Weight Loss Exercise

Men’s Health Spartacus Workout

Spartacus Workout, is it for you? Have you ever wondered how the actors in the popular television program, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, developed those sculpted muscles and well-defined abs and chest? They went through a specially-designed, high intensity workout program that burned belly fat and developed their muscles. The Men’s Health Spartacus Workout program is patterned after the muscle-building workouts of the actors in the TV program, and can help you boost endurance, burn fat, and get ripped abs.

Some people say that the actual Spartacus Workouts used to get the actors in shape are a hundred times more challenging than the routines in the Men’s Health version, but anyone who has picked up the Spartacus Workout Challenge will tell you that the exercise circuit is no walk in the park.

Framework for Men’s Health Spartacus Workout

The Spartacus Workout consists of 10 exercises carefully selected to collectively workout different parts of the body. The exercises are grouped together in a high-intensity circuit that will burn body fat, develop the muscles, and boost your endurance level. Each circuit has two stages with 5 exercises in every stage.

Mens Health Spartacus Workout

Spartacus Workout

The workout program is designed to be done three days a week. Perform one set of each exercise, called a “station”, in succession. Each station is allotted 60 seconds and you can do as many reps as you can, with perfect form. You can rest for up to 15 seconds between stations. Rest for 2 minutes after completing one circuit.

Exercises for Spartacus Workout

Exercise routines for Men’s Health Spartacus Workout consist of a variety of exercises that will challenge your heart, lungs and muscles. Some of the exercises include: Squat Pull and Thrust, Offset Reverse Dumbbell Lunge, Squat to Shoulder Press, Single Leg and Arm Dumbbell Row, Plank Walkup, Jump Squat, and Single Leg Deadlift with a Twist.
When using weights, choose a weight that is challenging for 15 to 20 reps.

Does the Spartacus Workout Work?

Designed by fitness experts Adam Campbell and Rachel Cosgrove to get the Spartacus cast in rock-hard shape, the Spartacus Workout is definitely effective and challenging. The great thing about this routine is that it burns fat while building muscle. You can also do the exercises with or without dumbbells, depending on your level of fitness and strength. This option also allows you to decide whether or not you should invest in additional equipment.

Soon after the release of the original Spartacus Workout, the Spartacus Workout 2.0 came out. The all-new Spartacus Workout 3.0 is also available these days. If you’re looking for a structured routine that will challenge your endurance and strength, give this workout a try.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Importance of Circuit Training in Men’s Fitness Workouts

Numerous studies show that regular exercise not only improves overall health, it can also add years to your life. One of the best men’s fitness workouts is circuit training, which combines strength training and endurance training. Men who incorporate circuit training into their fitness regimen can benefit significantly from it.

What is Circuit Training?

A circuit training program combines groups of cardio exercises with strength training exercises, performed at a fast pace with little to no rest period before moving on to the next group of exercises. One circuit or group of exercises can consist of anywhere from 6 to 10 exercises. You can tailor the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level.

Why is Circuit Training Important?

Men often favor one type of exercise over another. For example, some men may focus on bodybuilding or strength training and neglect their cardiovascular health. Circuit training ensures that men’s fitness workouts develop not only their muscles but also their endurance.

Importance of Circuit Training in Mens Fitness Workouts

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Here are a few reasons why men should use a circuit training routine:

  • Ideal for beginners: If you are starting an exercise program for the first time, circuit training can help ease you into your fitness regimen. Circuit training conditions the entire body and prepares you for more advanced fitness programs. Keep in mind that you can vary the intensity of your workout.
  • Convenient: Circuit training allows you to get a full workout in a short span of time. You can even design a circuit training session that requires little or no exercise equipment. You can incorporate exercise routines that utilize only dumbbells or your body weight. If you are pressed for time, simply ramp up the intensity of your workout. You’ll get a full exercise in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Improved fitness level: A circuit training session consists of a mix of exercises that use different muscle groups. Because of this, circuit training can help men develop bigger muscles while improving their endurance and cardiovascular health. Circuit training also aids in weight loss. It can help you burn up to 30% more calories.
  • Eliminates boredom: If you lift weights or work out on a stationary bike day in and day out, it’s very easy to get bored. Circuit training in men’s fitness workouts keeps your exercise sessions fresh all the time. The variety of exercises helps keep you interested and motivated. By changing the exercises with each session, you’ll always be eager to keep working out.

