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Biggest Loser 2016

Tonight we get the second episode of the Biggest Loser for this season. Did you watch the premiere of Biggest Loser 2016 last week?

I know that the show has changed a lot over the years but this season is a lot different than any other. Bob Harper is the host now with Allison Sweeney moving on.

Dolvett Quince and Jennifer Widerstrom are the coaches with Jessie Pavelka joining them as well.

biggest loser 2016

Bob Harper seems to be taking a much more supporter role so far this season and I always liked him as a coach so we will see how this transition is.

I think that the first episode was a little slow and obviously looking to suck us in with a lot of emotion.

I guess we will see tonight how the season really continues. I am looking forward to it

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You Can’t Cure The Flu

You know how awful it feels to have the flu. The shivers, the aches, the runny nose… You can minimize the symptoms and drown yourself in drugs, but you can’t really cure the flu.

With all its potency and technology, modern medicine and holistic medicine alike have yet to find a cure for the disease. All they can do is boost your immunity, diminish your symptoms and let your body take care of it.

flu shot 2015The flu is caused by a virus named influenza. Viruses are very illusive creatures – they infect your cells and live inside them. They cannot truly be killed because they are not even alive – they can only exist as long as there are cells providing them with means for reproduction.

This “immortality” is so true that even your body isn’t able to kill the flu.

The Fight In Your Body

Instead, your white cells kill any infected cells, thus stopping the virus from reproducing. In the meanwhile, other type of cells produce antibodies that link to the virus and stop it from infecting other cells by blocking essential proteins on its surface. Current drugs do the same as these antibodies.

This defense mechanism is why young people often have worse symptoms. Their immune system is far more active and thus their white cell armies flood the respiratory tract, killing all cells in their path. This can lead to death by pneumonia and drowning, the main cause of death by flu.

How to Fight the Flu

But you don’t need to worry. If you provide your immune system with the nutrients it needs by eating healthily (orange juice, anyone?) and you rest your body you will soon have recovered. Your body has an incredible capacity for healing; you just need to give it a chance.

So don’t panic when you hear that “you can’t cure the flu”. It may be true, but you can help your body destroying it and you can take measures to minimize symptoms.

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Get Proof of Your Progress – Measuring and Tracking Weight Loss

Sometimes you may feel that you’re not making any progress at all with your fitness program, like a gerbil spinning on its wheel, going nowhere.

But there are ways to track your loss and fitness targets that will provide the incentive you need to keep on keeping on until you reach your goals.

Watch How You Track

tape-measureDuring your fitness quest, you’ll want to weigh yourself once a month rather than daily or weekly. This strategy gives your body a chance to react to the weeks of effort you’ve given.

It also keeps you from becoming discouraged if your happen to see a minuscule loss on the scale.

Another way to track your loss progress is to take your measurements.

Sometimes the scale doesn’t reflect the inches you’re losing and taking measurements will reassure you that you’re making some progress.

When you measure yourself, do so without clothing or clothing that fits tight to your skin (such as yoga pants).

There are numerous measurement charts online that provide instructions on how to accurately take your measurements and that will track your progress in inches to your desired goal. You should measure yourself once a week or once a month.

What are Your Real Goals?

You can also track your fitness progress by measuring your body fat percentage. This method can provide help you realize how much fat you need to lose to reach the desired fitness goal.

Body fat should measure from 25 to 31% for women and 18 to 25% for men.

There are a number of ways to measure body fat, including hydrostatic weighing, calipers, DEXA and bioelectrical impedance scales.

But a simpler way to measure body fat is to access an online calculator that uses skin fold or tape measurements. If you belong to a health or fitness club, be sure to ask if they offer any of these methods to measure body fat percentages.

Motivation in Your Own Ways

A great motivational tool to be your skinniest best is to actually see yourself thinner via a digitally enhanced photo (before and after).

This method will cost you, but if you have trouble picturing yourself thin, it could be a powerful incentive to keep up with your diet and exercise program.

Simply taking before and after pics is a great way to track as well

There are several online sites where you can obtain a digitally-adjusted photo of yourself. You simply send them a full body photo, they slim you down digitally and send the enhanced photo back to you by email.

Print them out and post them on your refrigerator door and mirrors to give you a mental reality of what you can be at the end of your quest a new and thinner you.

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