which can be dehydrating. But juice, milk, and even tea and coffee are fine.

Still, it’s plain old water that is the purest way to treat your body with this anti aging secret.



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Weight Loss Exercise

Clean Momma Workout

Attention all you maxed-out mommas: Are you fed up with never being able to fit your exercise routine into your day because you’re too busy running errands, cleaning the house and juggling the kids?

You’re so not alone!

Fellow mom and exercise guru Carolyn Barnes became so overwhelmed with the continual chaos of mommy hood that she was inspired to create a truly unique (yet slightly off the wall) program to get it all in¦without losing your mind: cLEAN Momma!

clean-mommaThe cLEAN Momma Lifestyle Program ( teaches you how to incorporate a fitness routine into your already hectic day through the magic of multitasking (which is what moms are good at naturally).

Whether you have a sink full of dirty dishes, a basket full of laundry to fold or your three-year-old just spilled juice all over the kitchen floor.

cLEAN Momma helps you learn how to whip through all those chores while toning your tummy, thighs and tush at the same time.

After Carolyn’s second child was born, reality smacked her hard and fast: ‘Being a mommy is hard. Delicious, don’t get me wrong, but hard,’ Carolyn says.

‘Taking care of myself sat very low on my daily ‘to-do’ list. I was right above number 8, ˜Get milk and toilet paper.”

As desperation led her to inspiration, the clean Momma Lifestyle Program came together organically. Carolyn has divided it into the following three sections:

*The ‘Clean’ Routine: Perform a task while you exercise at the same time, or as she likes to call it: ‘taskersizing’

*The ‘Clean’ Mindset: Learn to achieve anything you set your mind to and stay motivated

*The ‘Clean’ Diet: Make ‘smart’ food choices and learn the definition of moderation!

Follow the cLEAN Momma Lifestyle Program and the benefits are endless: You will learn how to maximize your time better;

  • Lose excess baby fat
  • Tone muscles
  • Have a sparkling clean and organized house
  • Kick bad eating habits to the curb
  • Get a tight tush
  • Reduce stress
  • Be a great role model for your kids

In conjunction with the cLEAN Momma website (, where moms can learn how to do butt lifts and make a brisket at the same time,.

Read Carolyn’s latest blog posts as well as sign up to follow cLEANMomma on Facebook and Twitter.

cLEANMomma also has its very own DVD. In this 45-minute workout, Carolyn takes you through each of her cLEAN Momma exercises while also showing you how to incorporate it into your busy day.



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Weight Loss Exercise

Signs That You’re Working Out Too Hard

Healthy eating and exercising regularly are the two best things you can do to help you live a long and healthy life. Most of us concerned with our health closely watch what we eat but we don’t always recognize the less obvious signs that we are overtraining.

We usually recognize these obvious signs of overtraining:

  • Dehydration
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble breathing or maintaining a conversation
  • Disorientation, foggy mental processing
  • Rapid heart beat

But what about the less obvious ones? Many dismiss these four as nothing when in fact they are your body telling you something:

Signs That You’re Working Out Too Hard

exhaustionWithdrawal Symptoms – Exercising can be as addictive as drugs. About every 8 weeks or so, exercisers should take a week off for their body to recuperate and heal.

If you find you cannot go that long without exercising and you start to experience withdrawal symptoms, you may be suffering from exercise addiction. Get some professional help.

Hormonal Imbalances – Overtraining in women can lead to hormone imbalances that manifest themselves in skipped periods. If you don’t have a period for six months in a row, see a doctor as you might be suffering from amenorrhea that can be caused by excessive exercising.

High intensity exercising over a long period of time can also cause excess levels of cortisol in both sexes. Elevated levels of the “stress hormone” can manifest itself in decreased testosterone and a weakened immune system.

Weakened Immune System – Our immune systems are slightly depressed right after exercising, but soon recover. However if you are overtraining, your immune system stays depressed which increases your risk of getting sick more often than you should.

If you often experience flu-like systems, but don’t develop the flu, it could be a sign you are overtraining.

Chronic Fatigue – Are you always tired or getting progressively more tired as time goes on, even after your recovery period? It could be caused from overtraining.

That is why fitness professionals recommend taking one week off of training approximately every two months. If you are still chronically fatigued even after taking a week off, see your healthcare professional.

If you are training a lot, then you need to be especially vigilant for any of the above signs of overtraining. Many can lead to serious health-related problems if not corrected quickly. Don’t be afraid to go to your healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment. Don’t be a victim of your own training.



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