You can also change the intensity level of your training session. By eliminating the possibility of boredom, you’ll be more likely to continue with your fitness regimen in the long run.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery

We all work hard trying to achieve our ideal weight. There are diets and exercise routines that seem over the top. Most people feel over whelmed by the work that we put in without seeing the results we hope for. It’s a difficult struggle.

If you are one of the many considering weight loss surgery, then Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery may be a book for you. Many people assume that having weight loss surgery is a quick and easy fix to their waist line struggles. The truth is the surgery is just the beginning. There is a great deal of diet changing and life changing that must occur post-op.

In most surgery cases, patients lose weight easily at first but soon after have trouble with the weight returning after they are eating solids again. This book was designed to walk a patient step by step through changing the behavior that is making it hard to keep the pounds off. Success could be just a few pages away.

Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery Features

  • Explains important medical information that you must consider prior to having weight loss surgery
  • Helps reader decide if surgery would help them
  • Explains the hardships patients will be facing post-op
  • Provides information on losing weight and keeping it off after bariatric surgery
  • Covers Emotional, Medical, Lifestyle Changes

When deciding if Bariatric surgery is right for you, there is a tremendous amount of information to weed through. Deciding what information is important can be very time consuming. Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery has this information organized and displayed using the author’s own story. This book provides a variety of emotional, medical, and life style challenges that you would be facing if you were to choose to have weight loss surgery.

There are many other books available on this topic, but the author wrote this guide using their own experiences to make the information easier to digest. This book follows the author down her journey to personal triumph. She takes the reader step by step through deciding if they want the surgery and what they need to know about the side effects.

Then she takes them through the surgery process including insurance issues and choosing a surgeon. Finally she discusses the actual surgery and the post-op care. The author tried to be as comprehensive as possible.

Cost of Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery?

The book Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery is typically priced around $19.95 if purchased from This book is priced on the higher end of similar guides. This guide is very comprehensive and could be a great resource for anyone considering weight loss surgery or who under gone it.

What Do Customers Think of Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery?

The book Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss received five out of a possible five stars in the category of customer satisfaction. Customers were very happy with how informative this book is. One customer stated that they read seven books about recovering and losing weight after weight loss surgery and they felt this book was the best. One customer stated that they were four years post-op and were having problems keeping the weight off. They tried everything they could and were having problems staying healthy.

After reading this book, they felt hope and had a new action plan for dropping some pounds. Customers also found the human side to this guide to be uplifting. Many other books were more clinical than they liked. Readers were also happy with the chapters written by weight loss surgeons. They felt that the combination of clinical information and personal documentation made for a great guide to surviving weight loss surgery. One customer stated that they were considering bariatric surgery and purchased this book. Once they began reading it they had a hard time putting the book down.

Within days they read the entire book cover to cover. They were enthralled by the author’s tribulations and triumphs. They felt that the journal format of this guide made them feel like the author was talking straight to them. The customer knew that bariatric surgery was for them after reading this journal.

Out of all the customers that reviewed this book, no one rated this book with fewer than five stars. Customers were very satisfied by their purchases. All customers gave this guide rave reviews.

Our Recommendation of Fat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery

When considering any kind of major surgery it is important to be informed. This book was highly recommended by people who have purchased it. This guide is as entertaining as it is informative. This book is priced relatively high but is not expensive. Overall, if you are considering weight loss surgery or are post-op and having trouble keep the weight off, then this book is a safe purchase. You can find it for less on

Fat No More  Long Term Success Following Weight Loss SurgeryFat No More- Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings