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Zone Diet Plan

Zone Diet Plan

Zone Diet Plan

The Zone Diet Plan is a popular diet plan among celebrities. People often choose a celebrity endorsed fad diet in order to lose weight. And if a fad diet is used and endorsed by their favorite celebrities, then they would obviously prefer it over other diets.

The Zone Diet is one of those Celebrity endorsed diets with users like Mekhi Phifer from ER, hockey player Brian Leetch, and Brad Pitt.

I will tell you to start that the Zone diet plan is difficult to follow but the carb to protein to fat levels seem to be quite good for any active person.

Now, as a matter of fact, just because a diet works for your favorite celebrity doesn’t mean that it would work for you too. Different people have different body compositions and what works for one doesn’t necessary work for another! Another thing to note is that the Zone diet is said to be miles apart from a strict vegetarian diet. Considering the fact that experts say that vegetarian diet is the best diet for quick weight loss, and that people who thrive on a vegetarian diet usually remain fit and healthy, you maybe curious as to how the Zone diet works.

So what is Zone diet plan all about?

According to the Zone die tplan, your meals must consist of 30% fat content, 40% carb content and 30% protein content. With this combination, your insulin level will be balanced. When your insulin level is balanced, you automatically lose weight (since higher levels of insulin trigger the storage of fatty tissues in our body). As you can see, the Zone diet is particularly useful for those who want to get rid of diabetes or any heart-related ailments.

Barry Sears is the creator of the Zone diet plan. Some people will call the Zone Diet a fad diet, I don’t know if that is true as the Zone Diet and variations of it have been around for quite some time. Considering the fact that the Zone diet is a fad diet, I have found that it is much more flexible than the other diets in the same category.

The problem with this diet, however, is that it is not only hard to follow, but it also comes with a couple disadvantages:

1. The recommended ratio of protein in the Zone diet is a bit high compared to protein and carbs. Experts however contend that the ratio of fat is all right

2. By restricting the intake of certain foods, the Zone diet also restricts the intake of the essential nutrients and vitamins. This can adversely affect your health so supplementing with multivitamins is essential.

So whats the verdict, Is the Zone Diet Plan any good?

I kind of like the Zone diet. As a book it is a great one to have in your bookshelf and try it out for yourself. When you do look around though the Zone diet plan is probably most popular with athletes as the high protein is especially good for people that need the muscle recovery.

Weight Loss Exercise

Carbohydrates for Energy

There are essentially three types of diets these days. There is the Atkins diet which stresses low to zero carbs. There is the low fat diet which stresses no fats and there is a vegetarian diet which stresses low fat and low protein but allows higher carbohydrates.

Today I would like to demystify the need for carbs. And then in the future we can deal with fats and protein as well as what diet is best.

Where to find Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main component of grains, rice, fruits and vegetables. You essentially need carbohydrates for energy and fibre. When your body is looking for a source of energy it tends to use the simplest form available. The very simplest form of energy is glucose and although this is pure table sugar its next closest form is found in fruits as sucrose. These carbohydrates are called simple carbs because they are easy for your body to break down into energy.

If your body can not find one of these sources of sugar for energy it will move down the food chain and try one of the next most easily available carbs next would be grain based or what we look at as ‘white’ carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, or rice. (Chocolate bars although not an official food group are closer to sugar than veggies or other carbs). Your body will use any of the complex carbs as well as vegetables for fuel before moving to fats or proteins.

Now that we can see where our carbs site in the energy chain it is a good idea to see what happens when we eat one and what happens to our energy from them. When you eat a sugar it immediately increases your blood sugar otherwise known as your insulin level.

What happens when you rely on sugar?

When you blood sugar spikes from sugar, chocolate, or pop you will get a bit of a euphoric feeling from this extra unneeded energy but because it is quick pickup it is also a quick drop for energy and thus you will get a sugar crash 30-45 minutes after the initial energy peak, this is very bad and bad for your body. If on the other hand you only had potatoes or bread or rice for your carbs you would have no nice spikes but no crashes either and would feel after a couple days on a very more even keel, you would feel like you energy is pretty good all the time but never to low or to high. This is the key that we are looking for.

Tomorrow I will write more about bad foods just for a nice way to start minimizing them not to scare people away from them. But now you know energy wise why you would rather get you energy from more complex carbs than simple carbs.

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General Weight Loss Tips

Lose Weight By Lowering Your Insulin Level

Many people are probably unaware that they can lose weight by lowering their insulin levels. Revelations about insulin’s role in weight control and overall health have helped many people successfully lose pounds when other methods have failed.

Scientific studies demonstrate that lowering one’s insulin level is not only an effective and safe way to lose weight, but that lower insulin directly contributes to good health in a number of ways.

