Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise to Help Tone Your Arms

Do you avoid wearing sexy, sleeveless tops or dresses ? or refuse to take off your jacket to reveal a sleeveless shell — because of flabby and unsightly arms? Your arms may sag because you’ve recently lost weight. The fat cells may be gone, but the skin doesn’t know what to do with itself.

The arms are complicated areas to firm and tone, and it’s better to exercise them rather than attempt to target your arms for weight loss. The arm area tends to store fat cells than other parts of your body, so try aerobic exercises for overall fat loss and for toning your arms at the same time.

To achieve sexy, firm arms you’ll need to build up your biceps and triceps. Biceps are the muscles along the front of your arm, while triceps are muscles found in the back of your arms. When you tone and firm these muscles, you’ll be creating muscle where the sagging skin used to be.

All you’ll need to begin the quest for sleek and sexy arms are an exercise band and weights. Include the following exercises in your daily or weekly routine:

Exercise 1: Hold the middle of the exercise band with your feet. Holding one of the two ends of the band in each hand, bend the elbow on one arm from the waist, stretching the band forward and upward. You’ll feel your biceps muscles tensing as you raise the band. Be sure your elbow is always bent slightly. Take turns repeating this exercise on each arm for 8 to 10 times.

Exercise 2: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band outward from the left and right sides of your body.

Exercise 3: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band backward from the left and right sides of your body. This exercise will benefit the triceps of your arms.

Weights are also a great way to tone the arms. Lift the weights when sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Be sure to begin with light weights and then graduate to heavier ones as you’re ready.

Basically, any exercise that causes resistance to your biceps and triceps can help tone your arms. Yoga and Pilates are also proven ways to firm up your arms. Online sites that tout yoga or Pilates will lead you to specific exercises for your arms.

Don’t pass up those sexy tank tops because of jiggly underarms. It won’t take long to see results ? and you won’t even have to adapt to a strenuous exercise routine.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Best Exercises To Lose Weight

Finding the best workout routine for weight loss can seem like a difficult proposition, but it is actually pretty simple to figure out. Loosing pounds is all about how many calories you burn equaling out to more than the amount of calories you take in. A good diet can help you lower your calorie intake in a way that is healthy and conductive to loosing weight, but lowering your caloric intake to less than your body burns is almost impossible without some sort of exercise. Read on to find out how to maximize your workout for loosing weight, and why some kinds of activity work better for weight loss than others.

Why Don’t All Exercises Burn Calories?

There are two primary styles of workouts that will yield very different results. Weight lifting, slow pushups and situps, and other exercises
that work your muscles without significantly raising your heart rate are known as anaerobic. Anaerobic workouts can be a great way to make the muscles that help you look and feel good get stronger, but when taken alone they do not actually do anything to help you burn calories. Because of this issue, an anaerobic workout will not actually help you loose weight.

Exercises like running, swimming, and riding a bike are all considered aerobic. Aerobic exercises may build some muscle in the areas you use for the workout, but their primary purpose is getting your heart rate up high enough long enough to burn calories and increase endurance. When you fill your workout routine with aerobic exercises, you are much more likely to burn a significant enough amount of calories to make a difference.

Aerobic Exercise: The Key To Loosing Weight

When you spend half an hour to an hour every day practicing an aerobic workout routine, you do the best thing you can possibly do for your body. The key to using exercises for loosing weight is getting your heart rate up past your resting rate for as long as you can keep going. Any activity that keeps your heart rate where it needs to be can be used to burn calories as long as it gets your heart going and makes you work. There is no aerobic workout out there that will not help you reach your target weight.

Anything Is Better Than Nothing

One of the great things about an aerobic workout is how easy it is to match an activity to your lifestyle and health level. If you are busy all day and can’t find time to go to a gym, you can get all of the benefits you need by simply parking far away and walking fast enough to get your heart going frequently throughout the day. If high impact exercise is difficult due to your current weight or health problems, an aerobic workout like swimming or biking can be a perfect way to help you shed pounds and stay healthy. The key to seeing a benefit is choosing an activity you enjoy doing enough to push past the first few weeks of difficulty and continuing to do it at least three to five times a week. As long as your heart rate goes up and stays up, your weight will go down and stay down.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Workout

Many people who try to loose weight with activity tend to fail for simple and easy to avoid reasons. The first trap is choosing a gym routine or workout that you don’t enjoy doing. Since aerobic activity has such a universal benefit, a lot of doing something you like will do much better in the long run than a few trips to the gym. The next trap is treating yourself to a high calorie snack or sports drink after your workout. If you are serious about weight loss, drink water and avoid the power bars. You can loose all the benefit of a great workout by loading yourself with sugar as soon as its over. Finally, many people stop exercising once the weight is gone. Unfortunately, this mistake will let the pounds pile right back on. Choose an activity you love, and try to do it as often as possible for the rest of your life if you really want to get healthy and stay that way.