Weight Loss Exercise

Quickest Way To Lose Fat

In this age of instant gratification, it’s hardly surprising to know that an increasing number of over people are looking for the quickest way to lose fat.

In fact, this topic has gained widespread media attention in recent years. With approximately 120 million Americans being over, I can assure you that this topic will remain in limelight at least for the foreseeable future.

So what exactly is the quickest way to lose fat, you might ask. If we go by all the media hype then we have to conclude that the answer lies somewhere between a new magic loss pill and some random revolutionary diet which will give us the ultimate slim figure before we can bat an eyelash.

Scams Don’t Work, So What Does?

Quickest way to lose fat

Quickest way to lose fat

But in your heart of hearts you know that these things do not work. In fact many a times they will do you more harm than good.

The reason that such ‘Weight loss systems’ are bound to fail is because they focus more on decreasing body rather than lowering the body fat.

The two are not one and the same and anybody who’s telling you otherwise, while selling their loss program, is a straight out liar. You will do yourself a favor by running away from them as fast as you can without ever looking back!

The above ‘miracle methods’ work only for some time during which your body starts losing water and it gives you a sense of satisfaction that you have ‘lost’ some . In reality, you will gain this ‘lost’ within a few days and after that perhaps even gain some more to make your condition even more miserable. The way to get out of this dilemma is to focus on losing body fat. In this way you’ll not only preserve but also gain muscle mass with an additional advantage of it being a long term effect.

Quickest Way to Lose Fat – Eating and Exercise

Now that we have put all the ‘miracle methods’ aside, its time to focus on our original question of quickest way to lose fat.

The quickest way to lose fat is NOT easy. I say so because you are limiting yourself on the time parameter while expecting quick results. Quick loss is achieved by combining the right diet along with following an optimum exercise schedule.

When we talk of diet then you need to control the amount of calories that you intake on a daily basis. Moreover, you need to eliminate all kinds of junk and sweetened foods such as fast food, beverages and soda.

Notice I say ‘Eliminate’ and not ‘reduce’. This will of course be difficult if you’re a huge fan of fast food but then you’re also looking for the quickest way to lose weight, isn’t it?

Quickest way to lose fat – Eating

Moreover, your diet will now be composed of small 4 to 6 meals on a daily basis. These small meals should be taken after every 3 hours (approximately) and you must suppress your hunger in the meantime. Don’t give in to your taste buds and start munching high calorie foods like fried/French fries, potato chips etc. All your efforts will be in vain if you can’t control your urges.

Your ‘Small meals’ should consist of portions rich in protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. High Glycemic carbohydrates should be avoided at all cost and you must drink a lot of water during the interval between your meals. This water will also act as a filling agent and hence will control your urges thereby minimizing the calorie intake in your body.

Fastest Way To Lose Fat – Exercise

Regular exercise is inevitable for quick loss. You’re not required to sweat out excessively at the strength training machines at the gym. Instead, you have to focus on high intensity interval training exercises.

You must focus on adding muscle mass to your body while getting rid of body fat at the same time. This can best be accomplished by increasing the number of repetitions and decreasing the lift while doing any exercise.

Just as I have always said, the fastest way to lose fat is by eating small healthy meals often and getting plenty of exercise. This may not sound like magic but it definitely works.

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How to build a V Taper

How to build a V Taper – that V-shape taper from huge shoulders to a small waist – is the first thing that many bodybuilders want to know.

It is often what sets bodybuilders apart from others in the gym and makes them stand out on the beach or even in the street. It is what makes a guy look like a comic book superhero about to save the world!

There are three main muscle groups that you need to consider when you are planning how to build a V Taper to an impressive degree. Let’s take them one by one.

Lats Create The V Taper

build a V TaperThe lats (latissimus dorsi) are the muscles that cover the sides of the middle back, reaching up to the armpit. As a bodybuilder, you will always want to keep building bigger and wider lats.

Check out my Muscle Building review and a great home workout program review of  Turbulence Training

There are two types of exercise that you need to use if you want to work and build the lats.

The first involves chin-ups and pulldown moves. These build width.

The second is rows (e.g. cable rows and barbell rows) and deadlifts, which build thickness. You will need to cover both.

Deltoids Are The Top Of The V

The deltoids are the muscles that cover the shoulder joint, forming the rounded shape of the shoulder.

Your aim when you are considering how to build upper body V will be to build a strong, round ball shape on the shoulder.

