Weight Loss Exercise

Importance of Circuit Training in Men’s Fitness Workouts

Numerous studies show that regular exercise not only improves overall health, it can also add years to your life. One of the best men’s fitness workouts is circuit training, which combines strength training and endurance training. Men who incorporate circuit training into their fitness regimen can benefit significantly from it.

What is Circuit Training?

A circuit training program combines groups of cardio exercises with strength training exercises, performed at a fast pace with little to no rest period before moving on to the next group of exercises. One circuit or group of exercises can consist of anywhere from 6 to 10 exercises. You can tailor the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level.

Why is Circuit Training Important?

Men often favor one type of exercise over another. For example, some men may focus on bodybuilding or strength training and neglect their cardiovascular health. Circuit training ensures that men’s fitness workouts develop not only their muscles but also their endurance.

Importance of Circuit Training in Mens Fitness Workouts

Benefits of Weight Training Exercises

Here are a few reasons why men should use a circuit training routine:

  • Ideal for beginners: If you are starting an exercise program for the first time, circuit training can help ease you into your fitness regimen. Circuit training conditions the entire body and prepares you for more advanced fitness programs. Keep in mind that you can vary the intensity of your workout.
  • Convenient: Circuit training allows you to get a full workout in a short span of time. You can even design a circuit training session that requires little or no exercise equipment. You can incorporate exercise routines that utilize only dumbbells or your body weight. If you are pressed for time, simply ramp up the intensity of your workout. You’ll get a full exercise in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Improved fitness level: A circuit training session consists of a mix of exercises that use different muscle groups. Because of this, circuit training can help men develop bigger muscles while improving their endurance and cardiovascular health. Circuit training also aids in weight loss. It can help you burn up to 30% more calories.
  • Eliminates boredom: If you lift weights or work out on a stationary bike day in and day out, it’s very easy to get bored. Circuit training in men’s fitness workouts keeps your exercise sessions fresh all the time. The variety of exercises helps keep you interested and motivated. By changing the exercises with each session, you’ll always be eager to keep working out.

You can also change the intensity level of your training session. By eliminating the possibility of boredom, you’ll be more likely to continue with your fitness regimen in the long run.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Best Cardio Workouts for Men to Lose Weight

Aerobics or cardio training is an essential part of any fitness program. Cardio workouts for men are primarily performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system and burn body fat. Cardio exercises improve stamina and endurance so you can workout more effectively. The secret to cardio exercises for weight loss is to maintain your heart rate at the fat-burning zone.

Benefits of Cardio Workouts

Cardio training strengthens the heart and lungs to make you healthier. Multiple studies show that cardio workouts help men lower their risk for obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. To get the most benefits from your workout, it’s important to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week. Cardio exercise can also help you burn fat faster if you maintain your target heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220 and multiplying the result by 0.75.

Effective Cardio Workouts for Men

Best Cardio Workouts for Men to Lose Weight

Cardio Workouts for Men

There are numerous cardio exercises that you can easily perform to keep fit. Many of them do not require a lot of equipment or extra space.

  • Running or jogging. This is one of the best cardio workouts for men. All you need is a good pair of running shoes for this exercise. You can run anywhere and anytime. You can burn up to 300 calories in half an hour while running at 5 mph. Running or jogging is a high-impact exercise, so take care not to overstress your ankles and knees.
  • Swimming. Swimming is a challenging cardio activity that involves your entire body. You can use different strokes to involve different muscle groups. The great thing about swimming is that you can workout without having to worry about possible high-impact injuries on your joints.
  • Burpees. Burpees are some of the most challenging cardio workouts for men. This exercise engages the muscles in your legs, arms and core. Burpees combine a squat, pushup and vertical leap to deliver an intense workout.
  • Step aerobics. This cardio exercise is performed on a raised platform. It targets the muscles in the legs, butt and hips. The number of calories burned depends on the step height, speed of movement, and duration of the workout. Step aerobics builds a healthy cardiovascular system and burns calories.
  • Interval training. According to the American Council of Exercise, interval training is the best type of cardio workout for men. It pushes the body aerobically and anaerobically. Interval training consists of short periods of intense exercise followed by a recovery period. The short bursts of intense activity allows the body to burn more calories. Interval training is suitable for all fitness levels because you can choose the intensity and duration of your exercise.

Use these tips if you are a guy looking to get in better shape using Cardio. There are so many great ways to get in better shape and cardio exercise will make sure that you are healthier and have a better lifestyle.

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