Weight Loss Exercise

Consistent weight loss and health

Consistency is the key to weight loss. I was reading through an article today and thinking about exactly what it is that really stops people that are looking at a real solution to weight loss. I believe that the key to healthy weight loss really is consistency and not trying to lose lots of weight in a week.

Consistent weight loss and health

Consistent weight loss and health

Consistency for Weight Loss

Consistent meals – One of the most important things that you can do with your health in general is to keep a nice even keel with respect to your blood sugar. When you eat a donut and coffee for breakfast and then nothing until lunch then you will get a big blood sugar spike and then a drop soon after and be just dragging your way until lunch. If you eat consistently small but evenly spaced meals every couple of hours during the day then you will not have this blood sugar problem.

Consistent meal sizes – If you make sure that you eat 200 – 400 calorie meals then this will go hand in hand with the point above. Having even sized meals will mean that you are not bloated after one meal and then hungry after the next. Of course there may be a problem with dinner being a little bigger and an evening meal being a little smaller but overall this consistent eating will make you feel much better and your weight losses will be more consistent.

Consistent exercise – I know some people that will exercise a lot on the weekend but get nearly no exercise during the week. This is really quite dangerous. If your body is not being exercised at least somewhat on a daily basis then these big events on the weekends can be damaging to your muscles and also lead to more injuries because of the stress you are putting the muscles through. Much better to have a quick workout in the morning and evening and then still push it on the weekend, then to takes four or five days off in a stretch and not get any exercise until Saturday.

Consistent rest – I have hit on this a few times in the past and rest is important to your well being as well as the healing of your muscles after exercise. Stretch daily, sleep well most nights and if you need it a hot tub, heating pad, or massage can do wonders to get rid of those little aches and pains that may not be going away quickly and holding yopu back a bit from going all out when you want to.

Remember that consistency is the key. Weight loss is something that often people want to see those big losing weeks but it really is much more healthy and possible to be consistent. Losing two or three pounds a week is much better then losing six pounds one week and losing nothing the next couple weeks.As we get ready for Christmas and then make new years resolutions later this month we are always looking at pushing ourselves or pulling back so try to think about this and make sure that you keep your consistency

Weight Loss Exercise

Are Eggs Good for You?

Are eggs good for you? Over the last 50 years there have been mixed messages from all levels of the food management chain over whether eggs are good for you or poison to your body. Taking Veganism out of the picture it is interesting to see what is going on within that egg in your fridge

What is in Eggs

Are Eggs Good for You?

Are Eggs Good for You?

Protein – The average egg has an interesting protein profile that can not be overlooked. For many years the best protein that bodybuilders ate to improve muscle was egg protein, this has not been replaced by whey protein but still eggs are good for you in that they have a very balanced amount of amino acids and each egg has 6 grams of protein

Carbohydrates – Eggs have no carbohydrates so they also have no fiber but still for many people on carb restricted diets this is a good choice.

Fat – Eggs are actually high in fat for their weight and size. The average egg has 5 grams of fat which is only about 40 calories from fat but this is almost as many grams as protein. This is a problem for many people although most people are not going to eat too many eggs at one time for this to be a deciding factor whether to eat eggs or not.

Cholesterol – Eggs are very high in Cholesterol and this has been the problem that the health industry has had with Eggs over the years. the average egg has 211 mg of Cholesterol so people that are concerned for good reason that eggs can be a risk to your heart and arteries with the cholesterol leading to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

Are Eggs good for you?

The latest scientific study it seems that eggs are bad for you but it is important to look at an egg for what it is, 70 calories with protein and 211mg of cholesterol.

If you eat one egg by itself no problem, if you eat two eggs still no problem. But if you eat 2 eggs with bacon and toast slathered with butter….well every morning eating this will make you very sick.

The most important things to me are habits, consistency, and smart decisions. I love eggs and eat an omelette probably once a week but I would never eat them everyday so really in the end I think that making sure that eggs are a special part of your diet is a fantastic thing but not every day when there are much more healthy choices for an everyday breakfast.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Procrastination and Missed Opportunity

I and many others have a problems with procrastination. There are a few ways to win the battle of procrastination but one of the big one is to look at the loss of opportunity when it comes to procrastination.

How Procrastination Hurts Us

One of the problems with procrastination is that when we decide through inaction that we are not going to do something then we feel no sense of loss. Often we can find other busywork to stop us from doing important things and make that procrastination seem not quite as bad.

The real way that procrastination hurts us though is when we have some kind of important opportunity that we miss in life. I am not talking about missed opportunities like buying a winning lottery ticket or finding the love of your life but more commonplace types of opportunities to make change.

Here are some examples of missed opportunities thanks to procrastination

Eating badly or not exercising today – Means that you will not be in a better place physically 1 year from now than you are today
Watching TV today instead of going out and meeting new people – means that you will be STILL watching TV a year from now

I know these are a little harsh and don’t think that I don’t procrastinate either. Or else there would be 10,000 posts on this blog instead of just under 2,000. My procrastination is painful to me everyday. I have missed a lot of opportunities and successes in life because of procrastination and it can really hurt.

How To Kick Off Change Today

Procrastination and Missed Opportunity

Fight Procrastination

Look at the parts of your life where things are going badly for you or at least not as well as you wish they were. Now think back to what you could have done a year ago, the changes you could have made and how much better today would have been if you would have done those things.

Now look at yourself a year from now. If you make those changes today then one year ago you will be a much better place, no matter how good or bad things are today.

Change they say is inevitable. The problem is that we as people do not have to change if we do not want to. Look seriously at yourself today and make those changes. Mark 1 week from now, 1 month from now, 6 months from now, and 1 year from now on calendars and see what you want to be on those days. What action do you need to take today and then tomorrow to reach these goals?

Finally take steps that matter. I am sure I have written this lots of times before but if you have a list of 5 things to do today no matter what then you are one day closer to your goals. If you look back on the last few weeks how many of those days were wasted because you got to busy and did not do those really important little tasks that over time make giant changes.

Remember most huge success a year from now can be traced back to small changes that are made today. Let us all know what changes you are going to make and why.

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