Weight Loss Exercise

How to Avoid Running Injuries

The most common cause of running injuries is over-training. When you try to do too much too soon, your body will suffer. Running injuries can also happen due to improper shoes or flaws in body structure and motion. Fortunately, the majority of running injuries can be easily prevented. Here are some tips on how to avoid running injuries.

How to Avoid Running Injuries

Create a running plan – Unless you have a sensible running plan, you’re likely to become a victim of “too much, too soon.” It’s tempting to run too many miles with too much intensity this is a key on how to avoid running injuries. Exercise experts recommend increasing your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each week. It’s all right to push your limits, but do it gradually. This will allow you to avoid running injuries such as shin splints and runner’s knees. Common sense and a smart training plan will allow you to reach your goals without suffering from pain and frustration.

How to Avoid Running Injuries

How to Avoid Running Injuries

Warm up and stretch – Before starting your running session, be sure to warm up for at least five minutes. Brisk walking is a good way to warm up your muscles. After warming up, start stretching your muscles, especially the calf, groin, hamstrings, and quadriceps. After your run, stretch your muscles again. Many running injuries occur because of inadequate stretching.

Wear the right shoes – Running is a high impact cardiovascular exercise that puts a lot of stress on your joints and feet. Your running shoes should provide the right amount of cushioning and support for the feet. If your running shoes are worn out, it’s time to get a new pair. Find the right model for your foot type and running style. It’s best to buy your shoes from a specialty running shop where you can be properly fitted for the right type of running shoes. Wearing shoes and socks that fit properly can also help prevent blisters.

If you have biomechanical foot problems, such as flat feet or high arches, you should look into getting fitted for orthotic shoe inserts. There are also specially designed shoes suitable for runners who suffer from over-pronation or supination.

Cross train – Injuries can happen if you focus only on your running muscles while neglecting others. Cross training develops muscles that work to help prevent running injuries. Strength training, swimming, biking and other activities help develop your quads, core muscles and overall strength. Cross training also helps prevent injuries caused by overuse when you do the same type of exercise all the time.

Know where to run – A final tip on how to avoid injury is simply to run on the right surface. You want to run on a surface that absorbs shock and reduces the impact on your feet, joints and tendons. If possible, run on grass or dirt trails. Avoid running on concrete, as it is 10 times harder than asphalt. Choose a route that consists mostly of straight paths and slow curves to avoid accidents and injuries.

These tips should, even in the long run, show you how to avoid running injuries, be sure to change things up and be healthy so that your personal running career is more good than injured

General Weight Loss Tips

Zenergy Winner + Exercise Thoughts

It’s 10pm, but I picked a name for the Zenergy Powerballs! I just scrolled through the comments with my eyes closed and pointed my finger to Jessica from Just send me an email at tokenfatgirl(at) and I’ll have those send out to you! Thanks for your oatmeal topping comments, I forgot about adding cinnamon!

I just finished day 12 in a row (except for sundays) of exercise and I have a few comments to make, in list form.

1) I feel a lot better physically. I have no clue what I weigh, but I feel good. My body is moving better, I just feel good.

2) It doesn’t get easier. It’s only been (almost) two weeks of consistent exercise and I’m still sweating and pushing myself as hard as I was on day one. This are getting slightly easier, my stretches are a tiny bit deeper and I’m moving better.

3) I still don’t want to exercise. It’s so shocking, right? I do not want to exercise. At all. Which makes me laugh because I think my whole life I was waiting to turn into someone who wanted to exercise. The truth of the matter is, she doesn’t exist. I don’t want to. I didn’t want to tonight. I didn’t want to yesterday or the day before. I’ve craved runs before, maybe twice, but I think coming to terms with the fact that there won’t be a day when the clouds part and I want to exercise. So knowing that- I just have to do it anyway.

4) I’m exercising even when the conditions aren’t perfect. Some days I’m really sore, other days I don’t exercise until 10pm, and occasionally I have to exercise before eating dinner or getting ready for the day. We don’t have a huge living room, but we still move the couch out of the way and push the coffee table aside. I write this as a reminder to myself: I can exercise even when the conditions aren’t perfect. They never will be. I don’t need a bigger living room, the right program, a gym membership, or the right shoes to exercise. I never did.

5) I’m still fat. Hey self, guess what? You’re still fat! And you thought all you’d have to do was a couple of weeks of hard exercise and you’d be done? Nope. I’m still wearing the same clothes as I did last month. And I’m okay with all of this. At least I’m writing it as a note to myself that it’s okay. I’m trusting my process. I’m trusting that I’m doing what I need to do to be a healthier person.

I am okay with who I am today as long as I am doing everything in my power to take care of myself. To be a healthy person today, for tomorrow. That’s all I can hope for. It’s okay that I’m still fat. This doesn’t happen in two weeks, or two months.

And on to fun stuff. I’m sure we all have lives and interests outside of our trying to be healthier selves and I’d like to here about what you’re into lately. What books you’re reading, or shows you’re watching or about your closet organization.

Here it what I’m into lately:

Grey’s Anatomy- I just finished season two and I’m shamefully hooked. It just didn’t seem like my kind of show, and now I find myself watching it late at night or early in the morning. Getting my fix of Meredith, Izzie and George.

Finishing up my Valentine’s jewelry line to come out early next week!

Genealogy: We had our DNA tested by (nope they didn’t pay me or ask me to write this) and just got the results this week. They tell you things like genetic diseases you’re prone to getting, ancestry and other tidbits like what color eyes your future kids will have (blue for us). These results propelled us to give a try and oh my lord it’s so fun. I’ve traced my mother’s dad’s line all the way back to the 800’s. Turns out I’m related to the King of Sweden on a direct line from my grandfather. I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid, but never knew how to start. I may never sleep again, why sleep when I can find out that I’m related to royalty a thousand years ago?

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