General Weight Loss Tips

Graham Crackers with Peanut Butter, Honey and Almonds

grahamcrackertreats Graham Crackers with Peanut Butter, Honey and Almonds

I made these crackers a couple of hours after lunch when I was feeling hungry again. I blame them for ruining my dinner appetite until 11pm! They were really good though. Graham cracker with natural peanut butter, honey and almonds. They were down right decadent!


meatsauce Graham Crackers with Peanut Butter, Honey and Almonds

For lunch I had a plate of my homemade meat sauce, made using organic, grass-fed beef over brown rice noodles. Have you tried brown rice noodles? They’re decently good

greekyogurt Graham Crackers with Peanut Butter, Honey and Almonds

Very late night “dinner” of greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, passionfruit/cherry/blueberry jam, graham cracker crumbles and a drizzle of honey. High protein dinner! I can’t believe a cup of whole greek yogurt has 23 grams of protein. It’s crazy.


I’m off to finish some work and get ready for a Valentine’s Day adventure with Josh. We were originally going to spend the weekend away, but I had to go and trip over a dog. So today will be spent at the movies, having lunch and going to the fresh market. There will probably be coffee and books in their too. I’m so excited!

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Weight Loss Exercise

Quit Smoking Today Review

Quit Smoking Today is a revolutionary stop smoking system that relies on the power of your brain instead of some pills, patches, or scare tactics to help you quit smoking. The course is actually an audio file (Using NLP and hypnosis) with a book backup that will change the way you think about smoking instead of just making you quit through sheer willpower.

Quit Smoking Today Review

Quit Smoking Today

In just 38 minutes and 13 seconds, you can finally kick the habit of smoking for good. You are probably thinking, “This cannot be true”, but testing was done on over 5000 smokers and 97.2% of them successfully quit smoking by using this product. This could be your result as well.

I have written little mini reviews on Quit Smoking today but wanted to give you another way to learn more about this great program that can have you learning how to quit smoking quickly and believe it or not quite easily.

What the Quit Smoking Today Program Will Stop

STOP Cigarette Cravings – It is very frustrating to constantly crave everything about these dirty cigarettes. Quit Smoking Today will take the “Will” out of “Will Power” leaving you only with the “Power” to quit without cravings!

STOP Nic Fit Short Tempers – Many people that are able to quit smoking either cold turkey or using one of the many other less effective solutions out there become very irritable and difficult to be around, but not with our program.

STOP Excessive Hunger – Don’t be a statistic! Out of those select few that are able to quit smoking as a result of one of those gums, pills, patches, potion, or anything similar, the majority of them eat uncontrollably! With Quit Smoking Today, your appetite and want for food will remain normal.

STOP Quit Smoking Weight Gain – Trading in a smoking problem for obesity is absolutely NOT the solution to your dilemma. If done correctly using our NLP techniques, quitting smoking will play no role in significant weight gain.

STOP Usual Urges – Most of the time that we are actually “Addicted” to many of the bad habits that we have. Most of the time, we are just very used to a normal routine such as smoking after meals, when we get in the car, on our break, etc. Whether you’re chemically dependent on this addiction or not, Quit Smoking Today will cure you of your bad habit and chemical urges.

STOP Depression And Mood Swings from Quitting Smoking – Let’s be honest. Is it even totally worth quitting smoking if you’re constantly having uncontrollably severe mood swings for the rest of your life leaving you stuck in an almost untreatable deep state of depression? Relax, Quit Smoking Today is so successful because it overcomes your desire to light up.

What is Quit Smoking Today?

The principal concept of the quit smoking today program is rather like the principles of hypnosis.  It allows you to access your subconscious mind and change your response to cigarettes or nicotine cravings.  It eliminates the usual problems that are associated with quitting smoking such as short temper, hunger and weight gain.

More than teaching you how to stop smoking, it will totally help you overcome your desire to smoke.

The man behind Quit Smoking Today is Rob Mellor, an expert in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming or NLP for short. Quit Smoking Today uses psychotherapy techniques that liberate smokers from their smoking habit.

Quit Smoking Today ReviewQuit Smoking Today Review


One more thing. As I am sure you are used to now, almost all stop smoking programs are expensive. This one is not. Quit smoking today is cheaper than a carton of smokes at only $47.

Weight Loss Exercise

Pine Mouth

I have never experienced this myself but just noticed that the FDA is letting people know about a metallic taste in the mouth a day or two after eating Pine nuts. I have not had this happen to me but have you?

Pine Mouth

Pine Nuts and Pine Mouth

In the past year FDA has received a number of consumer complaints regarding a bitter metallic taste associated with pine nuts. This taste, known as “pine mouth,” typically begins 12 to 48 hours after consuming pine nuts, and lasts on average between a few days and two weeks. It is exacerbated by consumption of any other food during this period and significantly decreases appetite and enjoyment of food. The symptoms decrease over time with no apparent adverse clinical side effects.

Complaints about Pine Mouth

In response to increased consumer complaints about Pine Mouth, FDA developed a detailed questionnaire, and collected and analyzed samples from some consumers submitting complaints. The Agency found that the majority of pine nuts associated with “pine mouth” were eaten in the raw state (either as snacks or as a component of salad or pesto sauce). It also found that consumers did not detect a rancid or off-taste when eating the pine nuts. Finally, FDA was able to confirm that “pine mouth” is an adverse food reaction to pine nuts that is clearly distinct from a typical food allergy.

FDA continues to analyze consumer complaints to identify the potential causes of “pine mouth” and to determine whether the severity of symptoms and likelihood of developing them is related to the amount of pine nuts consumed. FDA will continue to monitor this problem and keep the public posted regarding any new findings.

Consumers experiencing “pine mouth” may contact the FDA District Office in their area. For a list, go to the Consumer Complaint Coordinators page at

I would like to hear more from people that have this effect of Pine Mouth from eating Pine Nuts let us know.


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