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Causes of Childhood Obesity

Strictly speaking, there is only one causes of childhood obesity, and that is consuming more calories than the body can burn each day.  However, there are certain factors that increase the risk of your child becoming obese.  It’s important to take the necessary steps to decrease these risk factors in order to avoid health problems that may arise from obesity.

There are many factors that cause obesity in children and adolescents.  Oftentimes, these factors work in combination to increase the risk of your child becoming overweight.  Below are some of the causes of childhood obesity.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Environmental Factors – Environmental factors play a huge role in childhood obesity.  American families often eat out, and more often than not, they eat fast food that is high in fats and calories but lacking in nutrition.  Sugary drinks and energy-dense convenience foods like cookies and chips are readily available while wholesome, healthy foods are less accessible and oftentimes more expensive.  Portion sizes are larger than they used to be, so that people tend to eat more without realizing it.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Kids Need Exercise

Children these days do not get enough physical activities.  They spend too much time using entertainment media such as television, video games, computers and movies.  TV viewing is a major cause of childhood obesity because it discourages physical activity.  In addition, it can lead to increased food intake through snacking and eating in front of the TV.  Television commercials also encourage children to make unhealthy food choices.

Genetics/Family History – Another factor that can cause childhood obesity is genetics.  A child that comes from a family of overweight people is more likely to put on extra weight, too.  While genetics plays an important role in childhood obesity, family factors also have a significant impact particularly if these factors include eating too much without getting enough exercise.  Dietary and lifestyle habits within the family contribute to childhood obesity.

Socioeconomic Factors – Children from low-income backgrounds, including lower level of education,  are more likely to become obese.  Healthy eating and exercise is difficult for families with limited time and resources.  High-calorie processed foods are often cheaper and more readily available than fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.  Families with low socioeconomic status may also have limited access to safe recreational places, thus making it difficult to participate in sports and physical activities.  However, recent studies into obesity show that the rate of childhood obesity among high- income groups is now on the rise.

Psychological Factors – Some people, including children, are “stress eaters”.  They overeat in order to handle stress or deal with negative emotions.  There are also people who eat to fight boredom.

Medications – Certain drugs can cause obesity in children, such as steroids and antidepressants.  Children who are taking medications for a psychiatric condition or seizure disorder may gain excess weight.  These drugs cause weight gain by stimulating the appetite or slowing down the body’s metabolism so that it burns calories more slowly.  In some cases, the medication may cause the body to retain water.

The CDC has a great page on their plan over the last few years to try and stop these causes of childhood obesity

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What is the Cost of Gastric Band?

What is the Cost of Gastric Band? Individuals who are grossly obese (BMI higher than 40) are often advised to have bariatric surgery. While a number of surgical weight loss options are available, gastric banding is fairly common because it’s less invasive than other procedures and can be reversed. Choosing a weight loss procedure should not be based only on cost. Rather, the surgeon and patient should work together to choose a method that is ideal for the patient’s health condition and lifestyle.

If gastric banding is your best option, you need to know about gastric banding cost in order to make the necessary steps to be financially prepared for the treatment.

Adjustable Gastric Band Systems

In the United States, only two gastric band systems have FDA approval. They are the LAP-BAND and the REALIZE Band systems. Gastric band surgery involves implanting a medical device in the stomach to restrict food intake, allowing the patient to lose weight. The band can be adjusted as needed to decrease or increase the amount of food that can be ingested.

Cost of Gastric Band?

What is the Cost of Gastric Band?

Cost of Gastric Band

The prices of the two gastric band systems are comparable, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000 for surgery in the US. The amount covers charges for the medical device, bariatric surgeon’s professional fees, cost of hospital fees, and anesthesiologist’s fees.

Gastric banding requires aftercare or follow-up treatment for the next two to three years and even beyond after the surgery itself. Follow-up treatment is necessary to monitor the patient’s health and response to the treatment. Fills to the gastric band can be provided as well. Depending on the purpose of the visit, patients can pay $35 to $200.

Factors Affecting Gastric Band Cost

It’s difficult to provide a specific amount for the cost of gastric banding surgery because the figure can vary from one patient to another due to a variety of factors. Among the factors that affect gastric banding cost are:

  • The patient’s health
  • Choice of surgeon
  • Medical facility where the surgery is done
  • Services included in the weight loss program
  • Geographic location

Comparison of Bariatric Programs

There are many bariatric surgeons to choose from, and while it’s important to have a competent surgeon at a well-equipped medical facility, patients also want their weight loss treatment to be as affordable as possible. When considering the cost of bariatric surgery, be sure to find out what services are included in the quoted price. The price may cover a complete program with full service that includes pre-operative tests and psychological evaluation as well as the surgery itself and after-surgery care including follow-up visits, band adjustments, diet and nutrition advice, etc.

Other bariatric providers may not be able to provide an adequate level of post-surgery care and support, or they may bill the expenses separately. Take note that many bariatric surgeons do not provide fills or adjustments to individuals who had their bariatric surgery done elsewhere that is an extra cost of Gastric Band surgery.

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How To Stop A Migraine

Wanting to know how to stop a migraine is a big deal for those that suffer from it. More than just headaches, migraines cause different symptoms which can be very debilitating and painful. By learning how to stop a migraine, you can save yourself from having to suffer.

Determine first if you do have a migraine and what kind of migraine it may be. The usual migraine symptoms are a throbbing pain on your temples as well as pain in one side of the head. This can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as loss or impairment of vision, nausea and even impairment of motor functions.

Once you have established that you do have a migraine, you can take the necessary steps to prevent and alleviate migraines.

Steps on How to Stop a Migraine


Prevention can be the best way to stop a migraine. Migraines are often triggered by external factors such as:

* Stress
* Weather Change
* Food Triggers
* Fatigue and hunger
* Hormonal imbalance

You can start by living healthier, eating fresh foods and getting more rest and sleep. Exercise regularly as well.

Food triggers suspected of causing migraines are those foods that are rich in tyramine. Tyramine rich foods are mainly those that have been aged and fermented. This includes ham, sausages, cheese and other similar items. Chocolate and caffeine have also been linked with migraines. Caffeine sensitivity however is very subjective. Some experience migraines from taking too much or withdrawing from caffeine. Stick to fresh ingredients and try to avoid preservatives and additives as much as possible.

To help you keep track of the possible triggers of migraine, keep a migraine diary. Whenever you suffer from a migraine attack, list down what you ate and what was happening to you at that time. This will help you link the causes of your migraines and avoid them in the future.

Ask your doctor about how to stop a migraine using preventive medicine for migraines. Medicines such as beta-blockers (heart medicine), anti depressants and anti seizure medicine have all had good effect with stopping migraines. If your migraines persist even after lifestyle changes then you may want to try these.

Analgesics and Medicine

When migraine attacks do happen, there are also several options for you to take. The primary medicines are analgesics such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Naproxen, aspirin, etc.) These help relieve the pain caused by migraines. Triptans can help with dealing with pain and nausea as well. Ergotamines are often used as another option.

Managing Your Migraine

Always consult with your doctor first before undergoing any therapy or medication. Some medicine may have side effects which can also be harmful for you. To help you ease into migraine prevention, take relaxation classes and undergo lifestyle changes.

Migraines can be very painful and can stop you from doing normal every day things. They can also increase the risk of other diseases such as stroke. Knowing how to stop a migraine is very important if you want to live a long, healthy and pain free life.