Weight Loss Exercise

Weight Loss Supplements Guide

Weight loss supplements are a craze among multitudes of people looking to shed excess body fat. Weight loss supplements and Fat burners and are a huge industry everywhere you look.

This has brought about a proliferation of diverse weight-loss supplements, making people who struggle with weight problems wonder what the top weight loss supplements really are.

Weight loss supplements are chemical or natural substances, which when consumed with a proper diet and exercise program, helps you lose weight quicker. The many different diets, patches, pills and other options available over the counter constitute the leading sources of income for the diet and weight loss industry.

Weight Loss supplements – Appetite suppressants

Appetite suppressants are possibly the most sought after of all the weight loss supplements. Those who are looking for a “magic pill” make these types of supplements really popular among the masses. The more effective products however, are those that increase the body’s metabolic rate.

Weight Loss Supplements Guide

Weight Loss Supplements

A huge mistake consumers make when choosing a trendy or alternative slimming plan is to assume they’re all created equally. Like any industry, some manufacturers of weight loss supplements and nutrition products are vastly superior to others, so research is the order of the day while shopping.

Another huge, and potentially harmful mistake consumers make is to rely on weight loss supplements to obtain quick weight loss without changing their lifestyle or daily routine.

Any weight loss method’s goal should be to not only take off the fat, but to sustain the reduction indefinitely and they can’t do it alone. Used without a healthy diet and exercise, any progress you make will reverse itself within a few weeks at most.

Weight Loss Supplements – Don’t replace meals

A lot of times, weight loss supplements are added to a glass of milk or juice to be taken instead of eating a nutritious meal. It’s extremely important to remember that these supplements should not be used as a replacement for nutritious food, because some over the counter goods are very high in caffeine and include other stimulants which may make them a bad option for people with heart disease or high blood pressure.

Are weight loss supplements effective? This question goes way beyond the bathroom scales. These products can provide a quick fix, but just won’t solve obesity on their own. It can’t be stressed enough that supplements are simply a way to bolster regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Even then; weight loss supplements offer a beacon of hope for some who are overweight, yet they still remain a suspicious scam to others. After all; most doctors will tell you that supplements are not required at all; that the only proper, long term way to lose weight is with daily exercise, along with a good, controlled, nutritious diet.

Using Weight Loss Supplements can create healthy weight loss

Numerous health problems are caused by being overweight, yet many weight loss supplements are just as damaging to your health as being overweight. Some supplements may be even more so; as our hearts and our livers are extremely vital to our lives. One of the problems is that some of these weight loss supplements are untested, unproven and are neither effective nor safe for weight loss use.

At the same time, saying that all weight loss products are unsafe and ineffective while ignoring the great handful of supplements that have been clinically proven to aid in weight loss among other health benefits is a gross misrepresentation.

While being the least glamorous of them all, natural weight loss supplements are the safest way to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, if you choose to go this route.

The very best weight loss supplements are those that don’t contain artificial preservatives, harsh chemicals or any substance that will be damaging to the body. These supplements don’t cause harmful side effects such as dehydration and headache, and provide minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that the body needs to operate under “low fuel” conditions. So please, no matter which if any you use make sure you use weight loss supplements with care

Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise Helps Memory in Fibromyalgia Patients

Fibromyalgia patients who stopped taking medication and then exercised regularly for six weeks reported improved memory function and less pain, according to a small, new study.

While the finding is encouraging, it does not suggest a potential change in clinical care for fibromyalgia patients, the study authors stressed.

Senior author Dr. Brian Walitt, director of the Fibromyalgia Evaluation and Research Center at Georgetown University Medical Center, is scheduled to present the findings Sunday with co-researcher, Manish Khatiwada, at the Society of Neuroscience annual meeting, in Washington, D.C.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder marked by widespread pain, fatigue, sleep and cognitive problems. It has no apparent cause and the pain is real, Walitt said, and likely originates from the central nervous system. It typically affects women more than men.

Exercise has long been recommended to fibromyalgia patients, and some find it improves their sense of well-being. “This is a first look at understanding how exercise alters memory performance,” Walitt said of the study.

Fibromyalgia and Exercise Study

For the trial, nine women received a baseline brain image called a functional MRI test. They were also given tests to assess their working memory and asked about their well-being and pain while on medication. The memory tests involved reading back a sequence of letters at various times after learning them.

Next, the women stopped their medication for a six-week ”washout” period. Then they had a second round of fMRIs and tests. Then they started a six-week supervised aerobic exercise program, consisting of three 30-minute sessions a week.

“When we took people off the medicine, they performed worse on the tests,” Walitt said. But, he added, “As they stayed off the medications for a period of time and exercised, their cognitive performance returned to normal levels [the same as at the start of the study],” he said.

The finding potentially suggests that exercise may lead to improvement in the network of brain areas that are recruited for working memory to function.

“In some ways it is concerning,” Walitt said. “One would have hoped that exercise would have made them better [at the memory test].”

Wallit isn’t sure what the findings might mean for real-life situations. “It may be if you have a more efficient brain, doing real-life tasks will be better.”

While more study is needed, Walitt said that “overall, exercise seems to be a beneficial thing for fibromyalgia patients, in terms of overall well-being. If you can exercise and make it work for you, that’s great.”

However, he noted, some people with the condition can’t tolerate exercise. Working out “is not going to be the answer for everybody and it’s not going to fix anybody,” he said.

More Study Needed in Exercise and Memory Link

Exercise Helps Memory in Fibromyalgia Patients

Exercise helps Memory in Fibromyalgia Patients

While the study has some flaws, it’s basically encouraging for those with the condition, said Dr. I. Jon Russell, a San Antonio fibromyalgia researcher and consultant, and retired professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.

