Weight Loss Exercise

Quest Natural Protein Bar Review

Quest nutrition sent me a box of their protein bars a little while ago to try out and I have to say that I really enjoyed them.

I have eaten protein bars on and off for years and they certainly are a great way to keep your nutrition up and to recover from workouts so over the years I have tried dozens of different bars and am proud of it. A good protein bar will fill me up and aid me in recovery from exercise and depending on the size they tend to be low in calories

If you want to know more about the Quest protein bars in particular I can tell you that they are very good. When shopping for bars in the past I have found that the protein bars that you buy at your local grocery store are usually made from pretty poor quality ingredients. Usually you will find bars with crappy quality protein and sweetened with sugar, not much better than a candy bar.

Is the Quest Natural Protein Bar Good for You?

Quest Natural Protein Bar ReviewHonestly, no one in my house likes protein bars so I got to eat them all (except two) and firstly the flavor was very good. Usually protein bars come in chocolate or some kind of chocolate variation but these bars came in flavors like apple pie, cinnamon roll, coconut cashew, and Strawberry Cheesecake. I have been nervous to try the Strawberry Cheesecake protein bar since I don’t like cheesecake. All of the bars that I tried tasted really great.

Next is the fillingness of the bars. One of the reasons that you are eating a bar like these is to try and use it as a meal replacement and the reason that a chocolate bar or other snack is not a good meal replacement is two-fold, first the nutrition is not usually there and secondly it does not fill you up. The Quest Natural Protein bar is very chewy so it takes time to eat and has 17 grams of fiber so it is filling for a longer time.

I am not saying here that you should live on protein bars, we all need fruits and veggies and the micro nutrients that come from the fresh food that we eat but these bars are great for post workout muscle repair and I find that instead of looking for crappy food to eat these bars come in handy.

So going back to my earlier point about the crap nutrition that most protein bars have I can tell you that the Quest Protein bars are quite a bit better, unbelievablly they have things like almonds, strawberries, and whey protein in them so they are definitely more healthy then some gunk made in a lab instead of food based products.

Do I recommend these Protein bars?

The bar I have in my hand right now is the Strawberry Cheesecake and it is 60 grams (a normal candy bar is about 45 grams), and it has 20 grams of protein which is a meal worth, and is a total of 160 calories. Plus this bar has 17 grams of fiber which is the amount an average American gets a day total even though we should be getting more like 35-40 grams. So nutritionally this is pretty packed with nutrients.

I was not really sure if I was looking at the Quest Nutrition Protein bars as a normal person would, and by normal I mean someone that has not eaten a lot of protein bars in the past so I started looking at reviews and it seems I am not alone in my love for these bars. They taste great, they are filling as a meal replacement, and they are good for you as well.

I have to say that I am very thankful that these guys turned me on to their bars, the Quest Natural Protein bar is great and great for you

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

New Years Resolution Plan – Day 1

I am really excited about this week. Actually I used to always get excited about new years resolutions and the anticipation of a new me in the new year.

I used to set a complex set of resolutions every year and then would promptly let them slide after the second week of the year and quickly forget them so that I would not have to deal with the disappointment of failing to make the changes necessary.

The last couple of years I have avoided new years resolutions really so as not to disappoint myself.

So this year I have changed. This week I am going to show you how to change you life for the better and give you a better chance to keep yourself on track. This is what I will cover over 4 posts.

Building Great New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolution Plan   Day 11. Today, we will do this little intro and I will also write about looking back over this past year.

2. Tomorrow, I will write about your goals for next year

3. Day 3 will deal with how to identify and use your strengths and weaknesses. You need to know what you have to work with.

4. On this last day we will see how to make sure that you put action steps in place so that you will be able to successfully declare victory in your resolutions as well as looking at your values and the affect they have.

Today you need to look back. Try to get a couple of pieces of paper and see what the last year dealt you both good and bad and start letting the ideas of what you want to see in 2010 swirl around. You don’t want to commit to anything but we all know what we would like to see in our future and unless we start taking steps our dreams will never materialize.

This is what you need to do. On one sheet of paper draw a line down the middle and on the left side write down all the great things from last year, both things in your control and things our of your control. On the right side of the paper do the same with all the bad things and disappointments. Once you have this list all written out I hope you feel good about this last year but maybe not. This is a really in your face way to bring everything that has happened to the forefront and is a method that I use anytime that I am feeling a little out of control. You have no way to know what to do next if you do not know where you have been already.

So just do this one exercise. This is a tool that will make tomorrow a lot easier and tomorrow is the exciting day of looking at what you want to see happen next year.

Ready to move forward? Here are the rest of the posts:

Day 2 of creating great new years resolutions
Day 3 of creating great new years resolutions
Day 4 of creating great new years resolutions

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Antioxidant Smoothie

I am right now drinking a very great Antioxidant Smoothie to help my body in a battle…

Anyway I am on vacation this week and knew it would be a quiet week so of course on Saturday night I started getting a cold and have gone downhill since then. I have never seen a study on it but I truly believe that if you push yourself a little too hard for too long then as soon as your body sees a time for rest then you will just get sick to recover from the stress and pent up badness in your system.

Do you think so? Or am I a bit crazy thinking that?

Introducing My Antioxidant Smoothie

antioxidant smoothieI have been drinking lots of liquids but tonight I made an Antioxidant smoothie for my cold. The antioxidant smoothie has frozen mixed berries, frozen cranberries, frozen mango, hemp hearts, and cranberry juice. You can see a picture of it here. It is a little sour, not too bad at all and is really hitting the spot. But why these ingredients?

Cranberries – Vitamin C and fiber play a very important role in cranberry’s health benefits, it’s the amazing array of phytonutrients in cranberries that has gotten the special attention of health researchers. There are at least 5 key categories of health-supportive phytonutrients in cranberries

Mango -Mango is an excellent source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. 100 g of fresh fruit provides 765 mg or 25% of recommended daily levels of vitamin A. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision. Mangos are also a very good source of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin-C and vitamin-E. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals. Vitamin B-6 or pyridoxine is required for GABA hormone production within the brain.

Blueberries -Most health research on blueberries involves their phytonutrient content. Anthocyanins – the colorful antioxidant pigments that give many foods their wonderful shades of blue, purple, and red – are usually the first phytonutrients to be mentioned in descriptions of blueberries and their amazing health-supportive properties. While it is true anthocyanins are pretty spectacular when it comes to blueberries and their support of our body systems, there are actually a wide variety of health support phytonutrients found in blueberries.

Strwawberries -Packed with vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols, strawberries are a sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie food. They are among the top 20 fruits in antioxidant capacity and are a good source of manganese and potassium. Just one serving — about eight strawberries — provides more vitamin C than an orange.

Hemp Hearts – Hemp Hearts are packed full of protein with 10 grams of plant-based protein per 30 gram serving size. Hemp Hearts are a great way to get an ideal ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3‘s including the rare EFA known as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). Testimonials have shown that GLA alone helps with arthritis, joint mobility, eczema, hormonal balance, migraines, menopause in women, healthy cholesterol blood pressure levels and even weight management.

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