Weight Loss Exercise

Best Bench Press Workout

The world will never agree on the best bench press workout to get you stronger in the fastest time possible. Advanced lifters use an in-depth training system which includes bench press bands and chains for greater resistance. They are effective but may be rather complicated for a person entering the bench press world for the first time. Also bear in mind that just because another method is simpler, i.e. not involving chains and pads, doesn’t mean that it’s not as effective. It is! It’s just different.

So let’s get to your bench press workout.

Bench Press Workout Technique

Best Bench Press WorkoutFirstly, getting the correct technique is vital. You are going to be lifting larger and larger weights as time progresses in your bench press workout and it is absolutely essential to get the right technique to avoid future injury. So, you need to use good leverage and be stable to bench press more weight. Lie down flat on the bench and using your middle fingers, hold the bar over the engraved lines. Gently shimmy up the bench so your chest is under the bar which is still on the rack at this stage. Steady your feet firmly on the floor and raise your shoulders away from the bench.

Then arch your back and place your neck and trapezoid muscles on the bench so only your butt and trapezoids are touching the bench. At this stage the bar, which is still on the rack, is still above your head. Now, squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep them squeezed throughout the lift. This will assist you to remain stable and lets you use your triceps and lats along with your shoulders and chest to move the weight.

So the next step now you have this position is to place about 25% of your bench press maximum weight onto the bar. Maintain your position as above and lift the bar off the rack. Have it at arms length above your chest then lower it, keeping control, to slightly under your nipple line. During the lift, your elbows should be at a 45 degree angle to your body leading to good leverage and line. Now, in a straight line, press the weight back to where you started.

Bench Press Workout Tips

Your bench press workout will change and vary over time. A time tested tip for when you are pressing the bar upward is to try and pull the bar apart. This helps you lock out the weight and you can angle your index finger knuckles towards you which makes it easier.

Now it’s time to add some more weight for your bench press workout. Place 55% of your bench press maximum onto the bar and using the same start position as above, repeat 5 presses as above. Ensure you adequately stretch and rest for at least 3 minutes between each set. Then you will be ready for the heavier weights.

Now put 75% of your maximum bench press onto the bar and lift for 3 repetitions. Rest and stretch as above and then place 80% onto the bar and lift for 1 repetition. Now place 85% of your maximum onto the bar and do 7 to 9 sets of 1 repetition, remembering to rest and stretch between each set as above.

Now it’s time to recover from your bench press workout. It is recommended to take some whey protein and creatine within 60 minutes after your bench press workout to gain in strength and size in a faster time.

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How to Workout in Less Time

Everyone should learn the basics of how to workout in less time. One of the real problems that I have seen with people is a lack of a good plan when getting started in a gym. You look at the big loud guys, see what exercises they are doing and subconsciously or not you start doing the same things. Of course the big guys are breaking their body parts up and working each set until failure with lots of long breaks between sets.

Often you don’t need long rest between sets and you never need to spend more than 45 minutes doing a weight workout, in fact mine usually take me about 30 minutes. I think lots of people would like to know how to workout faster.

So here are some rules on how to workout in less time.

1. Start with a weight based warmup – I start by doing one easy set of each (usually with machines) bench press, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, rowing. Many people will start with 5 or 10 minutes on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer to get the blood flowing and that is perfectly fine too but I like to engage the muscles.

2. Do weight workouts faster – Sure we need a break between working our individual muscles but a great way to workout in less time, get more done, and get your heart working, is to do exercises back to back. There are two methods to do this circuit training and supersetting and you can really mix these up between workouts. I personally work all my muscles in each workout three times a week.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

3. Cooldown and abs – I like to do my stretching after the workout and do a few sets of abs

Then I am done. The biggest part of the time of my workout is spent doing the actual weights and the best way to save time while doing the weights is either those supersets or the circuit training so I will explain how I do those here. Just to let you know I do both of these forms of exercise actively, I will do one for a few weeks and then switch to the other for a few weeks just because mixing it up with your muscles is so important to keeping interested and making gains continue without plateaus eating up your time.

Circuit Training To Workout in Less Time

Circuit training simply means that you are doing one long set or sets to work all your muscles. As you go between exercise you do not take a break and by the end of the set of sets you are exhausted and it probably takes 8-10 minutes to go through each one of these circuits. This is the first and most common method of how to workout in less time.

I like to start with my legs, chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps, in that order. There reason for this is that as you get more tired and winded it is harder to work your big muscles like legs or back or chest near the end. Also after doing back your biceps are a bit tired and after doing shoulders or chest your triceps are tired so I leave those until the end.

Here is a sample circuit training set

Leg press, leg curls, bench press, seated rows, shoulder press, alternating curls, tricep pushdowns.

All of these exercises would be sets of 1o or so and almost until exhaustion (make sure you have the weight that you can’t do another rep after the set) and make sure you are doing each rep at a decently slow rate. You want to get the workout done fast but each set should be done slowly. There is very little break between exercises and after your set you will really want to take a few minutes before the next long set and get a good long drink of water as well.

Do two or three of these sets. for your workout.

Supersets To Workout in Less Time

How to Workout in Less Time

How to Workout in Less Time

Supersets are another way to get more done quickly. I will do two exercises back to back and then move to two other exercises. the idea is that I am exhausting the muscle group much quicker and by the end the muscles do really hurt. This is similar in time to circuit training but much more focussed for each set of two muscle groups.

Here is a sample superset workout

I will start with chest and back in this example and I don’t usually do legs in my supersets as they are tough enough on their own. I will so bench press and seated rows only for these two exercises and try and really kill it. I do a set of bench press with a fairly heavy weight for 8 or 10 reps and then as soon as I get finished I will move to the seated rows and do the same, after that set I go back to the bench, raise the weight by 20 pounds and do maybe 7-9 reps as I am more tired but my chest really has not recovered so I am not as strong yet. Then I go to the seated rows and just the same add 20 pounds and get as many reps as I can.

Those are the first two parts of the bigger set. Now that I am winded I will go back to the bench with the same weight on still and get as many reps as I can. At this point my chest is really tired and I can shoot for about 5 or 6 reps at most and then strip off the 20 pounds that I had added earlier and get another 3 or 4 reps out. My chest is burning and I am done with that. I then limp over to the seated row and do the same with a few reps, stripping some weight, and then getting a few more reps in.

I then take a break and do the same thing with a rotation of shoulder press, tricep pushdowns. Take a break and then do a mini circuit of abs and biceps.

Doing the Supersets like this is very taxing and I am always really sore the next day but if I try doing to many workouts like this I start really losing my motivation. It is really hard to do effectively for a long time.

As you can see from these examples there are a few ways to really change things up in your workout and in the end I am still able to work my whole body in one workout without spending too much time at the gym and really making the most of the time.

By trying circuit training or superset style workouts like this is the secret of how to workout in less time and really make you work for it. Try it out and tell us what you think of these methods below

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Do what You Can Where You are

Love this pic.

Have you ever thought of what you can do if you have no running shoes, no bike, no gym? These guys are doing bench press with fencing on a iron bar.

I try to get my fitness in any way that I can and having fun running around a park with the kids is just an added bit of fitness to add to my day

How about you? Tell me what you do in a tough situation to get a bit of extra exercise?

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