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Importance of Body Alkalinity

The pH of the body is influenced by metabolic subproducts and our diet. Thus, pH is directly affected by the various categories of food that we eat and the internal mechanisms involved in their processing.

Some foods that are acid in their composition can become alkalinizing following metabolization.  Accordingly, it is to become more consciously aware of the impact that various food groups and our eating habits have on the internal environment of the body.

What is Body Alkalinity?

The premise for Alkalinity is based on the belief that all illnesses are caused by “too much tissue acid waste in the body.” For those of you who have been following my natural cancer cures research articles, you know that toxicity is the secondary cause of disease, but the primary cause of any disease is oxygen deficiency. However, that small discrepancy is not very important in this review of his most noteworthy and useful reference book, “ALKALIZE OR DIE”.

Measuring Body Alkalinity
Measuring Body Alkalinity

Though we can measure acidity in the bodily fluids, urine, saliva, and blood, there is no concrete way to evaluate and measure the body’s tissue acidity, since the fluids are constantly running through the cellular tissues, busy removing excess tissue acid wastes.

According to Dr. Baroody, “waste acids that are not eliminated when they should be are reabsorbed from the colon into the liver, and put back into the general circulation where they deposit in the cellular tissues (that are most deficient in oxygen).

His understanding is that it is these tissue residue re-deposits that determine sickness and health. This is where we differ in the concept of toxicity and how it occurs.

Oxygen and Alkalinity as Natural Cancer Cures

With my research and recent discovery of the importance of oxygen in curing cancer, and all other diseases, in general, I imagine that once the oxygen level declines to such a low state, that the toxins from the cells just stay at the cellular level, because the cells are unable to eliminate, even their own toxic wastes into the bloodstream.

Consequently, the toxins remain stationary inside each cell and accumulate more and more.

Because the area is oxygen-deficient, bacteria, viruses, parasites and other pathogens (along with their toxic wastes) are naturally attracted to the oxygen deficient cellular tissue areas.

When critically abundant levels of toxins accumulate in any location, the body creates tumors (trash bags) as an attempt to isolate and confine the toxins to one place.

However, I do think that the toxins in tumors eventually become a combination of both stationary and re-deposited toxins, as the oxygen deficiency becomes more critical, and the elimination organs become affected by those increased deficiencies.

Nevertheless, his theory also assumes that the elimination organs simply malfunction (without explanation), rather than the cells in the cellular tissue initially malfunctioning, and not being able to perform their job of elimination of even their own toxic wastes into the blood. So essentially, the cells become “sick” first, and then the organs become sick.

How to see If Your Body is Acid or Alkaline

While we can’t accurately measure our cellular tissue acidity with any measuring device, Dr. Baroody has ingeniously devised an acid symptom checklist which uses actual illnesses and bodily discomforts as the “acidity” measuring device. You can use these lists to determine YOUR current level of acidity.

Thanks to AquaVida for this image

Beginning Symptoms of body acidity
Acne, Agitation, Muscular Pain, Cold hands and feet, Dizziness, Low energy, Joint pains that travel, Food allergies, Chemical sensitivities to odors, gas heat, Hyperactivity, Panic attacks, Premenstrual and menstrual cramping, Premenstrual anxiety and depression, Lack of sex drive, Bloating, Heartburn, Diarrhea, Constipation, Hot urine, Strong smelling urine, Mild headaches, Rapid panting breath, Rapid heartbeat, Irregular heartbeat, White coated tongue, Hard to get up in morning, Excess head mucous (stuffiness), Metallic taste in mouth

Intermediate Symptoms of body acidity
Cold sores, Depression, Loss of memory, Loss of concentration, Migraine Headaches, Insomnia, Disturbance in smell, taste, vision, hearing, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay fever, Earaches, Hives, Swelling, Viral infections (colds,flu), Bacterial infections (staph, strep), Fungal infection (candida albicans, athlete’s foot, vaginal), Impotence, Urethritis, Cystitis, Urinary infection, Gastritis, Colitis, Excessive falling hair, Psoriasis, Endometriosis, Stuttering, Numbness and tingling, Sinusitis

Advanced Symptoms of Body Acidity
Crohn’s disease, Schizophrenia, Learning disabled, Hodgkin’s Disease, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Myasthenia gravis, Scleroderma, Leukemia, Tuberculosis, All other forms of cancer

What Can We Learn About These Acidity Symptoms?

You can see from these lists that ANY bodily discomfort is a sign of acid toxic waste build-up in one or more parts of your body (caused by nutrient and oxygen deficiency).

