Weight Loss Exercise

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Most people are desperate to lose a few extra pounds, but there are also many people who are more interested in finding quick ways to gain weight. Being thin is not a good thing, because underweight people often have weaker immune systems, get sick easily, and recover more slowly from an illness. If you don’t want to look thin and malnourished, here’s what you can do to fill out your body in a healthy way.

High-calorie diet to Gain Weight

Quick Ways to Gain Weight

Let’s face it. You can’t gain weight if you don’t eat enough. The fastest way to gain weight is to include calorie-dense foods in your diet. In order to gain one pound per week, you need to consume about 500 calories more than you burn per day. Stay healthy by choosing high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients.

  • Include healthy fats and oils in your diet. On a weight basis, fats and oils pack twice the number of calories found in carbohydrates and proteins. A tablespoon of fat or oil contains about 100 to 120 calories. Add healthy oils such as olive oil to salads, pasta, grilled meats and vegetables. Canola and sesame oil are also good choices. Nuts and seeds provide calories and heart-healthy oils as well.
  • Eat bigger portions. By eating more of your regular food, you’ll automatically consume more calories, which is a quick way to gain weight. Use a bigger plate so you can pile on more food. Try having second or third helpings.
  • Snack more often. Keep high-calorie foods such as nuts and dried fruits handy so you can snack on them between meals. Nuts provide about 160 to 200 calories per ounce. One-half cup of raisins has about 250 calories. Other high-calorie but less healthy snack options include cookies, chocolates candies, and corn chips. Frequent snacking is a quick way to gain weight.
  • Drink high-calorie beverages. Liquid sources can also add hundreds of calories to your total daily intake. Fruit juices, protein shakes and smoothies provide essential nutrients and calories. Avoid soft drinks; their calories come from sugars and are devoid of nutrition.

Exercise Regularly to Gain Weight

If you think that exercise is only for those who want to lose weight, you’re in for a big surprise. Regular exercise is a quick and healthy way to gain weight. A trainer can recommend exercises that will help you gain weight more quickly. Strength training exercises build muscles and help fill out your body. Extended periods of cardio exercise burn fat, so you may want to limit your cardio workout to no more than 20 minutes at a time.

The best exercises to gain weight are the ones that work multiple muscle groups. These exercises are called compound exercises. Examples of compound exercises are Squats, Deadlifts, Bench presses, and military presses. Doing lower rep sets (5-8 reps) for four or five sets would help to build muscle and your weight as well.

Physical exercise also has a way of increasing your appetite. When you eat more, you’ll gain weight more quickly.

Get enough rest to Gain Weight

You need to sleep and rest in order to allow your body to repair and rebuild itself. Muscle weight gain takes place while you sleep. Give your body sufficient rest so that it can develop muscle and mass.

Eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are the quickest ways to gain weight while staying healthy.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Men’s Health Diet for Weight Loss

You need a healthy diet and regular exercise if you want a flat stomach and strong muscles. The Men’s Health Diet was created to help men achieve a sculpted body by getting rid of belly fat fast. If you stick to the rules in the diet plan, you can become fit and experience weight loss while eating great food.

As a rule, men hate going on diets that are too restrictive. Some diets leave them feeling hungry and deprived. In contrast, the Men’s Health Diet encourages healthy eating and developing new eating habits that can be used beyond the program. It requires you to eat a wide variety of foods that will boost your energy level and provide all the nutrients you need. The program also includes an exercise plan that will help you lose fat faster and develop bigger muscles.

Men’s Health Diet: The Rules

This weight loss program consists of seven down-to-earth rules that are easy to follow. If you follow these rules, you’ll be able to cut down on calories and burn fat while you continue to eat foods that you enjoy.

The first rule in the diet program is to eat proteins with every meal and snack. The reason for this is that your body needs protein to build muscles that will help you burn fat more quickly. The program also requires you to eat before and after exercising. This will ensure that you have enough energy to do your workout properly. When you eat after working out, your body will have the nourishment it needs to restore and rebuild itself.

The diet program also encourages you to eat more plant-based foods. Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are rich in vitamins and minerals but low in calories. You are also advised to avoid drinking “sugar water” or soda, sweetened fruit juices, iced tea, etc.

