Weight Loss Exercise

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Many people are skeptical when someone talks about easy ways to lose weight. For most of us, losing extra weight is one of the hardest things to do. It takes a lot of willpower, motivation, and hard work to achieve a trim and toned body. This may be true but there are ways to help you shed pounds painlessly. The secret to a successful weight loss program is to make small lifestyle changes that reduce your caloric intake and increase your physical activity. Here are 10 easy ways to help you lose weight and keep it off permanently

Easy Ways to Lose Weight

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Eat more fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition but low in calories. If you want to lose weight easily, substitute high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables. Don’t make the mistake of eating fruits or vegetables in addition to what you usually eat. It will only add more calories and make you gain weight. So instead of having a doughnut for your snack, eat an apple or a cup of carrot sticks.

Stop drinking high-calorie beverages – Carbonated drinks, sweetened fruit juices, and alcoholic drinks deliver calories that you may not even be aware of. Even your morning latte can pack a whopping 200 calories. If you’re thirsty, drink water instead.

Keep a food journal – Keep a small notebook where you write down everything you eat for the day. Use the journal to help you control your caloric intake for the day. Studies have shown that people who maintain a food journal are more likely to consume fewer calories than those who don’t.

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Control portion size – Find out the correct portion size for different kinds of foods and don’t eat more than you should. Use a smaller plate to help you control your portions.

Eat more slowly – It takes up to 20 minutes for the brain to recognize that your body is full. If you eat too quickly, your stomach may already be full but you’ll still want to eat. Put your fork down between bites and chew your food properly. This is an easy way to keep you from over-eating so you can lose weight.

Walk every day – Get into the habit of walking every day to help burn calories and reduce body fat. Even a 15-minute or 30-minute walk will help you lose weight over time.

Get active – Just because you’re watching television does not mean you can’t burn more calories. During commercial breaks, try doing crunches, stretching, or lifting dumbbells.

Walk or bike to your destination – Consider biking or walking to your destination instead of driving, especially if it’s only a few blocks away. You’ll save on gas, help protect the environment, and have a healthier body too.

Take the stairs – Instead of the elevator, walk up (or down) the stairs. You can burn a lot of calories this way. Best of all, you’ll improve your cardiovascular health. While you’re at it, complete your tasks while standing or walking instead of sitting all the time.

Do strength training – Strength training is an easy way to lose weight. The muscles you build will allow your body to burn more calories even when you are resting.

These easy ways to lose weight should get you started. Once you are moving well and eating right you will start to pick up even moreeasy ways to lose weight

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Weight Loss Exercise

Smoothies for Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight can be very difficult for many people. When you’re on a diet, you have to watch what and how much you eat. People often find it hard to prepare a meal that provides the right nutrition without going overboard in terms of calories. If you want to incorporate good nutrition into your diet, smoothies for weight loss can provide a healthy and balanced diet without unneeded calories.

How Does a Smoothie for Weight Loss Work?

Smoothies for Weight Loss

Smoothies for Weight Loss

To get the most weight loss benefit, start your day with a smoothie breakfast. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast jump starts the metabolism and helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. Many people make the mistake of eating a breakfast that is high in quick burning carbohydrates. This leads to hunger pangs and snacking very early in the day. The right breakfast smoothie recipe will curb hunger pangs while providing the body with the ideal amount of fat, proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates.

A smoothie recipe for weight loss contains the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. The recipe should include whole fruits, yogurt and whey protein. Fiber from fruit helps to fill you up while eliminating the extra calories. With the right balance of nutrition, carbohydrates are metabolized more slowly to prevent a sugar rush followed by a sugar crash.

A healthy smoothie for breakfast is important because it sets the stage for the day. If you make healthy food choices at the start of the day, you are more likely to eat healthy the rest of the day.

Fruit Smoothies for Weight Loss

Smoothies are often made with a combination of fruits. High in fiber but low in calories, fruits are ideal for weight-loss smoothies. If you want to add fruit juices to your smoothie, make sure it has no added sugar. You may want to mix yogurt or tofu to give a creamy consistency. The protein and small amount of fat in yogurt and tofu also make you feel full longer.

There are many different fruits that you can add to your smoothie, including mangoes, berries and bananas. A banana and strawberry smoothie tastes delicious. You can also try other fruit combinations. Experiment with different fruit smoothie recipes and you’ll never get tired of the same diet foods.

Green Smoothies

One of the best smoothies for weight loss is a green smoothie. A green smoothie may not be everyone’s favorite drink but it is amazingly nutritious and has a very low calorie count. You may want to consider mixing leafy greens with a fruit smoothie if you are trying to lose weight. Spinach or kale can be combined with bananas and berries to make a good-tasting smoothie for weight loss. If you are not a fan of green smoothies, combine them with a strong-tasting fruit to mask the taste of the greens.

How to Make a Healthier Smoothie

Green smoothies and fruit smoothies are the most popular choices for weight loss. You can make your smoothies more nutritious by adding fat-free milk or unsweetened fruit juice. Smoothies are rich in many different nutrients and fiber but are much lower in calories, fats and sugar.

  • Smoothies for Weight Loss

Smoothies for Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Exercise

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Whether you’re fasting to lose weight, cleanse your body or for a spiritual experience, you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that the fast is successful. When a fast is successful you can see it in your eyes and skin and feel it inside your body. Your eyes will be clear and bright, inside organs will feel renewed and begin to work properly ? and your outside organ (skin) will glow. These fasting tips should lead you in the right direction, but you should also make sure you’re following the directions of the fasting plan you choose.

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

Fasting Tips to Ensure Success

One of the main ways you can ensure fasting success is to select a time to fast when your life is least demanding. Stress and a noisy and chaotic environment will keep you from focusing on the fast and how you’re reacting to it. You’ll need to slow down while you’re fasting, meditate, keep a journal and allow no distractions that will pull you away from the fasting plan.

Don’t begin with a fasting plan you can’t possibly keep up with. If you’re new to fasting, don’t begin with a strict water diet and plan to be on it for days. A better plan would be one that allows fruit juices and fruits and vegetables. As long as you’re eating something, you won’t be as apt to become discouraged and quit the fast. If you enjoyed the fast and the benefits received you can later move on to a more rigorous plan.

Is Fasting Deprivation?

Fasting is the height of deprivation for some ? and a new-found friend for others. If you tell friends and family about the upcoming fasting plan you may have a different reaction than what you think. Some might warn that you’ll become ill or a number of other reasons that you should quit the fast immediately. Others may simply be skeptical of the process. Avoid negative comments and thoughts about the fast by keeping the plan mostly to yourself. If you follow these fasting tips and the instructions for the type of fast you chose, you should do well.

Prepare your body for the fasting process by cutting down on the amount of calories you consume. If you’re used to eating lots of fast foods, carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods, cut them drastically before the fast. Your body will be more ready to accept the nutrients and vitamins contained in your new diet. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

You’ll need a good juicer for a juice fast and then afterward for creating your own. Juices at the supermarket contain additives and preservatives that you won’t want to contaminate your newly-cleansed body. The same goes for fruits, vegetables and teas ? be sure they’re fresh and organically grown.

The most important of these fasting tips is to see your health care provider for a complete checkup before embarking on a fast plan or any other diet that might make your system react in a negative manner. If you already have a health problem, such as diabetes, it’s even more important for you to have a checkup before beginning to fast.