Weight Loss Exercise

Diabetes Symptoms in Women

Diabetes affects both men and women, and diabetes symptoms in women are often the same as those in men. In the United States, more than 10% of women 20 years old and over have diabetes. This chronic condition affects the body’s ability to absorb and utilize glucose or blood sugar. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to health complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, blindness, and skin infections. Knowing the different diabetes symptoms in women is your first line of defense when it comes to managing the condition.

Diabetes Symptoms in Women and Men

A number of diabetes symptoms affect both men and women. These symptoms include:

  • Excessive thirst. This is a very common diabetes symptom in women and can happen despite drinking plenty of water.
  • Increased frequency of urination, especially at night. Although women often urinate more than men do, this can also be a diabetes symptom and is very common in women.
  • Frequent hunger. Women who have diabetes can experience extreme hunger and an increase in appetite.
  • Unwanted or unexplained weight loss. This diabetes symptom in men and women is caused by the body’s inability to utilize glucose for energy.
  • Constant fatigue. Lack of energy makes men and women feel tired all the time.
  • Blurred vision. High levels of glucose in the blood can accumulate in the lens of the eye, causing it to change in shape. This results in blurred vision.
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet. Failure to manage blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in the body’s extremities.
  • Recurring infections and wounds that heal slowly. This diabetes symptom in women and men may be the result of a weakened immune system.

Diabetes Symptoms in Women

One of the symptoms that women with diabetes have is recurring vaginal infections. Vaginal yeast infections may occur frequently especially if the blood sugar level is poorly controlled. If you get frequent vaginal or skin infections, it may be a good idea to ask your doctor if you may have diabetes.

Other Challenges for Women with Diabetes

Women who have diabetes often face additional challenges on top of the diabetes symptoms they may be experiencing. They often have a higher risk for depression compared to women without diabetes. Blood sugar levels in women may also be affected by the menstrual cycle, birth control pills, and pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes is also a cause for concern in pregnant women. This special type of diabetes occurs only in women and affects approximately 4% of pregnant women who have no previous symptoms of diabetes. Gestational diabetes can develop during the late stages of pregnancy. It is treatable and has no permanent effects on the mother or child.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Organic Skin Cream

Organic skin cream is the best solution for your skin. Other creams contain dangerous chemicals that can lead to health complications. It is better to choose creams made with natural ingredients than to take the chance with other products containing synthetics. Some chemicals have been linked to cancer. It is important to remember that everything you apply to your skin will get absorbed by your body and could enter the bloodstream. You do not want dangerous toxins to build up in your system from using traditional skin creams.

Organic Skin Cream

Organic Skin Cream

Organic Skin Cream

If you are concerned about harmful substances than organic skin cream is the best option. Many traditional creams contain preservatives to improve their shelf life. This is why you can purchase some creams with expiration dates of several years into the future. Unfortunately, these preservatives often have parabens. Studies have shown that parabens can cause breast cancer and other types of cancers. You do not want to take the risk on these creams. They can completely destroy your life later. Organic products will not have this issue.

Choosing organic skin cream is also better for the environment and animals. Many companies that sell organic products practice other eco-friendly methods to reduce the impact on the environment. They may have recycled packaging or less packaging. They may also give back to communities. In addition, many organic companies do not test their products on animals. This is an important issue that animal safety groups have been advocating for years. If you are buying organic creams, then you are helping others and not just your skin.

Natural Skin Cream Alternatives Give Great Results

Organic skin cream is a natural alternative to other products. You can still see amazing results from using this product. Your skin can look younger and more elastic. You can have a youthful glow. Most organic creams will have natural ingredients like fruits or vitamins. They may have oils to improve your skin’s moisture levels. Plants and minerals are natural sources of ingredients that can help your skin look beautiful for many years.

In addition, organic companies will usually avoid using genetically modified plants in their creams. These are controversial plants that science is still investigating. People are still not sure how genetically modified plants can influence our health, but the studies completed at this stage do not reveal positive news. Organic products are better and safer for your skin. You should never put your health at risk by using other types of skin care products. Organic skin cream is the answer you may be looking for.

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Diet Pills

Walking For Fat Loss? Find Out How Much You Should Walk Today!

Along with the dramatic increase in obesity and other related diseases to gaining too much weight is the advent of a variety of products and medical and even some unscientific technology on how to lose unwanted weight. Losing weight, needless to say, is becoming an important concern not only in the United States but also throughout the world. The number of individuals who are concerned with a lot of health complications brought about by being overweight is continually ballooning to millions. Very recent studies of trusted experts from America reveal that the way many people lead their life nowadays has an important correlation to obesity and other peripheral problems on health. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the most cited contributory factors of being overweight. But aside from not getting ample amount of exercise, the ubiquity of fast food chains and unhealthy food products that are not conducive to health, likewise throws in a lot to the increasing cases of corpulence.
Among the many ways on losing weight that are either endorsed by proper health authorities or not, walking for fat loss is considered the most natural and healthy procedure. There are several accounts, though, that disclaims the potency of walking as an effective way to decrease weight. As per what they claim, merely walking should not be depended too much upon if and when what we want is a dramatic change in weight. Walking for fat loss, they say, should only be supplementary to a more established and effective procedure to diminish fats in our body.
But walking for fat loss should not also be stripped off all credence when it comes to decreasing weight. Medical authorities say that walking should only be given additional attention, in that, people who wants walking to be significant part of their goal, should pay more attention to ‘more serious’ walking.
We prettily understand that walking is already a run-of-the-mill routine our body performs every now and then. But to be able to really commit to walking as an agent of fat loss, the first thing to do is to increase your ‘walking’ time every day. Not only that. We should take note that the old habit of walking is too much a function of our body already. Hence, if we you succumb to this mere ‘ol walking custom, it might be that you are only wasting your time.
An efficient walking for fat loss duration would be 30 to 45 minutes for natural walking. When using apparatus as the treadmill though, a 20 to 30 minute on it would be good enough. Of course this routine would not be as effective if you do it infrequently. Needless to say, a religious and committed dedication to walking for fat loss should be done at least five days every week. This way, albeit walking does not really motivate fat loss, at least, it would not anymore be just a so-so routine to be able to attain your ideal weight. Because proper attention and enough discipline, plus the naturalist nature of walking, might be an efficient pattern to get you back into shape.