He thought the amount of time spent off medication during the study should have been longer before repeat testing. But, he said, “the most encouraging thing about this study is that fibromyalgia is continuing to be investigated.”

“We have many reasons to believe that aerobic exercise is good for our patients. This study gives some support [to that idea],” Russell said. However, “We shouldn’t over-interpret that exercise is the answer.”

If patients can and do exercise, he said, “It’s likely they will experience additional benefits.”

Research presented at meetings should be considered preliminary since it has not undergone the scrutiny required of studies published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Weight Loss Exercise

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

We all travel and I am always asking myself how to stay fit while traveling. Well trainer Jon Gallo has written this great article full of tips and I hope you find these travel fitness tips as great as I did

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – By Jon Gallo

Many fitness enthusiasts find it difficult to follow their normal exercise plan while traveling. Unfamiliar environments, tightly-scheduled business meetings, or lack of exercise equipment may hamper even a fitness fanatic’s best intentions for staying fit while on the road. Jon Gallo is a certified fitness trainer. When planning your next business trip or vacation, he offers the following tips for putting together an exercise program that travels with you.

If you’ve worked hard to establish a good fitness routine, going on a business trip doesn’t have to mean your healthy habits will be derailed. Here are some tips on how to stay fit while traveling. You can keep your momentum and endorphins flowing and maintain your fitness level when traveling. How? For one thing, keep moving. “Drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Airport food, sitting on a plane, jet lag – all contribute to bloat. The best way to fight it is to stay hydrated,” says Jon Gallo.

  • Use good body mechanics when you lift your suitcases up to the check-in counter.
  • Lift from your knees, not your back.
  • Be aware of your posture as you carry your bags.
  • Even though you’ve left behind your daily routine, try to eat three meals a day, maintain a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – Eating Tips

If you’re going to eat a high-fat meal, eat a smaller portion, or order an appetizer instead of a main course. Split desserts with a friend. Rest. If your schedule is shot and you’re not sleeping enough at night, take cat naps whenever you get the chance.  Stretch in the morning and evening, especially if you’ve been sitting all day. If you will be drinking alcohol at business mixers, drink a lot of water between events.  Pack snacks: bananas and apples, yogurt, protein bars. You can make meal replacement shakes in your room. You don’t need a blender, just a container with a tight fitting lid, large enough to shake the contents.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – Workout Tips

To know how to stay fit while traveling it is critical to have a  workout plan. To find out if your gym reciprocates its membership with a gym where you’ll be traveling, log onto the International Physical Fitness Association’s Web site,, or ask at your home health club before you leave town. Jon Gallo says that, “Three to five days off from a strength routine can give your muscles a rest. But you wouldn’t want to go a week or more without serious exercise and a short respite for your biceps doesn’t mean you should ever let your cardio workout go.”

  • Ask your travel agent about hotels that offer fully equipped gyms, pools, and/or other fitness facilities.
  • Bring along a CD or Ipod with your favorite music and work out in the privacy of your hotel room.
  • Pack a jump rope for a go-anywhere aerobic session. Invest in “travel weights” -inflatable weights that can be filled with water or sand when training, folded and stored while on the road.
  • Plan active recreation during vacations -check out the local golf course, riding stable, and so on.
  • When site-seeing, forget the tour bus and walk. You’ll not only see more, but you’ll be sneaking in some extra activity.

For more fitness options, place in your luggage a Resist-A-Tube or any of the home exercise tubing, a stability ball, jump rope or exercise video. ”If you like classes, make your own class in your room,” offers Jon Gallo. If you work with a personal trainer, ask him or her to design an exercise plan before you leave town. When you’re sitting on a plane or in a conference room, take deep breaths occasionally, tighten your stomach muscles, then relax.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling – On Transportation

Travelers need to periodically flex and stretch the hamstrings and hip flexors, the muscle at the upper part of the leg that connects into the pelvis. For women who spend the day in high heels, a walk around the room toe-up, heel-down will stretch the calf muscles. Or, do toe raises by putting the heels on the floor and stepping up onto a telephone book. “Men often complain of being cramped when traveling,” states Gallo. “They need to stretch their lower back and legs.” He recommends the cat stretch. Get up on your hands and knees, arch your back for 15 seconds, then release. Repeat.

Jon Gallo points out that the more comfortable you are with operating fitness machinery at your home gym, the easier it will be to set up unfamiliar equipment when you’re on the road. And consider Thera-Bands, which you can buy online and at most sporting goods stores. Thera-Bands are heavy-duty elastic tubing, graded by color according to elasticity and tightness that you can use in resistance exercises. They are easy to pack and you can do a complete maintenance workout with them.


Air travel may be fast and convenient, but for many of us, it can be uncomfortable and restrictive due to cramped cabins and sardine-like seating. The following tips can help you make the most of your next airplane trip by helping you stay flexible and fit while you fly.

  • DEEP BREATHING is an instant-relaxer and can be done anywhere at any time. Try taking 4-5 deep, cleansing breaths several times during your flight.
  • RELAX YOUR SHOULDERS by bending forward slightly, hands on knees and “rolling” your shoulders in a circular motion 5 or 6 times. Repeat the “roll” in the opposite direction, then finish up by “shrugging” your shoulders up and down 5 times.
  • RELAX YOUR BACK by reaching overhead, holding elbows, and bending side to side. Repeat 5 times in each direction.
  • STRETCH YOUR LEGS by alternately lifting your knees toward your chest and bringing your body toward your knee to the count of eight.
  • RELEASE YOUR FEET by “drawing” the alphabet with one foot then the other.

These are great How to Stay Fit While Traveling tips that I hope that you can use this summer.

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

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