Weight Loss Exercise

How to Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Weight training or to lift weights to lose weight plays an important role in your goal to lose weight. While many people are aware that cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet are important in weight loss, they may not realize that lifting weights can help you lose weight. The most efficient way to burn fat is to combine cardio workout and weight lifting. When you gain lean muscle mass, your body will get stronger and turn into a fat-burning machine.

 Lift Weights to Lose Weight

How to Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Lifting moderate weights is a great way to lose weight. Many people are concerned that weight lifting will cause them to grow big muscles and gain weight. Women, in particular, are afraid of developing a muscular physique even if lift weights to lose weight is really effective. This is unlikely to happen because women do not have enough testosterone for that kind of muscular gain. With the proper technique for lifting weights to lose weight, men and women can develop lean muscle mass that burns more calories.

Significance of Metabolism

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. Even when you are resting, your body continues to burn calories to sustain life. This is your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR. People with more muscle mass burn more calories than someone who has more fat, even if they weigh the same. If you want to increase your metabolism and burn more calories, it’s important to lift weight to build more muscles. Even additional pound of muscle burns an extra 35 to 50 calories per day, even without additional activity.

High Repetition Intense Workout

One of the most effective ways to lift weights and lose weight is by high-rep intense training. Exercises such as bench press, rows, squats, leg press, and military press workout the major muscle groups of the chest, shoulders, back, glutes and legs. Exercises that isolate specific muscles should also be done, such as barbell curls and leg curls.

To lift weights to lose weight, do two sets of each exercise using light weight for 15-20 reps. Limit your rest period to 30 seconds betweens sets. After completing all exercises, rest for 3 to 5 minutes and then repeat. The high-rep intense workout should take at least 20 minutes. This will elevate your heart rate and cause your body to start burning fat.

Beginners can reduce the number of exercises or increase the rest period.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is another way to lift weights to lose weight. Circuit training is a highly-intense exercise routine that should include 8 to 10 different exercises or stations. The circuit should include exercises for the major muscle groups and body weight exercises like crunches and push-ups. Do 15 to 20 reps per station and the maximum number of crunches and push-ups that you are capable of doing. Do not rest between stations.

After completing the first circuit, rest for 3 to 5 minutes and then repeat two or three times. Circuit training involves high-rep and light weights that will elevate your heart rate and burn more calories for weight loss.

I have tried to give you a lot of tools, especially for women that may be nervous about lifting weights. Always remember that it is a great method to lift weights to lose weight.

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Eat to Lose Weight â?? Fat Loss 4 Idiots will show you how

Did you know there is a system that works because you get to eat four meals a day? Think you can eat really thin if you know which foods to eat and when to eat. That's exactly what Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan for you. If you want to understand how this system works plan you must understand how your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is the rate at which you burn calories. The faster is the more calories you burn the result is less body fat. You can accomplish this simply by eating foods rich in nutrients that your body needs first. The cells in your body needs calories to function, because that's where they get their energy. This energy comes in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats different. What is important to remember is that not all calories are created equal and the types you eat can make a big difference in how your metabolism responds. Here Fat Loss 4 Idiots can show you exactly what foods you should eat to get this metabolic response. Healthy foods rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber and vitamins and minerals is what is recommended to boost your metabolism. Here's why the consumption of these so-called negative calorie foods can help you lose weight. It takes energy for your body to digest and then process the foods you eat. The most nutritious food for more energy to extract nutrients. By controlling what you eat and when you eat, you can further increase your basal metabolic rate. Your body needs certain types of nutrients and calories at different times of day and giving him what he wants and when you will see good results. One final thing to think. Many plans limit the amount of calories you consume. The problem is that once your caloric intake drops below what your body needs to maintain your metabolism begins to slow. When this happens your body begins to stand on its fat reserves and it becomes impossible to lose more weight. If your calorie intake is low enough your body will actually start to break its own muscle for energy while keeping its reserves of fat in reserve. Fat Loss 4 Idiots helps you avoid this problem by allowing you to eat lots of healthy foods that keep your supplies high energy increases your metabolism for optimal fat loss. If you are tired of starving yourself for little or no gain then consider giving this new way to lose weight for a shot.