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Biggest Winner on the Biggest Loser?

Biggest Winner on the Biggest Loser?

Cara Castronouva and Brett Hoebel

I know I am a couple of days late here but I watched the Biggest Loser last night and (hope this is not a spoiler for you) four people actually gained weight. A little horrified on this side of the TV that’s for sure.

OK So a quick update, I have been watching Biggest Loser this season, not the whole episodes but watching kinda while on the computer and yesterday afternoon I watched this weeks episode. So far this season has been interesting with two new coaches and lots of huge people working hard. One of hte things that I am really noticing this season is all the gameplay. Every season the gameplay seems to take over more of what the people are doing.

There are still two teams, the red team is being coached by Cara Castronouva and Brett Hoebel. The black team is being coached by Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. So far it feels like even though the team with the newcomer coaches have a weight advantage (they are bigger) and the Bob and Jillian team still seem to be doing better.

Week 8 of Season 11 of The Biggest Loser

So this weeks weigh in was strange. There was a lot of people worried about their family members and early on Jennifer gained two pounds and was worried as her dad left last week to save her to stay in the game. While the rest of the people were losing just a bit. Jennifer from the red team was definitely scared because the worst weight loss or gain was getting kicked of and then the worst team would kick one person off.

In this case the second half of the weigh-in caved in. The black team had three people gain weight, all parents trying to make sure their kids would be able to stay. In the end Marci gained a pound, Jesse gained two pounds, and …. wait for this ….. Deni GAINED 8 POUNDS and although it was a lot over the top she called herself the Biggest Winner for keeping her daughter there for at least another week.

I know I can be confusing but the parents of the Black team tanked everything for their kids. I know that it seemed nice but I am sure the coaches are going to snap them back to reality next week.

My Take on This weeks Biggest Loser Episode

Biggest Winner on the Biggest Loser?

Deni – Biggest Winner?

So here is how I look at this show. The game play has got ot go on the Biggest Loser. This is irritating this game play and I know that I have railed about it a couple of times over the last couple of seasons but it really does ruin the show.

I get emails and comments on blog posts every week from people hoping that I could help them get on the Biggest Loser (I know no one there sorry) and all these people that are so desperate to get on have to look at these weigh ins and see people tanking a week for others must seem so unfair.

I do not have the answers but with people working out SIX hours a day and eating well you would hop that the show would be more hardcore on the pride of the weight loss and the climb into health instead of some crazy game play. I don’t have the answers but I wish I did, this show that I love so much seems to be turning into Survivor and it is not that kind of show with ruthless lying and deceit.

I sure hope that this was a one off episode of the Biggest Loser and that from here on in everyone buckles down to lose weight.

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Thoughts on Biggest Loser Couples Season 11 Premiere

Thoughts on Biggest Loser Couples Season 11 Premiere

Biggest Loser Couples Season 11

So what did you think? Did you watch the Biggest Loser Couples season 11 Premiere last night? I really gotta get a better system for naming these shows as Biggest Loser Couples season 11 Premiere is far too long. Anyway my family sat down last night and thanks to our skipping commercials were able to really get through the Biggest Loser fast and wow was there a lot to see.

First of all I love Bobs new hair. I know every season seems to be different in Bob Harpers hair but last night it looked great. I am going to have to change my own hairstyle and maybe now my wife will let me grow my hair out a bit. Jillian Michaels must have already known that she was going to leave the show, between yelling she looked very relaxed and I am starting to think she may never come back.

Biggest Loser Couples Season 11 Trainers

So more Jillian Michaels for her last season and Bob Harper back again. Bob said last week that he will never leave the show unless they get rid of him so I am excited about that. Bob is my favorite trainer on the Biggest Loser

What is with these new trainers? Yesterday I posted about how Brett Hoebel and Cara Castronova would likely be the new trainers but how did we see them? In shadows, arms, feet, yelling, talking….but they still have not been introduced yet. But the numbers that their teams put up were amazing so maybe that was a good plan by those guys, skip to the next paragraph about that.

So picking the new trainers or not. Last night the first event for all the contestants was a 5k walk/run on a treadmill and the teams got to pick if they wanted Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels as trainers, or the “Mystery Trainers”. Picking the mystery trainers gave those teams a four week immunity which is great but the way the teams jumped at these unknowns it made me feel like the show was kind of enabling them. You make years of bad decisions and have people enable you and then you go onto the Biggest Loser and have a way out again. I can’t believe that I just called the Biggest Loser enabling for fatness but, am I out of line with that attitude?

The new people seem really well rounded with lots of different types of couples. I have already started naming guys like “Fat Jon Favreau” and the “Rolly Polly Guy”. And you may remember that my family was intrigued but the new biggest biggest loser Arthur. Now that he is a person instead of just a guy rolling off of a treadmill We got to see that he has lots of passion and fears like anyone else has in that position.

Family Favorites for Biggest Loser Couples Season 11

So here are our family favorites on Biggest Loser Couples Season 11

Arthur started at 507 mounds but he said that he was watching a show about crazy huge guys being taken out of their homes a year and a half ago because they were too big. These guys were 400-500 pounds and at the time he weighed 646 pounds and realized that enough was enough.

The two cop twins, Dan and Don one of which had his son disown him because the son did not want to see his dad eat himself to death. Then the brother one ups that story with his own about a son with drug problems proud of his dad losing 100 pounds and then dying of a drug overdose, this sent dad to a new 100 pound weight gain.

Roulon and Justin are friends and Roulon was an Olympic Gold and Bronze medal winner who said he was really lean at 265 which seems like a lot but really has a drive to get leaner than ever embarrassed about what he has sent himself to. Bob Harper said that it makes sense that someone so driven could drive himself the other way, to 400+ pounds and his friend Justin seems just as driven and good hearted.

Finally Courtney. Bob Harper met Courtney last year and told her that she would be on the Biggest Loser, this inspired her but even after trying to get in she had to lose 100 pounds just to be accepted. She is doing everything that it takes and you know without whining she is pushing herself as hard as she can anyway without complaint. Good for her.

These people all seem nice and want to do whatever it takes. We have not found anyone to hate yet although I am sure before long there will be lots of game play.

What about you? Do you have favorites as well? Are you enjoying this Biggest Loser Couples 11 as much as we did last night? And about taking the new trainers, was I out of line thinking these people were taking the easy way out or are they just scared?

Oh, and one more thing. Give me a better name for this season than the long winded one I am using. I made the mistake a few years back when Jillian Michaels left the first time and people are still finding that post in Google. She has not left yet and as we can probably guess Kim Lyons is not coming back anytime soon again so I had to start pointing people to a newer post about Jillian Michaels moving off of the Biggest Loser.

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