These lists will help you pinpoint what tissue acid wastes are present, so that you can begin to alkalize yourself and rid these acids from your cellular tissue and eventually your entire body.

The reward will be superior health, energy and strength. Ignoring these symptoms will most likely result in premature death. The choice is most definitely each one of ours to make.

I am happy to say that I suffer from none of the symptoms on any of these lists, so I assume that my “alkaline reserve” is abundantly sufficient, and I will expect that reserve to increase with my recent change to an even stricter Vegetarian Diet.

Understanding Minerals for Alkaline and Acidity

Minerals are extremely important in the alkaline/acid equation. Certain minerals in foods are “acid-binding” which means that in the body they bind acid-toxins and leave alkaline-forming residue in the urine.

The “acid-binding” or “alkaline-forming” minerals are the following: calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and sodium. Foods or other eaten substances that contain theses minerals, usually leave an alkaline urine residue. Because of this, these foods are considered “alkaline-forming”.

Other minerals are alkaline-binding. This means that they bind the alkaline reserve minerals and leave and acid-forming residue in the urine.

The alkaline-binding, or acid-forming minerals are the following: Bromine, Chlorine, Copper, Fluorine, Iodine, Phosphorous, Silicon, and Sulfur. Foods or other substances that contain these minerals usually yield an acid urine residue.

Because Dr. Baroody discovered that other factors besides diet (i.e. emotional, mental, and physical)) also caused changes in urine residue, he attached another component to the definition of alkaline-forming and acid-forming…namely – energy.

Definition: An alkaline-forming reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces an increased ability to energize the system (body) and leaves and alkaline-residue in the urine.

Definition: An acid-forming reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces a decreased ability to energize the system and leaves and acid residue in the urine.

Whether something is alkaline or acidic is determined by its pH(potential Hydrogen), which simply measures the number of hydroxyl(OH-) ions, which are negative and alkaline-forming as opposed to the amount of hydrogen (H+) ions that are positive and acid-forming. So, in short, pH measures how much the positive and negative ions counter-balance one another.

We are vibrating (energy) beings and the stronger the inner vibration, the healthier we are. Thus, it is the alkaline-forming reaction that produces an increased ability to supply that vibrating energy.

High Acid Levels and Your Health

Dr. Baroody imagines the acid wastes in the body “attacking” our joints, tissues, organs, muscles, organs, and glands (without any explanation as to why): however, I imagine these various areas of the body becoming oxygen and/or nutrient-deficient first and because of the anaerobic nature of bacteria, viruses, pathogens and parasites, they are specifically “attracted” to these areas of the body and start to grow and multiply, causing various illnesses and discomforts wherever they conjugate.

Because of these deficiencies within the cells, they don’t have the power or energy to get rid of their own wastes, much less rid the tissue area of the intruders or their toxic wastes. This scenario is the beginning of disease.

Regardless of this subtle difference in opinion concerning acid wastes “attacking” or being “attracted” to various parts of the body, the basic reality is that alkaline food and water are major contributors to optimum health.

How to Lower Acid and Raise Alkalinity in Your Body

Dr. Baroody suggests an easy method to remember the 80/20 Rule for maintaining an “alkaline reserve”. This is of utmost importance because when your alkaline reserve runs out, death occurs. Eat 80% of your daily food from the Alkaline Food list and no more than 20% from the Acid Food List.

This proportion will guarantee the much necessary reserve. He provides a convenient Alkaline/Acidity Chart and assigns the relative alkaline and acid values to a large variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, condiments, beverages, meats, animal products, nuts, seeds, oils, sugars, and starches. I have very happily utilized this feature of the book for about 6 years. The doctor also provides a 3-week high Alkaline Menu Planner which is an easy way to start eating a high Alkaline Food Diet immediately.

Most Fruits are Alkaline Forming

I was very surprised to discover that all fruits are alkaline-forming EXCEPT blueberries, prunes, plums, and cranberries.

According to the doctor’s charts, lemons and watermelons have the highest Alkaline-forming Value of all fruits (but you must remember to eat watermelon, and other melons, all by themselves on an empty stomach, or they will lose value, and most likely become acid-forming).

In the Vegetable category, Parsley, Watercress, Seaweed, and Asparagus have the highest alkaline-forming values.

For all you avid meat-eaters, THERE ARE NO MEATS that are Alkaline-Forming, so you must counter-balance your daily diet with PLENTY of alkaline-forming foods.

For the Grains, the ONLY Alkaline-forming grains are Amaranth, Quinoa and Millet.

