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How to Create an Abundance Mindset

Doesn’t it always seem like some people have no problem achieving success while others just can’t seem to catch a break? There are many things that go into success that include knowledge, skill, preparation, and execution but having an abundance mindset really helps.

What is an Abundance Mindset?

How to Create an Abundance MindsetAn abundance mindset simply means that when you look at a situation you see the opportunity possible and not the fear of not being able to get what you want. Actually it is a bit more than that. The idea is that you can have anything you want, there are no limits except for a lack of imagination and the choices that you have not yet made.

I think that these ideas have been around for a long time but the movie and book “The Secret” really made abundance thinking more mainstream. Be clear though that people like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hey have been talking up abundance thinking for at least 20 years and probably longer.

There tends to be two camps as far as creating an abundance mindset goes. There are people that understand the concept and work towards it and there are others that look at it as a greedy outlook by some new age folks. I hope to dispell that myth here.

Also I don’t really look at abundance as money really but lifestyle. If I have abundance of money but it takes me 18 hours a day to make it then my family, health, relationships, and lifestyle all suffer. Think about it, what would life me like if you were the fittest person that you knew AND your relationship with your spouse was the best of anyone that you knew as well? And this is just looking within your small group of friends and the people around you!

How Do I Get Started Creating an Abundance Mindset

Be willing to give always, don’t hold back the things that you have thinking that you need them including time, things, and money. Giving is incredibly important and I never realized this. Everything that we have was somehow given to us. Our homes, jobs, education, spouses love, kids, health, and everything else. Of course you had to work for most of those things as well but there was some kind of transaction that made each of them happen and this will always be the way. so remember that holding tight will lead to lack, and giving will lead to abundance

I think that most people see this completely wrong when they hear it. I would not say take out a loan from the bank and then throw the money into the street or give it all away to the first person that you see, this is just not smart. Instead think of everything you have as something that you can invest in people that you come across to help them and in turn this will help you.

Remember that right now is an instant in time that has been brought to you by all of your decisions in the past and that the future is unwritten. There is no reason to think that what you have gotten up until now were the only choices but instead were the choices that you made so far. If you adopt a mindset that anything is possible is will alter how you make decisions in the future.

Appreciate everything around you. Have gratitude for all that has been given to you and everything that you have earned. The best way to do this is to make sure that you have a list of things that you are grateful for. We sometimes remember a few things that we are greateful for but most of the time we forget those great things in our lives and in our worst times of course it seems that there is nothing to be grateful for so we just spiral down and feel bad about everything.

How to Create an Abundance Mindset

Gratitude Journal

Get organized. When you are disorganized you don’t know what you have, what you need, and what you want. Organization means really that we know what we have and where it is in the simplest way. We are all disorganized I feel. Either you aren’t doing anything or you are scrambling trying to finish projects and searching for that not, paper, or email that you made just last week. I am great for keeping all the info I need but terrible for organizing it so I have lot of work to do in this area myself.

Look for ways that you can help others in every situation that you see others. This will lead to other people seeing that you are always trying to help and any situations where there is a chance of I want, you can’t have is dulled. You will always have a better chance to create situations that help everyone involved. This can happen at work, at home, anywhere that you are dealing with other people.

Watch out for what you love – Do you love money, things, and owning? This can be a problem as it will make you scared of losing. We learn when we are young that if you love something then let it go and if it comes back it is really yours. Well this is in fact true. If you hold onto money or belongings too tightly then you don’t get a chance to see what you would have without them. We do this all the time with some things like food or bottles for the scouts. things that don’t mean much but when it comes to your car or house you hold tight. Think about this and why.

Rely on learning from the best in every field. There are fantastic people with knowledge that can help you in any single part of your life. Trainers for fitness, teachers for using money better, lifestyle gurus, and those spiritual teachers that you wither listen to or ignore. Too often our mindset it based on what we know instead of what others can easily teach us. Make sure that you are always learning and this will break down that barriers in life that stop you and limit your beliefs of what is possible.

Plan abundance in all parts of your life – Just what do you want? If you have your goals for life out there, the things you are working towards, the dreams you have, and the life you want to live, then it is far easier to plan what you can give for that, and what you will need to sacrifice to others for that dream. Remember that as you give what you have to others it frees them up to give you what you want and need.

Create Abundance in Your Life Starting Today

I really think that creating an abundance mindset is something that every successful person has done but also is something that we can all create for ourselves as well. We tend to live in narrow self imposed lives that have limits that we have created and these limits are important to break away from so that we can live to our greatest potential. 25 years ago I thought the greatest thing would be to become an accountant, 20 years ago I thought that I would always be a Realtor,  and for the last 15 years I have been a computer nerd but I am always excited to know that there is always more in life coming that I still can’t see today.

So change the way you look at life, give any time you can, stop setting limits on your future, and make that gratitude journal of all the things your are thankful for today and add to it tomorrow.

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Importance of Healthy and Natural Foods

Until quite recently, ‘healthy’ shopping meant shopping in a health food store, sometimes called a natural foods store. Now, however, most major supermarkets have extensive health foods and organics sections. This shows that the demand for these products is way up; healthy eating is finally going mainstream! While this is a good thing, it also means more choices, which can be confusing, especially if you are new to the field.

While it’s not my job to tell you where to shop, you may want to familiarize yourself with a well-stocked health food store and do most of your shopping there for a while. You may be tempted to stick with your supermarket, thinking it’s more convenient (such as for nonfood purchases) and cheaper. This can be true, but a store that specializes in natural foods can be an easier way to get yourself comfortable with the many choices in this realm. Furthermore, you will not be tempted by the vast amounts of unhealthy foods sold by the truckload at regular supermarkets! Once you are more familiar with natural foods and know what you are looking for, you can always price shop and return to the regular markets.

