General Weight Loss Tips

Carry On

pbpanini Carry On

Yesterday’s breakfast was a peanut butter and jelly panini with a serving of Noosa raspberry yogurt, almond slivers and strawberries. I’m loving this yogurt and I only have one serving left! noooooo. The panini was really good, though messy. I found these panini flat breads over the weekend and just cut it in fourths, spread peanut butter and jam on the middle and toasted in the skillet for a few minutes.

soup Carry On

I made another batch of soup from yesterday and had a large bowl of it for lunch. This one was just as good and now I have leftovers for today. I’m looking for a tomato soup now, preferably without a lot of cream, does anyone have a recipe?

blueberrypancake Carry On

For early dinner I had two pancakes made with Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Mix. I added a handful of frozen blueberries and topped with butter and agave maple syrup. Blueberries make the best pancake mixers!

bananasoftserve Carry On

For late dinner I had peanut butter and chocolate banana soft serve. Just two frozen bananas, 1 T peanut butter, 1 T cocoa pureed in the food processor. Just like soft serve! Best invention ever, thank you internet.

No exercise yesterday. I have no real excuse. Felt under the weather, down, wonky knee…the usual. Will exercise today, no excuses.

I’ve been losing weight and it feels really good. I’m doing my best to just put my head down and keep going. So often, in the beginning stages of losing weight,  I start getting excited. I start thinking, I’ve got this. And then I get confident and I stop doing what I’m doing to reach my goals, and I quickly go from I got this to what the heck just happened? I get in my head. So I’m just trusting my process, in that trust comes record keeping.

Along with this blog, I keep a detailed journal by my side. I write down everything. And I’m doing this so I can go back and see what worked and what didn’t. I’m using it for those weeks when I don’t lose weight, or when I lose a lot of weight. So I can see exactly what’s going on. Sometimes weight gain is just a salty meal or not keeping an accurate record. And so many times I’ve let those little things upset me when the scale shows a bump and think, why try? And that’s crap. Forest for the trees!

I don’t want to use this expression, but it’s fitting for how I feel: Keep Calm and Carry On. Just trusting that I’m doing the right thing and that yes I’m losing weight and that yes I have to do this everyday and no it’s not killing me, and yes I can have what I want, and no I can’t have everything I want and yes I can make switches and I’m okay. I know that if I want a blueberry pancake for dinner, I’m going to eat vegetable soup for lunch. And I can do that and still lose weight. I’m losing weight. Whew!

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General Weight Loss Tips

Not Giving Up

tortillapie Not Giving Up

Breakfast this morning was a serving of leftover tamale pie from last night’s dinner. I’ve been eating leftovers for breakfast for as long as I can remember. Food is food, right? This recipe is so easy to put together: prepared polenta, black beans, diced tomatoes, monterey jack cheese, cumin, garlic and salt. Bake and eat.

grillecheese Not Giving Up

Lunch was pretty uneventful, a grilled cheese sandwich. I always feel like I could eat like five more. So instead, I eat pineapple.

pineapple Not Giving Up

Pineapple will forever remind me of our family trip to Hawaii when I was 12. My mom was on a pineapple kick after that trip and so now they remind me of her. Mom, remember your pineapple rug?

I’m already feeling hunger pangs for dinner, what are you guys having?

Oh! I was interviewed for Fitbie (an MSN sister site) recently of an article, 10 Weight Loss Bloggers You Should Follow:

fitbieinterview Not Giving Up

I have to admit feeling a little sheepish when these sorts of things come as a result of my blog and no doubt my search engine results. Not that I don’t appreciate them, because it’s kind of cool to show it to my mom and makes me feel validated on some weird level, but I’m aware of my lack of actual consistent weight loss.

I will say that there seems to be two types of weight loss bloggers, those who lose weight, and those that don’t and stop blogging. And while I’ve been tempted to be the latter on more than one occasion, I feel good about my decision to continue sharing my life. Like I said in the interview, “I want other women to know that you can have a loving husband, awesome career, and amazing outfits right now. If someone leaves my blog with hope, that’s really it for me. I want people to see somebody who hasn’t given up.” That is very true, I’m not giving up.

Today starts Lent, are you giving up anything? I’m going to try giving up TV again (I only made it to week five last year!) and continuing with eating only when I’m hungry rule. I slipped a little this weekend (I’m looking at you, smores), so I like the idea of making it through this stretch of time eating only out of true hunger.

General Weight Loss Tips

Waiting For Hunger Week1D1: Smaller Plates

Welcome to day one, week one of the Waiting for Hunger Challenge! I’ve compiled a list of participants in hopes that we can encourage each other in the coming days and weeks as we form new habits. It’s not too late to join us; feel free to leave a comment in this post if you’d like to be added to the list.

Waiting for Hunger Participants


Happy Girl 










I’ll be using the comments section as a chat area too for communication throughout the day. Today’s theme is using smaller plates and bowls. I’ve heard this tip numerous times, and it wasn’t until this morning that I decided to actually see how it would work.

I woke up around 7am pretty hungry. Because I’m in a cold cereal phase right now I grabbed one of my smallest bowls off the shelf. I know that cereal doesn’t do much for my hunger and I’ve had issues in the past with overeating it, but I’m ready to try again. It’s what I wanted. Small bowl of Mother’s Choice Honey O’s with whole organic milk.

About three hours later I could feel hunger pangs again. I got a few chores and work done and decided that I would make one of my favorite big breakfasts for me and Josh. Doing this would require a few habit changes 1) getting over the guilt of feeling hungry again 2) using a smaller plate 3) eating slowly and enjoying my food 4) being okay with leftovers and 5) instead of dividing the food in half I presented everything buffet style and filled my little appetizer plate without layering. By doing this, I was eating a fourth of what I normally would. In the future I hope to get used to preparing smaller amounts of food and being comfortable with having less on hand. For now, I’m okay with putting it in the refrigerator for later.

Another tip was cutting things like bread into smaller pieces. Normally I would have two large slices of bread, four slices of bacon, two eggs and a cup of fried potatoes. No wonder I have food issues.  Today, using the small plate method, I at 1/2 slice of bread, 2 slices of bacon, 1 egg, and about 1/4-1/2 c. potatoes. That’s a significant difference and I’m full, but not uncomfortably so.

I’m realizing and truly trying to understand that I don’t need so much food. I ordered a salad last night and couldn’t believe how enormous it was. It was enough for 2-3 meals.





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