Weight Loss Exercise

Aging Skin, What Can You Do?

The older we get, the more our skin starts to show its age and we get wrinkles. It’s part of life, right? Yes, but there are ways to slow down the process. If you’re willing to take some healthy lifestyle steps now, your skin will look a lot better when you get older. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to prevent your skin from sagging and looking unhealthy prematurely.

Keep in mind that aging is a normal process, and skin will sag to some degree as you get older. This is because it loses elasticity over time and gravity starts to win. The areas around the eyes and mouth begin to develop deeper lines, and over time the entire face can begin to sag. More blemishes are also a common experience for many people as they get older. And you thought you were done with pimples after high school? Rosacea, reddened blotches with visible tiny red blood vessels on the face, can begin to show up for some as they get older.

Many people don’t take care of their skin through the years and resort to cosmetic surgery to try to get rid of the signs of aging. Some of these methods work and some don’t but really, it’s better to try to prevent or slow down the problems in the first place.

First, try to protect your skin from temperature extremes. Very hot or cold conditions will dry it and cause it to look older. If you live in a dry climate, your forced-air heating can really dry your skin. If this is the case, a humidifier in your home is a must.

Tanning can also be a real problem down the road since it causes long term damage. Too much sun exposure can also lead to skin cancers. Yes, you can have them removed but are you ready for the scars they leave? Wear sunscreen now to prevent problems later.

Harsh soaps and other cleansers can strip the moisture from your skin. Read the labels and avoid drying agents such as rubbing alcohol.

Environmental issues, such as smoke and pollution can do a number on your skin. Smoking is extremely hard on the whole body and it’s no surprise that it damages the skin too. The obvious answers here would be: don’t smoke, don’t hang around second-hand smoke, and live somewhere where the air is relatively clean.

Look for natural moisturizing methods when you can. Something as simple as vitamin E oil or coconut oil can be just as effective as expensive moisturizing products. Avoid excessive use of cosmetics, which may contain ingredients that can eventually cause problems with your skin. To stay looking fresh and natural, it’s a good idea to spend as much time that way (natural) as you can. That doesn’t mean you have to go without makeup entirely, of course. Learn about cosmetic ingredients, and know what you’re putting on your skin.

Diet and exercise have a huge effect on the health of aging skin, too. Pay attention to what you drink and avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and sugary drinks. Pure water is usually the best choice. Drink lots of it and you’ll look and feel better. Add a regular, moderate exercise program in to keep the blood flowing to your skin.

Pay attention to these factors, plus get enough sleep and try to diffuse stress, and you’ll have done your best for your skin. Why resort to gimmicks, when simple healthy living and a few quality skin care products are all you really need to look younger, longer?

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Weight Loss Exercise

Detox Cleansing – Natural Way to Lose Weight

Rather than diet pills or weight loss diets that offer far less nutrients that your body needs ? think about using a detox cleansing method to prepare your body for weight loss ? the natural way. You may already realize the importance of eating organic and natural foods and avoiding too much meat or processed foods, but do you know that it’s also a way to detoxify your entire body from chemicals and toxins, restore your health and lose weight?

Detox Cleansing – Natural Way to Lose Weight

Depending on which detox cleansing diet you choose, other procedures (such as natural laxatives or juice fasts) may be included with the diet plan. Detox cleansing may seem like a drastic solution to weight gain, and you won’t be able to keep the weight off unless you make some lifestyle changes. But, after detoxifying your system, your body will be ready to accept these changes and you’ll be more apt to continue with a healthy lifestyle.

Some natural foods that you can eat to help your system in the detox cleansing process and flush out the toxins that are contaminating your body.

Here are some Detox Foods

Juices that are pure (no sugar added) and made with organically grown fruits and vegetables (cranberry juice is an excellent way to naturally flush out the kidneys).

Lean meat isn’t included at the beginning of the detoxification process, but as you reintroduce solid foods to your diet, avoid fatty meats and concentrate on lean chicken.

Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber which keeps your digestive tract working properly.

Berries such as raspberries and strawberries are abundant in nutrients that help clean out pollutants such as alcohol. They also increase brain power.

Citrus fruits, rich in Viamins E and C are great cleansers for your liver.

There are many natural foods that help your body work properly ? and, after all — you do have the best detoxification process inside your body. You were specifically designed so that organs such as the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and lungs would work in your favor to keep the body safe from toxins.

But, along the way, our diets and lifestyles have gone from healthy, fresh foods and moderate or vigorous amounts of exercise to foods drowning in too much oil, sugars and salt ? and we’ve become a nation of couch-potatoes besides. Plus, the environment in which we live has become polluted, clogging our lungs and slowing our thinking process.

Detox cleansing means returning to a more simple way of life, eating natural foods, lots of water and exercising our bodies. It’s the natural way to make sure we remain fit and healthy, keep off the unwanted weight and be able to fight life-threatening diseases that come our way.

Weight Loss Exercise

The rewards of a healthy lifestyle

In my travels across the internet I just found this great post from a guy who has ben living a great new healthy lifestyle and wrote a nice long post about how it has made him feel.

Life is about learning from mistakes that have been made and being better: Health and Fitness

Sometimes I forget about the great changes in peoples outlook from having a great workout, or haveing a great eating day. These are things that really make us appreciate how we have made these changes for ourselves. Sure it is nice to get compliments from frineds and coworkers about how much better we look, but it is even more importnat that deep down we are really happy about what we have done for ourselves.