How insulin works

Insulin is one of the body’s natural hormones that is produced in the pancreas and is used to regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Stimuli like ingested protein and blood glucose levels cause the pancreas to secrete insulin. The hormone regulates both the rate at which the body stores and burns fat.

By lowering insulin levels, the body stores less fat thus preventing weight gain. Studies also suggest that lower insulin contributes to slower aging, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels along with having other health benefits.

Individuals can control their insulin levels using a holistic approach that involves diet, exercise, nutritional supplements and, in some cases, insulin-regulating drugs.Insulin resistance

Many people develop insulin resistance resulting in higher than normal insulin levels in the system. The cause of elevated insulin levels is often linked with the modern lifestyle in which large amounts of sugar and complex carbohydrates are consumed. Other factors that may contribute to insulin resistance are alcohol consumption, nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, smoking and stress. Web MD goes into depth on the health issues associated with insulin resistance. It can be read here.

The high rate of obesity in America is often linked with Americans’ high levels of insulin. Many snack foods are loaded with carbohydrates and people are not getting as much exercise as before. Consequently, many become insulin resistant and their bodies produce higher levels of insulin contributing to health-threatening weight gain.

Studies also show that these high insulin levels may be contributing to the widespread incidence of cardiovascular disease. The research shows that people with elevated insulin levels had higher risks of heart disease, hypertension, blocked arteries and high cholesterol.

Cutting insulin levels by lowering intake of carbohydrates

One of the most effective ways to lower insulin in the system is to reduce the amount of high carbohydrate foods in our diet. Traditionally, grains and starches make up a large percentage of the modern person’s diet.

We can safely reduce carbohydrate intake by paying more attention to the food we eat. Some foods more readily stimulate the release of insulin than others. Foods that quickly raise the blood glucose levels are the ones to watch most closely. These foods are said to have a high glycemic index (GI) and include grains like rice, wheat and corn; and starchy foods like potatoes and bananas. One does not have to give up these foods, but it is a good idea to be aware of the glycemic index of foods that you normally eat.

Use whole rather than refined grains and try to reduce consumption of sweet foods like sugar and honey. Most processed snack foods should be avoided if possible.

By eating a more balanced diet not so rich in high glycemic index foods, the body’s insulin levels should begin to normalize. Another method of keeping the blood glucose levels lower is to eat a larger number of smaller meals each day. Instead of eating three “square” meals, for example, you could reduce the size of breakfast, lunch and dinner and add some healthy snacks between these meals. Some experts recommend eating about five or six meals a day to avoid sharp swings in blood sugar.

A more balanced diet will contain a higher percentage of proteins and fatty foods as a source of calories. Contrary to a common belief, fat in food does not automatically translate into body fat. By eating a higher percentage of protein and fat rich foods, the body is able to get sufficient energy without pushing up insulin levels. While some fats may contribute to cardiovascular problems, other fats are much less dangerous and are even beneficial so long as one does not overindulge. Omega fatty acids, for example, found in seafood and various plant sources are thought to contribute significantly to cardiovascular and overall health.

The importance of exercise

In addition to controlling excessive intake of carbohydrates, you can also control insulin levels by maintaining an active lifestyle with plenty of regular exercise. Physical activity helps burn off glucose in the blood reducing the amount of stimulus that causes the pancreas to release insulin. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise and resistance training enhance the body’s insulin sensitivity and also may stimulate sex hormones that refine the body’s insulin response.

Of course, regular exercise can also directly burn off fat and it helps tone up the cardiovascular system.

Using nutritional supplements

Certain minerals are thought to help the body control insulin levels better. Chromium is an important element in the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF), a molecule used to regulate blood sugar. Chromium supplements can help lower blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance. Foods high in chromium include onions, sweet potato, tomatoes and mushrooms.

Vanadium is another important mineral that can help control insulin levels. Vanadium works by performing some of the functions of insulin. Foods high in vanadium include soybeans, mushrooms, black pepper and parsley. Some experts, though, state that foods do not contain enough vanadium to impact glucose levels and that one should instead use nutritional supplements as a source for this mineral.

Controlling insulin with drugs?

Some doctors recommend using drugs like metformin to reduce insulin levels and promote weight loss. Metformin acts in a manner similar to vanadium in that it mimics the action of insulin. Metformin is considered safer than its predecessor, the anti-diabetic drug phenformin. However, metformin is not available over the counter and must be prescribed by a health professional.

Losing weight requires staying the course

Like any weight loss program, a regimen that involves lowering insulin levels will not work overnight and persistence is required. Generally, it is best to consult with a physician before undertaking an insulin-based weight control program.