Weight Loss Exercise

The Basic Diet Plan Mistake

There is a real failure out there with the classic basic diet plan. With so much information available on diet and weight loss, I am still not sure why people fail to lose weight. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but it is the magnitude of the mistake that will determine the success or failure of your weight loss plan.

For example, if you make the small ‘mistake’ of eating one burger a week, it won’t make any significant difference in your body weight. However, if you make the terrible diet mistake I am going to outline in this article, then you have no chance of ever becoming successful at fat loss.

If you’ve ever followed a basic diet plan, this would sound familiar. The process goes thus:

Basic Diet Plan

The Basic Diet Plan Mistake

Basic Diet Plan

1. You pick up a diet plan that is too strict for any average person

2. This diet plan basically deprives you of almost everything that you enjoy: chips, burgers, pastries, white bread, cakes, biscuits, milk, chocolate, soft drinks, etc. So you have no other option but to throw away all those things from your kitchen. You start following the diet program with all good intentions, and promise yourself that you would never quit it until you have lost weight successfully.

3. You lose a few pounds quite rapidly within the first few weeks. You seem to be happy with your progress when suddenly, one day you realize that you are no longer shedding pounds! You have hit a weight loss plateau.

4. You become frustrated with your diet plan and with its restrictions. You find it too hard to control your food cravings so you take a peek at your refrigerator and take one bite of your favorite junk food. You say to yourself ‘one bite won’t do much harm’.

5. Slowly however this binge-eating habit spirals out of your control until you find it quite impossible to stay on your diet. You then start shopping for all those junk foods that you had promised not to eat!

6. You get back to your normal lifestyle, start eating junk foods again as before, and gain back all the pounds you had lost! You are back to square one.

Why a Basic Diet Plan Does Not Work

It all started with just one wrong decision on your part: the decision to lose weight rapidly. That decision ultimately sabotaged your weight loss plan. In your quest for fast weight loss, you chose a diet plan that promised the moon but was in no way suitable for you! You tried to make huge changes in your lifestyle all too fast, and ended up achieving nothing.

In case you haven’t realized it already, the best way to lose weight is by making small changes in your lifestyle! That is because small changes are far more practicable and viable than larger ones.

Make lots of Small Changes Consistently

I have written lots of articles on the blog here that should help you to find these tips I even wrote one about how to lose weight quickly which would be a great place to start.

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Considering a Raw Vegan Diet?: Advice to Help Make the Transition Easily

Are you considering trying a a raw foods diet? Would you like to learn more about the many benefits of this type of diet? Or do you need assistance choosing the right raw food books or other information that can help you to make the changeover easily?

Raw food diets have become more popular in the last few years as many more people want to live their life as balanced as they possibly can while also dropping their weight and increasing their overall appearance.

Moving to a raw foods diet has some amazing health benefits that most people notice almost immediately. These include increasing your energy levels, developing clearer skin and shedding pounds. However, for many, making the switch to eating raw can be very challenging. For starts, transitioning to a raw foods diet calls for mastering a new way of preparing food that no longer relies on cooking it. However, it also means cultivating new tastes and trying out new foods that have dissimilar textures and flavors. There are, however, many tips to help make your transition to a raw foods diet much simpler:

1) Learn the right raw food diet recipes for you. There are a large number of raw foods recipes you can try, but for those making the initial switch, you may have the most success by creating raw recipes that are similar to the cooked foods you like the most. There are raw food recipes for even the most standard “comfort foods” like pizza, chips and burgers. The raw food copies will not be exactly like their cooked counterparts, but they will have enough of a similar flavor to make transitioning process better, and they will also be better for you as well.

2) Be Snack Prepared. For those moving to a raw vegan diet, one of the biggest detractors is often the failure to feel “full” and the desire to snack. This is in part a result of our tendency to overeat at meals (especially in the United States), but you can help remedy this by making sure you prepare plenty of raw vegan diet snacks each day and have them easily available for whenever the snack urge hits.

3) Make the transition slowly. Don’t try switching completely to a raw vegan diet on a single day. Instead gradually transition over a few weeks or even a month, to the diet. Start by exchanging one cooked meal a day with a raw version (plus plenty of raw snacks) and then eventually work up to having all your meals uncooked.

Hopefully these tips will help you be successful when transitioning to a raw vegan diet. For those just beginning on a raw foods diet, you may find the first few days to be the most challenging. Hopefully these tips will help you get past these early difficult days and allow you to move onto a more healthy and energetic life!

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