Healthy, Natural and Organic: what’s in a name?

First of all, if you want to eat healthy, and help you in losing weight you’re going to have to start reading ingredient labels, as dull and time-consuming as this can be. You don’t really have to spend a lot of time going over every line of an ingredient list; you can quickly learn to ‘speed read’ and learn what to watch for.

When you start shopping for natural foods, you will quickly learn that many foods are labeled ‘natural,’ ‘all natural’ and ‘organic.’ These can be tricky to even the most savvy shopper. ‘All natural’ simply means that the product does not contain ingredients deemed ‘artificial’ by the FDA. Such products can still contain lots of ingredients you may want to avoid or limit such as excessive sugar or salt, the two biggies. If a product has the world ‘natural’ on the package but doesn’t say ‘all natural,’ be careful. It might very well have a combination of natural and artificial ingredients, which means it’s not all natural.

‘Organic’ is even trickier, as there are various standards used to allow this description. In general, however, organic means that no harmful pesticides were used in the creation of the product. In the case of vegetables or fruits, it means that they weren’t sprayed with such chemicals. In the case of dairy or meat, it means the animals were fed on an organic diet. ‘Organic,’ like ‘all natural’ doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you. Organic products can and often do contain large quantities of sugars and sodium. More on this later.

In general, it’s a good idea to buy as much all natural, preferably organic diet, though an all organic diet can be difficult and expensive to adhere to; there is no need to be a purist. This is not as hard as it might sound, especially now, when so many companies are clamoring to meet the demand for healthier products. As we will see in the next chapter, the challenge is not so much in finding healthy products as in avoiding unhealthy ones!

As a rule, ‘all natural’ and organic are the minimum standards to look for when shopping for natural foods and for losing weight. That is, if products do not meet one or both of these standards, they probably are not very healthy. On the other hand, just because they do meet these standards doesn’t mean they are great for you. There are other things to look for, which I’ll go into later.

I’ll conclude with some thoughts about the whole natural foods concept for losing weight. To some, it’s a gimmick. People might point out that many ‘artificial’ ingredients are not necessarily unhealthy. After all, we are supposedly protected by law against anything that is toxic or seriously bad for us right? This is debatable, and a whole book could be written (and many have been!) on this topic. However, I’ll give you my brief take on it.

True, the hard evidence is sketchy that eating foods that contain artificial colors or flavors or preservatives by the way, those are broad terms which encompass hundreds of possible additiveswill make you sick, make you gain weight, lower your energy or  cause any other specific negative result. How many writers of natural foods manuals will admit something like that?  But seriously, my attitude is, why take chances? In many cases, the evidence is controversial that is, there are arguments both for and against many additives. Furthermore, many of these additives are relatively new, especially when measured against the many millenia of human history.

Mainstream scientists might argue that since lifespans are longer today than, say, a hundred or thousand years ago, that proves that our present ‘junk food’ diet can’t be so bad. I wouldn’t be so sure. There is also evidence that many degenerative diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes) are actually becoming more prevalent now. Also, what about the rise in maladies such as obesity, autism, ADD and many so-called mental illnesses such as depression and bi-polar disorder? Think of all the foods and drugs that you hear about years after many people have already been made sick by themthat are pulled from the shelves, followed by lawsuits against the company that made them.

My guess is that, since you reading this, you are already inclined towards eating a natural foods diet, so I will not spend any more time preaching to the choir.

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Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle – A Closer Look at the New Ebook Diet Craze Burn the Fat Feed the Muscl

We’re all familiar with the hyped up new books and diet systems that come out regularly, claiming they can show you a better way to achieve bodybuilding goals, weight loss, or just good overall physical fitness. Most of these are full of rehashed information that doesn’t really show us anything original that we haven’t seen or read about somewhere else before. But one book has stood out from the rest for a while now, Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Venuto is a bodybuilding and nutrition authority, who has studied this subject for over 20 years. His long list of certifications was really the only reason I gave his ebook a second look, and I think it lends some credibility to the methods he recommends in Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

This is a 340 page ebook, and these are the major areas that it covers about drastically reducing your own body fat percentage.

1. Permanent weight/fat loss. Yo-yo dieting is commonplace with almost all nontraditional diet and weight loss programs. People can have some sort of success with a program, then gain the weight all back within the next few weeks. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle talks about some of his carefully studied methods to join that 5% that keeps the weight off permanently.

2. Drugs and supplements: My real disgust with this whole industry really started when I began to come across a lot of mainstream diet books in bookstores, and on bestseller lists, etc. that actually “recommended” their own brand of supplements. Some went so far as to print the website address where you could buy them on every page of the book! Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is an all natural system, and the author explains why you’re most likely wasting your money on 97% of the supplements out there. There were supplements that I swore by before, but in reading Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle, I’ve been able to continue to get the results I want without them. This approach can potentially save you hundreds of dollars a month.

3. Metabolism. There’s a natural barrier to dieting and fat loss, where you can have some success and lose weight for a while, then it gets substantially more difficult to lose any more. They call this the “plateau. ” A lot of diets that consist of really minimal meals get you to the plateau quickly, and they slow down your metabolism to the point where it can be very difficult to continue losing weight or lose it again once you gain it back. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle explains Tom’s system for speeding up your metabolism to where fat no longer just sits still. Your body continuously expends the fat as energy. This part I have honestly not seen anywhere else. And there’s a lot more to it than smaller meals, more often.

4. The right foods. There are good fats that are more or less essential to losing weight and burning excess fat. A lot of people take this the wrong way and see it as permission to eat a bunch of junk mixed in with their diet. There are very specific foods that this refers to, and Tom tells you exactly which ones. There are also lesser known methods for combining different types of foods to get the best results.

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