General Weight Loss Tips

What Would You Do For Abs You Could Show Off?

As we go through life, weight accumulates for men and women in our mid sections. It is hardly fair…but it is what happens.

Diet and exercise. That is what it comes down to for those people who want to see their abs again. Because just as with a rainy day when we know that the sun is out there somewhere, even for people who have truly let themselves go, the ab muscles are always there and can be once again revisited if that becomes a priority.

Getting amazing abs means far different things to different people.

And to most adults over 40, simple tone would be an incredible sight.

Lowering your carb intake, reducing sugars, and creating a more responsible way of eating is the first step no matter where you find yourself on the weight “scale.”

For many people, food has become a trusted friend and breaking patterns is very hard. But again, if your goal is definition in your abdominals, you must follow a process that works…and it works as you combine nutrition and eating habits with targeted workout regimens.

Naturally, once you have re-patterned your eating, you will start on a cardio/targeted ab crunch fitness regime. I will not even tell you to go slow at first…that should be common sense.

To get amazing abs, the couch will not be a welcome friend. Like all things in life, if it is worth getting, it is worth doing.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Working Out. . when To Eat. . and Protein Question. . . more Inside. ?

okay well i was wondering if id get better results from working out in the morning or nite. . does it matter. . and i heard the first 20mins u burn carbs then start to burn ur fat stored is that true. . . if i work out first thing in the morning is that bad? how long before should i eat and how long after and what to eat at these times around my workout. . (i do like 200push ups some sit ups, leg lifts, squats, and some free weights. . sometimes like 15mins of cardio all in all a 30-45min workout)
And my other question does it matter when u eat the protein to make ur muscles feed off of it i want max effectiveness. . if i eat a protein bar before i sleep like 1hr is that bad good?

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