Weight Loss Exercise

How to Avoid Running Injuries

The most common cause of running injuries is over-training. When you try to do too much too soon, your body will suffer. Running injuries can also happen due to improper shoes or flaws in body structure and motion. Fortunately, the majority of running injuries can be easily prevented. Here are some tips on how to avoid running injuries.

How to Avoid Running Injuries

Create a running plan – Unless you have a sensible running plan, you’re likely to become a victim of “too much, too soon.” It’s tempting to run too many miles with too much intensity this is a key on how to avoid running injuries. Exercise experts recommend increasing your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each week. It’s all right to push your limits, but do it gradually. This will allow you to avoid running injuries such as shin splints and runner’s knees. Common sense and a smart training plan will allow you to reach your goals without suffering from pain and frustration.

How to Avoid Running Injuries

How to Avoid Running Injuries

Warm up and stretch – Before starting your running session, be sure to warm up for at least five minutes. Brisk walking is a good way to warm up your muscles. After warming up, start stretching your muscles, especially the calf, groin, hamstrings, and quadriceps. After your run, stretch your muscles again. Many running injuries occur because of inadequate stretching.

Wear the right shoes – Running is a high impact cardiovascular exercise that puts a lot of stress on your joints and feet. Your running shoes should provide the right amount of cushioning and support for the feet. If your running shoes are worn out, it’s time to get a new pair. Find the right model for your foot type and running style. It’s best to buy your shoes from a specialty running shop where you can be properly fitted for the right type of running shoes. Wearing shoes and socks that fit properly can also help prevent blisters.

If you have biomechanical foot problems, such as flat feet or high arches, you should look into getting fitted for orthotic shoe inserts. There are also specially designed shoes suitable for runners who suffer from over-pronation or supination.

Cross train – Injuries can happen if you focus only on your running muscles while neglecting others. Cross training develops muscles that work to help prevent running injuries. Strength training, swimming, biking and other activities help develop your quads, core muscles and overall strength. Cross training also helps prevent injuries caused by overuse when you do the same type of exercise all the time.

Know where to run – A final tip on how to avoid injury is simply to run on the right surface. You want to run on a surface that absorbs shock and reduces the impact on your feet, joints and tendons. If possible, run on grass or dirt trails. Avoid running on concrete, as it is 10 times harder than asphalt. Choose a route that consists mostly of straight paths and slow curves to avoid accidents and injuries.

These tips should, even in the long run, show you how to avoid running injuries, be sure to change things up and be healthy so that your personal running career is more good than injured

Weight Loss Exercise

Running for Weight Loss Plan: Beginner’s Guide

Running is one of the best workouts for weight loss. It burns more calories per hour than many other forms of exercise, and you don’t even have to spend a lot of money because all you need is a good pair of running shoes. If you are new to running and would like to shed some extra pounds, the following running for weight loss plan will get you off to a good start.

Getting Started – Running for Weight Loss

Walk and Run

Running is a challenging exercise, so it’s important to begin your fitness routine gradually in order to avoid injury. A combination of walking and running will give your body time to adapt to the training while still burning calories. Start with a brisk 10-minute walk to warm up your body and loosen your muscles. Alternate between running for 1 minute and walking for 1 minute for the next 10 minutes. Finish your workout with a 10-minute walk to cool down.

Gradually increase the duration of the runs and shorten the walks until you are able to run consistently for 10 minutes. Finally, begin to shorten your warm-up and cool-down walks so that you will be running longer periods. Run at a pace that allows you to carry on a conversation. Your goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes at a time in order to maximize calorie burn.

Add Mileage

Running for Weight Loss

Running for Weight Loss

The next stage of your weight loss running plan is to run longer distances. You can easily get bored if you run the same distance day in and day out. Gradually increase your total mileage for the week in order to burn more calories each week and achieve your weight-loss goal.

The rate of mileage increase should not exceed 10% per week. This will give your body time to adapt to the workout without suffering from the added stress on your joints and muscles.


Interval training is one of the best ways to increase the number of calories burned during your workout. When doing intervals, you alternate between sprinting/running and jogging/walking. Fartlek can also be integrated into your running for weight loss plan. Fartlek is an unstructured form of interval training where you sprint 200-400 meters, then run at your normal pace for recovery.

Vary Your Workouts

Your weight loss running plan should provide variety in your types of workout so as to prevent boredom. In addition to intervals, your workout can include tempo runs or running at a challenging but manageable pace. It’s also a good idea to incorporate long, slow runs at least once a week. Running longer distances allows you to burn more calories and shed extra pounds.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Exercising and Anti Aging

Exercising and Anti Aging are totally related. One thing everyone has in common is that everyone grows older. There is no way around it, given current technology; the body will age. Naturally, the majority of people would prefer to slow down the process. Who wouldn’t want to look younger than their age? So let’s look to lifestyle choices, specifically exercise and anti-aging.

Exercising and Anti Aging

Exercising and Anti Aging

Exercising and Anti Aging

Some form of exercise can be done by just about everyone and it has huge potential to help with anti-aging. Exercise may help by strengthening your muscles and allowing you more flexibility, which can mean a better quality of life. Exercise can also help keep additional weight off that would otherwise put a lot of stress on joints and organs. Additionally, exercise might have another benefit by giving you a healthy outlet from stress in your life.

It is important to consult your physician first before starting an exercise program. Ask the doctor all the questions you may have regarding what kind of exercise you can safely do and what is recommended. Also have your doctor’s office perform any tests first, depending on your age, which might include a stress EKG.

As you start an exercise program, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Start slowly. Nothing kills your desire to exercise like going full-out on the first day and winding up so sore you can hardly get out of bed the next. Moderation is key.

2. Keep it regular. To have lasting benefits, you should ideally do some form of exercise every week for… ever. If that sounds intimidating, just take it week by week until it’s a regular part of your life. Sometimes you need to remind yourself why you’re doing it and other times you’ll want to do it because it feels so good.

3. Make it interesting. There is no “should” do this or that. If you are getting some cardiovascular or muscle strengthening benefit from your workout, then do it. If you find doing the same thing day in and day out is boring, then change it up. Walk, ride a bike, lift some weights, use a rowing machine, try hot yoga, do kick-boxing, or whatever sounds interesting to you.

Exercise can be a huge anti-aging weapon as your workouts can help with your weight, your feeling of well-being, your muscle tone and your flexibility. The good news is you can tailor your routine to fit you and your particular lifestyle. So consult your physician, put aside excuses, and get moving.

There are real direct links between exercising and anti aging so try and get more exercise starting today.