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A new type of Canada Food Guide?

Earlier I mentioned how I like the idea of the Canada Food Guide but I really do not like the ratios of foods. Here is how I would change things if I had the choice.

I am not sure how much you know about the Canada Food Guide but the idea is that the Canadian government has come up with a list a lot like the US food pyramid that list a type of guidline of what you should eat every day. There has always been arguments from people that the meat, milk, and grain lobby all have too much influence as well as the fact that a lot of people that have problems with lactose or gluten intolerance, as well as vegetarians are not really recognized in the Canada Food Guide.

Last year Health Canada radically revamped the Canada Food Guide and it is much better as it looks at age, sex, and other factors. Anyway I have my own ideas of what I would like to see as basics of the Canada Food Guide even though they have done a great job at Health Canada I think lots of people will not follow the more complex guidelines and are instead looking for a set of simple rules.

My Canada Food Guide

A new type of Canada Food Guide?8 glasses of water a day
I don’t care that water is not food. Water is still a nutrient that people need for a healthy diet and most people do not drink any water let alone a little bit. Adding water to the food guide would be a great addition

3-5 small servings of meat or fish
I know that meat and fish are not th only place to get protein but at least mentioning fish again would add to the options. Also most people think that a serving of meat is an 8 ounce steak, not a can of tuna but the can of tuna is just as good. Your body just can not metabolize a big steak.

3-5 servings of vegetables

3-5 servings of fruit
Why is it that fruits and vegetables have always been lumped together? Fruits are great for their high water content and antioxidants and Vegetables are great for minerals including iron and Calcium. I know that this is a generalization but it would be nice to see people eating more of both fruits and vegetables. Oh, and tater tots and french fries are not a vegetable no matter what my brother in law thinks.

2-3 servings of high fiber grains
The idea of lots of breads I believe is outdated as a nitritous food group, instead I beleive it would be good to have reference to high fiber foods and to have examples.

Serving sizes for My Canada Food Guide
Come on governments on both sides of the border, it would be nice to have a better idea, not just in print but in news papers and TV, of what a serving size really is. The biggest poblem facing most people is not the junk and misplaced nutrients but instead it is a lack of idea of what serving sizes really are. A bowl of food or cup of coffee is a great sized breakfast but a giant plate of food is not quite enough for dinner? We need to get the word out about what is a good meal morning, noon, and night.

I know that there is a lot more to a good diet than these few things but I look at this as a guide, a way to look at a days food, not the everything that we eat in a day.

Do you have better ideas? Let me know. I would love to add a few more things to this list of my Canada Food Guide in a follow up.

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Healthy Recipes on a Budget

Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you can no longer afford healthy food. It’s possible to eat nutritious food while pinching pennies. All you need are healthy recipes that you can make on a budget. While the thought of preparing delicious, healthy meals may seem daunting when you’re on a tight budget, keep in mind that you have complete control over what goes on in your kitchen.

By cooking smart, you can stretch your food dollars and enjoy the quality food that you and your family deserve.

The first step in saving money and eating healthy is to cut out (or at least limit) junk food and alcohol. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats and limit salty and sugary foods. Drink plenty of water and eat a wide variety of nutritious foods.

Stock Up on Budget-Friendly Ingredients

When you’re on a budget it’s easier to prepare healthy recipes if you have budget-friendly items on hand. Make sure you fill your fridge and cupboards with the following items:

? Beans and lentils are nutritious, rich in protein and fiber, and easy on your wallet. Buy them canned or dried. They make a hearty, nutritious soup and can be served as a main course with rice or fresh vegetables.

? Pasta is quick and easy to cook. You can pair it with fish, vegetables, chicken, meat, or a fresh green salad. Whenever available, choose whole-wheat pasta,

? Brown rice can be added to leftover meat and vegetables to make a new dish. Brown rice is a bit more expensive than white, but the nutritional value is worth it.

? Fresh fruits and vegetables in season are important ingredients when you are making healthy recipes on a budget. Vegetables are great for stir-fries, while fruit makes a quick and nutritious snack. Canned and frozen varieties are also good options especially if you can get them on sale.

? Meat and fish are excellent sources of protein and should be kept on hand for last-minute meals. Stock up on inexpensive cuts of meat for stews and casseroles.

? Herbs and spices add flavor to your dishes. Keep a good selection of dried herbs, spices, marinades, vinegars, curry powder, tomato sauce, soy sauce, and stock cubes in your pantry. The simplest recipe will taste exciting and new with the right condiments.

? Soups are filling, hearty, and healthy with the addition of vegetables and leftover meat. Use canned or packet soups, and experiment by adding herbs and spices.

It only takes a little planning and creativity to make healthy recipes on a budget. When you think of the money you will save and the health benefits for your family you’ll find it’s worth the extra effort. Start with healthy easy recipes, economical pasta recipes, and hearty bean or lentil soups. You’ll be amazed to find that good food does not have to cost a lot of money.

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