This gives the shoulders that massive, wide look.

The way to build deltoids is to use both a heavy pressing action and leverage raise exercises. Take as much as you can without sacrificing form. Raises should always be performed with full control, never by swinging the weights.

Exercises that you might want to include are: seated press, dumbbell lateral raises, bent over lateral raises, and cable lateral raises both in front and behind the back.

Abdominals As The Bottom Core Of The V

While they might seem out of place in an article on how to build upper body, the abs are just as important as the other two muscle groups. Having a tight midsection sets off the shoulders and contributes to the appearance of width at the top.

If you are interested in how to build upper body V shape, you will want to tighten rather than build the abs so that you do not develop a thick waist.

For this reason, some experts recommend that you avoid usingweights in your abs workout and do not do side bends.

This may go against what others tell you but give it a try if you want to increase the contrast between weights and shoulders.

What exercises to build a V Taper?

Exercises to concentrate on here include crunches, leg raises, sit-ups and hanging knee raises. For the hanging knee raise, hang from the chin-up bar and bring the knees up as high as possible toward the chest. Lower and repeat.

Of course, you also need to follow a good bodybuilding diet with plenty of protein and complex carbs at the right times. Drink plenty of water too.

Soon it will be very clear when you hit the beach that you know how to build upper body and  have build a V Taper that is truly impressive.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lose 10 Pounds – A Few Great Steps and Ideas

Often people are not really overweight but instead are just looking at how to lose 10 pounds that have been hanging around for a few weeks or even a few years that they do not know how to get rid of.

Well, I have a few ideas on how to lose 10 pounds now and fast that should get you on the right track.

How to Lose 10 Pounds

how to lose 10 pounds1. When trying to lose weight it comes down to energy in and energy out. There is no real way around this. To lose 10 pounds you need to burn 35000 calories more than you take in.

The math doesn’t lie and you can’t lie to a scale either.

2. Most of our body is water and because of this, there is water retention. Your body combats what is throwing off electrolytes or stress or other factors and it will naturally retain water.

3. Fat is high in calories. High water foods are low in calories. In order to change that input-output ratio, you need to raise the amount of low-calorie density foods and lower the amount of high caloric density foods.

So eat less red meat and fatty deep fried food and eat more fruits and veggies which are high in water content and nutrients.

4. All Weight loss comes with a reason. What is the reason that you want to lose the weight? When you are hungry and drive by a McDonalds or KFC and just want to do drive-thru what is going to stop you? Certainly not losing weight.

Pulling this all together

So how do you pull all of this together? how can you lose 10 pounds?

  • When you want to know how to lose weight it comes down to planning.
  • Plan to drink a lot more water, it will make you pee more often but will also clean you out and give you move energy.
  • You also have to get more exercise and by exercise, I mean try to get one hour of exercise of any kind in a day.
  • This needs to be exercise that you like and not exercise that just feels like work as that will not be sustainable.
  • As far as eating goes you will need to get back to those core eating habits of eating fruit and vegetables and reducing the amount of heavy carbs like rice and potatoes and make sure to eat often.
  • Eating smaller meals more often will keep that metabolism up for you.

how to lose 10 pounds

Here are more tips to help lose 10 pounds

  1. Eat all your food in 5 or 6 meals a day instead of three
  2. Cut back on your White carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta) and substitute with vegetables, which are higher in water and nutrients anyway
  3. Exercise first thing in the morning by walking or light jogging or even biking for 30 to 45 minutes
  4. Drink water from morning until night to stave off those urges to eat more food and to keep your metabolism up
  5. Eat all your food in those 5 or 6 meals before 7:30 at night so that you are not going to sleep on a full stomach

Why Do you Want to Lose 10 Pounds?

Finally, if you want to know the real secret of how to lose 10 pounds you need to worry about why you are trying to lose weight. On those days where it is really tough to diet or exercise or make good decisions then you need to be very clear what the heck this weight loss sacrifice is for.

  • Is it going to make you more healthy, losing 10 pounds will make you a lot healthier.
  • Or do you want to fit into smaller clothes?
  • Or is it a goal to prove that you are in control of yourself?

All of these reasons and more are important. Write you reasons down and post them up everywhere. Make sure that you never forget the WHY of how to lose 10 pounds.

So now you know what I know about how to lose 10 pounds the rest is up to you to plan, eat, drink, exercise and follow through on your goal.

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