You Don’t Have to be Perfect

Mens Health Diet for Weight Loss

Men’s Health Diet

One great thing about the Men’s Health Diet is that it recognizes the fact that nobody’s perfect, so you are asked to follow the rules only 80% of the time. If you try to follow the rules all the time, you are more likely to throw in the towel and give up.

But if you know that it’s okay to break the rules once in a while, you won’t have any guilt feelings about breaking them and will continue to follow the program.

Diet and Nutrition

The diet program includes recommendations for the best foods for men, including recipes that will help you fight fat while providing fuel for your muscles. You are provided with great food choices plus the advice to eat only the best.


The best diet programs always include exercise. The Men’s Health Diet implements an exercise program that is exciting and challenging. It includes circuit training, aerobics and strength training to help you lose belly fat in a matter of weeks.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Omega Fatty Acids – Which One is Best for Weight Loss?

Omega Fatty Acids are very popular for a lot of good reasons. First of all, let me tell you that not all fats are bad, and conversely, not all fats are good either. There are two types of fats found in today’s foods: omega-3 and omega-6. Now you maybe are wondering what these fats have got to do with weight loss. Hmm, well that is what this article is all about.

Omega Fatty Acids -Omega 3 Very Good for You

The first Omega Fatty Acids. omega-3 fat is usually found in fishes, flax seeds, a few types of nuts (the ubiquitous groundnut is a good example), and hemp seeds. On the other hand, omega-6 fats are found in fast foods, processed fruit juices, sugary foods, soft drinks, etc.

Most people today have forgotten all about the healthier omega-3 fats and focus on eating only foods that are rich in omega-6 fats. I don’t mean to say that in order to lose weight, you should be eating only those foods that are rich in omega-3 fats. The key here is not to prefer one type of fat over another, as it creates an imbalance.

Omega Fatty Acids – Problems with Omega 6 fats

Omega Fatty Acids   Which One is Best for Weight Loss?

omega fatty acids

Omega 6 is the next Omega Fatty Acids and there is a lot of reason to avoid this Omega Fatty Acids.

1. Omega-6 fats make your body unhealthy: Studies have pointed out that people who consume a high amount of omega-6 fats and low amount of omega-3 fats are likely to suffer from coronary diseases, high blood pressure, kidney and liver troubles, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Premature death is also not a remote possibility.

2. Omega-6 fats make you stressed and hungry: A little known fact about junk foods is that they make stressed and depressed. A recent study on rats showed that when these rats were given junk and fatty foods to eat, they became stressed and tended to eat more and more junk foods.

However, when those same rats were served with foods rich in omega-3 fats, they were very little stressed didn’t eat more than what they were served because the omega-3 fats made them full just with the initial serving size.

Keep in mind that the foods served in both instances contained the same amount of calories. This study on rats debunked the myth that a calorie is a calorie, and proved that when it comes to weight gain/weight loss, the amount of calorie intake matters as much as the source of those calories.

3. Omega-6 fats make you overweight: Omega-6 fats are also responsible for obesity. This was the final conclusion drawn from the study on rats I mentioned above. As you know, at one time the rats were given junk foods to eat while at another time, they were served with foods rich in omega-3 fats; the foods served on both occasions contained the same amount of calories.

However, it was found out that when the rats ate the junk foods rich in omega-6 fats, they gained a lot of weight. It is only natural; as I told you earlier, omega-6 fats make the rats stressed out and increase their appetite.

In the end, I would suggest that you eat more of omega-3 fats and less of omega-6 fats. However, please don’t focus on eating only omega-3 or only omega-6 fats. Both Omega Fatty Acids need to be eaten in balance and as such, you should be eating a high amount of foods rich in omega-3 fats and a low amount of omega-6-rich junk foods.

While fish is rich in Omega Fatty Acids you shouldn’t eat too much fish because apart from omega-3 fat oils, they also contain the poisonous mercury and PCBs. If you wish to purchase a fish oil supplement, carefully check the package label to make sure that it has been completely detoxified of all these toxins and poisonous ingredients before being packed. I myself have been supplementing with Omega Fatty Acids for a few years now and think it is really worth it.

Omega Fatty Acids – Which One is Best for Weight Loss?, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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