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Ten Of The Best Anti Aging Herbs

People have been searching for the best anti aging herbs and formulas that prolong youth for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Ponce de Leon was not the only one who traveled the world hoping to find a magical Fountain of Youth. Today people are just as eager to discover unique herbs that may help them hold back the hands of time just a little bit longer.

Best Anti Aging Herbs

Ten Of The Best Anti Aging Herbs

Best Anti Aging Herbs

Many of the botanical plants that offer help with memory loss, wrinkles and other age related problems are those grown in distant countries but you don’t have to book a seat on that Asian bound jet just yet. Here is a list of 10 of the top anti-aging herbs that are readily available.

Ginkgo Biloba and Gotu Kola are highly rated botanical plants that contain ingredients that can help you maintain your sharp wit and keen memory. These herbs are able to fight the negative effects from free radicals that are even now circulating throughout the tissues of your brain and body. The Ginkgo Biloba herb is becoming quite well known for the positive effect it has on short term memory.

Saw Palmetto and Black Cohosh are herbs used to improve the reproductive systems for men and women. Today more and more physicians are realizing that Saw Palmetto is effective at helping with prostate problems and Black Cohosh is commonly used by women who are approaching their menopausal years.

Dandelion is more than just an annoying weed in your lawn. Fresh dandelion or commercially prepared herbal formulas made from this plant can help improve your digestive system and restore some of that youthful energy. There was a good reason why many of your ancestors made a tonic each spring from dandelion greens.

The leaves from the mint plant are among the best anti aging herbs when it comes to smoothing and toning the skin. Mint facial masks and poultices can reduce the puffiness around the eyes, clear blemishes, open pores and hydrate your skin.

Milk Thistle has the ability to help increase blood circulation. As people begin to age, blood flow becomes slower and less efficient because the blood will be thicker and the blood vessels will not be as elastic and smooth as they once were. With Milk Thistle many people have had improvements with circulatory issues. This herb is also useful because it helps cleanse and detoxify the liver.

Garlic is not only one of the best anti-aging herbs, its versatility means you can use it in a number of delicious recipes. By using garlic you can help fight off the oxidation from free radicals as well as lower your blood pressure. Some reports indicate that this herb is also able to lower the cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Green Tea is an herb that can be eaten raw but is usually brewed into a tasty beverage. Research has shown that people who use green tea regularly have fewer incidences of arthritis and other degenerative diseases. This herb is packed with compounds that act as anti-oxidants in your body. This means they fend off the problems created by those free radicals.

Hawthorn berries and leaves are proving to be among the best anti-aging herbs on the market. Regular use of hawthorn fights the effects of aging by strengthening the heart and circulatory system. Hawthorn berries are also able to help correct unstable heart rhythms and reduce cholesterol counts. This flavorful herb has been shown to be effective at lowering blood pressure.

Healthy choices are always going to be your best bet at keeping your body fit, healthy and youthful. In addition to a proper diet and regular exercise the best Anti Aging Herbs can also help you win the fight against the undesirable effects of premature aging.

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Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Want your body to look and look and feel like you’ve been to a spa for a week? You can get the same effects at home without spending thousands of dollars. Cleanse your body out with a fast that will flush out the pollutants that are making your body sluggish – and when your internal organs are working properly, your outside organ (skin) will begin to glow and become clear of blemishes in a short amount of time.

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Cleanse Your Body Out With a Fast

Water only fast –  Limiting your diet to drinking only water for a few hours or a couple of days can produce benefits like lowering your blood pressure and releasing harmful toxins from your body so that your organs can better filter what you consume.

Natural foods fast – By eating only natural foods and eliminating alcohol, sugars, saturated fats, caffeine and cigarettes, your system will begin to naturally begin the detoxification process.

Cleansing supplement packages – These packages come with everything you need to thoroughly cleanse your system. They usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs and fiber.

Herbal cleanse – Herbs such as burdock, milk thistle and dandelion root can be used to cleanse the liver, which is one of the main filtering organs in your body.

Fiber cleanse – A good, natural fiber cleanse generally includes eating high fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Among the best foods for a cleansing diet are cabbage, broccoli, beets and seaweed.

Exercise is a way that you can help the toxins pass through your body quickly. It’s also necessary to build muscle and keep from losing what muscle you’ve got. When you fast, the body turns to its stored glucose and fat for energy. When those resources are depleted, the body turns to muscle.

If you choose a body fast program as a weight loss tool or to cleanse your body of toxins, pay attention to the mental aspect of the program. Try to reduce stress from your life as much as you can. You may also want to clear your house of aerosol products that may contain environmental hazards and try to purchase organically-grown fruits and vegetables.

Body fast plans have been used for centuries to cleanse the body, restore health, prevent diseases, gain spiritual awareness and promote longevity. Modern-day researchers have found that detoxifying our bodies may also help us to be more mentally acute. Fasting may even help prevent the onslaught of Alzheimer’s disease – and for that, alone, it’s worth taking a look at. So cleanse your body out with a fast

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Detox Diets ? For a Healthier Lifestyle

Detox diets are designed to flush out poisons and contaminates from your body in a healthy and gentle manner. Many use a detoxifying diet plan to begin a weight loss regime and some use the plan periodically to maintain health and vigor. Detox diets should not be thought of as fads ? they’ve been used for centuries in a belief that they promote a healthier and longer life.

A detox diet is restrictive, allowing only fresh and natural foods that are fibrous and that will help your immune system and those filtering organs like the kidneys and liver to work properly. There are detox diet plans for everyone, including the following:

· Clean Diet ? This detox diet plan lasts for 21 days and is especially designed for those who enjoy a bustling lifestyle.

· Raw Food Only ? Those choosing this diet plan are only allowed to consume raw and uncooked food.

· Super Cleanse ? Dieters can choose from several unique plans designed for cleansing the body, including juice fasts and vegetarian plans.

· Weight Loss Cure ? This diet plan uses cleansing techniques as a way to begin a weight loss program.

· Martha’s Vineyard Detox Diet — Strictly a plan to lose weight ? up to 21 pounds in 21 days.

· Swiss Secret ? A detox plan to improve health as well as help you to lose weight.

· Fruit Flush ? A 3-day plan to flush out your system and get you on the track to losing unwanted pounds.

Most of the detox diets you’ll find advocate drinking at least 2 liters of water per day, ingesting various herbs that help the detoxifying process (milk thistle, Psyllium seed and Licorice root, for example), avoiding food and drink that are processed or were grown using pesticides and fungicides and eating lots of organic vegetables, fruit and unprocessed foods such as seeds and grains. You’ll also be asked to avoid caffeine, smoking and certain drugs or vitamin supplements.

Our lifestyles and environmental issues today simply beg for a detoxifying diet plan to keep our bodies healthy and rid them of the harmful chemicals, toxins, pollution and other elements that contaminate our lives. In the past, we often thought that “detox” meant a treatment for dependence on drugs or alcohol, but now we know that detoxifying our systems is a method that we can use periodically to keep our bodies working properly so that we can enjoy health and longevity.

There are many detox diets available and you can find an abundance of information about them online. Research the various detox methods and decide which is best for your lifestyle and that will help you achieve your goals.

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