I remember, years ago when I first read this book, I immediately went out and purchased all three grains and started preparing them exclusively for my morning cereal, I’m sure you will be surprised by some of the values, as I was, but it will definitely make you take notice of what you are eating and when.

By the way, the doctor also provides a food-combining chart because if you combine the wrong foods together when you eat, you change their alkaline-forming ability, sometimes, in fact, they even become acid-forming, like the melons. Lots to learn here, but you will be much healthier for paying attention to everything that this doctor points out.

Dr. Baroody also covers many other important factors in detail besides food, that have direct effect on the alkalinity level in our bodies, like the level of Hydrochloric Acid, Water (I will be referencing the doctor’s findings on water in a future post, they are very enlightening.), Sunlight, Moonlight, Physical Trauma, Mental, Music, Art, and Prayer.

This is an excellent book for learning how the body works with the very best natural cancer cure in the world… Organic alkaline foods. And to have as a wonderful reference for regaining and maintaining optimum health for the rest of your life.

Remember our goal… Get Well and Stay Well.

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Gym Motivation Killers – How To Break Them

We are just over a couple of months into 2017 and I am seeing the gym motivation starting to quiet down. As veteran members all know the wait for gym equipment usually peters out by the beginning of February as most of the new members stop going to the gym or at least stop coming very often.

I always think of new years as being a very trendy time for gym memberships as the prices drop to get new members and there is a lot of excitement as many people show up for the first time and then get bored, sore and disillusioned and move on to the next exciting thing in their lives.

A few people we will see get the bug and do not stop and will become lifelong lifters but I always used to wonder what makes the difference between those that stay at the gym and those that leave.

Here is my list of the things that stop people from hitting the gym and how to get around them.

Gym Motivation Killers – How To Break Them

Losing the will to keep working out1. No pain, no gain – The problem here is that most people push themselves far to hard and have no time to recover between workouts and after being sore for a month it is impossible to go on. This looks to newbies as a ridiculous lifestyle.

To get away from this problem why not just slow down. If you want to look hot for the summer why not take it a little easier. The beach will still be empty next week so dont kill yourself trying to look like a greek god now.

2. No results – When getting started in a gym you may not get fast results in losing weight. Your workouts are going to lose you fat as well as gain you muscle so you are going to not be losing as fast as you hope.

Give it time.

As you gain muscle it takes your body more calories to keep that muscle, as well as increasing your metabolism, which in turn will help you lose fat.

3. Tiredness – This relates to number one. You will be tired as your body adjusts and as you gain strength, lose fat and get healthier. After you adjust to the new workouts you will get more energy and not be nearly as tired as you were before you started this healthier lifestyle.

4. No time except for the gym – This is a doozy. When you get started the only thing that matters is going to the gym and then suddenly you have lost touch with the rest of the world and you miss that.

Why not just start reducing the time you workout. You do not need to work out two hours a day. 45 minutes to an hour is all you should be spending in the gym as you get started.

5. Boredom – Boredom can definitely creep into your attitude at the gym. This is usually caused, I believe, from not having a plan, goals and a way to make sure that you are going to achieve them.

Gym Motivation Killers - How To Break Them

If you just go in and lift weights randomly or do a cardio workout when you cant think of any muscle groups that you feel like doing then you are quickly going to get bored and not know why you are spending time in the gym.

Get together with a trainer at the gym that you join and get a plan together for what you are going to do each day in the gym and set some realistic goals and you should be set.

Other than these issues the biggest issue is that the first gym you saw was the one you joined and you just might not enjoy working out there. Try going through my list of how to choose a gym, and my other gym staff articles to make sure that you pick the right place to workout and keep your gym motivation up.

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Lifestyle Tips To Always Remember

I love all these 12 tips. So often in life we are trying to make sure that we please everyone else as well as trying to make sure that we control everything around us.

I can tell you from personal experience that you have to let go sometimes and just let things happen.

I was watching a video today that featured Robert Greene, the author of 48 Rules of Power and in the video Robert says that most of the time life and circumstances control of something like 95% of our decisions, time, and control. So we need to take advantage of that last 5% that we control and try to push it up to 7%, 8% or even more.

Every day we are given challenges to overcome. We have control over many of these.

Also everyday we have many many decisions to make. Some of these decisions are conscious, like what are we going to eat for breakfast. Other decisions are unconscious – like how to avoid responsibility, hardship or pain. We tend to take the easy way out in these decisions but sometimes we have to face that fear head on.

So tomorrow, remember, anytime you encounter anyone else remember to smile, to put yourself in their shoes, to laugh, to help, and most of all to be kind. We all know that what comes around will be based on how we treat others.

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