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Olivia Wins Biggest Loser 11

Wow what a finale of Biggest Loser 11. Almost everyone came back for the weigh-in and by my count everyone lost more weight tonight. It was great to see all of the fanfare and excitement.

The finale of the Biggest Loser is always staged and it is crazy how setup it always looks but I always fall for the drama and stories. Tonight was no different.

Olivia Wins Biggest Loser 11

Olivia Ward Biggest Loser Winner

First the final four of Hannah Curlee, Olivia Ward, Irene Alvarado and Jay Jacobs was pared down to three. In the end America voted out Jay Jacobs and Irene Alvarado made it to the final three weight in…more on that later though.

As usual, on the Biggest Loser 11 finale, they trotted out each of the at home contestants and weighted them in. The winner was Deni Hill although she looked a little too thin for me as we often see from at least one of the finalists at the end (remember Ali when she won? She looked freaky thin).

The the final happened and with all the fanfare sisters Hannah Curlee and Olivia Ward were each up against each other and Irene Alvarado.

Olivia Ward Biggest Loser Winner

And the winner of Biggest Loser 11 is Olivia Ward. She looked really great, proportional and not scary skinny so I was pretty happy about it.

Next season we get Anna Kornikova as a new trainer and apparently the show with her and Bob Harper leading is going to be different. The creators of the show want to focus more on health than simply percentage weight loss so it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Looking forward to changes but also it was nice to watch the finale with Jillian Micheals leaving but still very gracious even though she never is as a trainer. I hope all the best for Jillian in the future and will have to write another article about her tomorrow. But tonight really belongs to the big winner Olivia Ward.

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Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth

Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth

Julie Hadden, one of the most successful and memorable contestants ever on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, struggled with her self-worth and her size for years. At age thirty-four she found herself at a crossroads: would she settle for staying ‘big’ the rest of her life, or would she insist on making big changes instead? Reality-TV fans know which path Julie chose that day. When she stepped on the scale at the show’s season-four finale, revealing she had lost an astounding 45 percent of her body weight, she simultaneously stepped into the world’s collective heart. Julie’s experience on The Biggest Loser helped birth her new physique, but the transformation went far deeper than that. From displeasure to contentment, from indulge
Buy Fat Chance: Losing the Weight, Gaining My Worth at Amazon

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