Weight Loss Exercise

Best Bench Press Workout

The world will never agree on the best bench press workout to get you stronger in the fastest time possible. Advanced lifters use an in-depth training system which includes bench press bands and chains for greater resistance. They are effective but may be rather complicated for a person entering the bench press world for the first time. Also bear in mind that just because another method is simpler, i.e. not involving chains and pads, doesn’t mean that it’s not as effective. It is! It’s just different.

So let’s get to your bench press workout.

Bench Press Workout Technique

Best Bench Press WorkoutFirstly, getting the correct technique is vital. You are going to be lifting larger and larger weights as time progresses in your bench press workout and it is absolutely essential to get the right technique to avoid future injury. So, you need to use good leverage and be stable to bench press more weight. Lie down flat on the bench and using your middle fingers, hold the bar over the engraved lines. Gently shimmy up the bench so your chest is under the bar which is still on the rack at this stage. Steady your feet firmly on the floor and raise your shoulders away from the bench.

Then arch your back and place your neck and trapezoid muscles on the bench so only your butt and trapezoids are touching the bench. At this stage the bar, which is still on the rack, is still above your head. Now, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep them squeezed throughout the lift. This will assist you to remain stable and lets you use your triceps and lats along with your shoulders and chest to move the weight.

So the next step now you have this position is to place about 25% of your bench press maximum weight onto the bar. Maintain your position as above and lift the bar off the rack. Have it at arms length above your chest then lower it, keeping control, to slightly under your nipple line. During the lift, your elbows should be at a 45 degree angle to your body leading to good leverage and line. Now, in a straight line, press the weight back to where you started.

Bench Press Workout Tips

Your bench press workout will change and vary over time. A time tested tip for when you are pressing the bar upward is to try and pull the bar apart. This helps you lock out the weight and you can angle your index finger knuckles towards you which makes it easier.

Now it’s time to add some more weight for your bench press workout. Place 55% of your bench press maximum onto the bar and using the same start position as above, repeat 5 presses as above. Ensure you adequately stretch and rest for at least 3 minutes between each set. Then you will be ready for the heavier weights.

Now put 75% of your maximum bench press onto the bar and lift for 3 repetitions. Rest and stretch as above and then place 80% onto the bar and lift for 1 repetition. Now place 85% of your maximum onto the bar and do 7 to 9 sets of 1 repetition, remembering to rest and stretch between each set as above.

Now it’s time to recover from your bench press workout. It is recommended to take some whey protein and creatine within 60 minutes after your bench press workout to gain in strength and size in a faster time.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How To Track Your Bodyfat Percentage

You may have already heard that tracking your bodyfat percentage is one of the best ways to track your weight loss progress, as this way you can be certain that you are losing fat and not water or muscle.

There are several methods available for you to ascertain your bodyfat percentage; some can be done at home, while others require you to spend money and use big equipment. Here are some of the most effective:

Best Ways to Track Bodyfat Percentage

US Navy Bodyfat Measurement

US Navy Bodyfat Measurement

Skin Fold Calipers – You can purchase these calipers, pinch the fat on your body, and place the pinched area in between two calipers to measure your body fat percentage. This method is pretty dependable and repeatable; however if you are more than 40 pounds overweight, you may not be able to use this caliper method since the pinched fat may not be able to fit between the calipers.

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) – A BIA scale sends tiny electrical currents through the body and records the resistance that the body offers to this current. This resistance is then used to determine the percentage of body fat in the person’s body. This is the simplest way to measure your body fat, and the scales are usually not too expensive. However, the accuracy of this method is questionable and it also depends on how well your body is hydrated when you step on the scale.

The US Navy Method – This means using body measurements to determine body fat percentage. This is the cheapest way to get your body fat measurement, since all you need is a body tape measure or a cloth measuring tape. For men, you measure the waist, neck, and height; for women, the measurements taken are of the hips, neck, and height. While this is an easy at-home method that anyone can use, its accuracy is highly questionable.

Hydrostatic Weighing and DEXA Scans – Hydrostatic weighing is the traditional gold standard of determining one’s body fat percentage, where the person is submerged in a special type of water tank. The DEXA scan, however, is somewhat of a ”new gold standardâ?, where the person just lies down and the scanner determines the amount and distribution of fat in the body. Both these methods are generally not practical, since hydrostatic weighing is uncomfortable and both these methods cost around $150 to $300 every time you perform them, which is quite pricey.

In a nutshell, there are the many different methods you can use to track your body fat. However, for daily or weekly measurements at home, there are only three methods you can use, as detailed above.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise to Help Tone Your Arms

Do you avoid wearing sexy, sleeveless tops or dresses ? or refuse to take off your jacket to reveal a sleeveless shell — because of flabby and unsightly arms? Your arms may sag because you’ve recently lost weight. The fat cells may be gone, but the skin doesn’t know what to do with itself.

The arms are complicated areas to firm and tone, and it’s better to exercise them rather than attempt to target your arms for weight loss. The arm area tends to store fat cells than other parts of your body, so try aerobic exercises for overall fat loss and for toning your arms at the same time.

To achieve sexy, firm arms you’ll need to build up your biceps and triceps. Biceps are the muscles along the front of your arm, while triceps are muscles found in the back of your arms. When you tone and firm these muscles, you’ll be creating muscle where the sagging skin used to be.

All you’ll need to begin the quest for sleek and sexy arms are an exercise band and weights. Include the following exercises in your daily or weekly routine:

Exercise 1: Hold the middle of the exercise band with your feet. Holding one of the two ends of the band in each hand, bend the elbow on one arm from the waist, stretching the band forward and upward. You’ll feel your biceps muscles tensing as you raise the band. Be sure your elbow is always bent slightly. Take turns repeating this exercise on each arm for 8 to 10 times.

Exercise 2: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band outward from the left and right sides of your body.

Exercise 3: Repeat the above exercise, except pull the band backward from the left and right sides of your body. This exercise will benefit the triceps of your arms.

Weights are also a great way to tone the arms. Lift the weights when sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Be sure to begin with light weights and then graduate to heavier ones as you’re ready.

Basically, any exercise that causes resistance to your biceps and triceps can help tone your arms. Yoga and Pilates are also proven ways to firm up your arms. Online sites that tout yoga or Pilates will lead you to specific exercises for your arms.

Don’t pass up those sexy tank tops because of jiggly underarms. It won’t take long to see results ? and you won’t even have to adapt to a strenuous exercise routine.

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