Weight Loss Exercise

Facts on Fiber

Fiber is one of those things that we are told to eat mroe of yet there should be some confusion. Not all fiber is alike.

Most Americans know that foods high in fiber are full of nutrients because they are less processed. There are two kinds of dietary fiber and you need both.

Two Types of Fiber

Facts on FiberInsoluble fiber (the type that does not dissolve in water and is found in wheat bran, oats, whole grains and vegetables) helps promote regularity, prevent hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. It may also help prevent colon cancer.

Soluble fiber (the type that dissolves in water, found in oat bran, oats, beans, apples and carrots) helps lower blood cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

According to the American Dietetic Association’s(ADA) Dietary Guidance for Health Children aged 2 to 11, the perfect fiber intake has not been defined. Several organizations have suggested that children over 2 consume a daily intake equal or greater than their age plus 5 grams per day. So if you have an eight year old, he or she might consume 13 grams of dietary fiber per day. Ultimately, they should build up to consuming 25 to 35 grams per day after the age of 20 years. But that may seem a long way off for your child.

How can you Incorporate Fiber into your Daily Diet?

First, start consuming high fiber foods in small amounts. Let your body adjust by increasing the fiber you eat in small increments. If you increase your fiber intake dramatically, gas, diarrhea, and bloating may result. However, increasing your fiber intake gradually should minimize these effects. Substitute whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables for some of the processed foods you eat. Think about replacing high fat or highly processed foods with high fiber foods.

Second, drink plenty of fluids to help the fiber do its work.

Third, choose foods, not fiber supplements, to gradually increase your intake of fiber. Fiber containing foods offer other nutrients like vitamins, minerals and protein while supplements may not. Here are some healthful combinations that can be incorporated into your daily menu:

Visit the Family Health site site to see a table with the amount of fiber in common foods.

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Weight Loss Diet Solutions

5 Fast and Easy Ways to Lose Weight – Works Everytime

It is very important to lose weight the healthy way, not in a way that would be hazardous to your health in any way. Do not panic, there are ways to make the pounds quickly and safely without the worry of side effects and other potential problems that may occur.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight safely:

# 1 eat 5 meals a day. This will increase your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories on a daily basis. Breakfast should be bigger than the other 4 meals because it gives you your energy for the day, and you should be as hungry later in the day because of light meals and snacks in between.

What I mean by snack is something healthy like an apple, grapefruit, or even a grain cracker. You get the point, simply make wise decisions about your choice of snacks and your choice of meal.

# 2 Think portion size

5 meal is good right? But it is important to eat portions. Look at your hand and make sure you put on your plate is the size of your fist, which is a good size to aim without much to do. This includes meat, fruits and vegetables.

# 3 Eat servings of each food group.

While eating, do not skip meals and do not avoid fats and carbohydrates. There are good fats and bad fats, so obviously you want to eat only good fats. A good fat in olive oil, you can cook with it to add to your diet.

Eat healthy carbohydrates such as potatoes or brown rice instead of white rice or pizza for example.

Drink pure water and clean

Who said that water is not good for you? Water is the king of fluids and it helps us digest food and keeps us hydrated frequently. It is better to drink the purest water possible. Spring water is my choice, but it is for you.

# 4 Eat lots of fiber

Fiber helps move food quickly through the intestines and eating it helps you feel full faster and keeps you full for a while after wards. If you can double your fiber intake, you may lose a few pounds each year just from this one thing.

# 5 The proteins are important

Proteins can take off pounds safely. It provides a stable balance between carbohydrates and insulin so you do not have spikes that can cause you to have low energy and cravings for sweets.

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