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New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I just saw breaking news that the American Beverage Association was successful in having the New York ban on large sugary drinks overturned. Apparently the judge in the trial found that the mayor of New York was overstepping his boundary and that the ban was arbitrary and capricious.

Why Ban Large Soft Drinks?

Well I like a sugary soda as much as the next guy but overturning this shows that the American Beverage Association cares less about the health of it’s customers than it does about some small profits from giant drinks.New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I am sure that everyone recognizes that something as big as a Super Big Gulp can not be good for anyone and in writing about this in the past I have found that most people would agree. Every now and then there is someone saying that they drink a couple of the really big bottles of pop a day (2 liter bottles here in Canada) and that there is no problem.

Yes there is a problem.

Our bodies are not meant for that much sugar at one time. Especially since the north american population in much more sedentary than it has ever been in the past. That much sugar, let alone all the other chemicals is not only going to make you unhealthy but also lead to Diabetes and obesity. There is no reason that anyone needs that kind of drink and I agree with Mayor Bloomberg this kind of drink should be banned.

I know that people will come back and comment below that it is anyones right to do whatever they want and that the state can not lrgislate what we can and can’t drink but this is also a very wrong premise. As people get fatter and fatter they get sicker and sicker and this only causes more stresses on society and the health care system that needs to look after them.

We all know people that left to their own devices will hurt themselves and this is an example of just nudging the giant soft drink away from the person that will be harmed by it. I hope the law is rewritten to get the ban back and I also hope that the American Beverage Association will be shamed into turning away from trying to stop these kinds of laws that will only help their customers.

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Causes of Childhood Obesity

Strictly speaking, there is only one causes of childhood obesity, and that is consuming more calories than the body can burn each day.  However, there are certain factors that increase the risk of your child becoming obese.  It’s important to take the necessary steps to decrease these risk factors in order to avoid health problems that may arise from obesity.

There are many factors that cause obesity in children and adolescents.  Oftentimes, these factors work in combination to increase the risk of your child becoming overweight.  Below are some of the causes of childhood obesity.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Environmental Factors – Environmental factors play a huge role in childhood obesity.  American families often eat out, and more often than not, they eat fast food that is high in fats and calories but lacking in nutrition.  Sugary drinks and energy-dense convenience foods like cookies and chips are readily available while wholesome, healthy foods are less accessible and oftentimes more expensive.  Portion sizes are larger than they used to be, so that people tend to eat more without realizing it.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Kids Need Exercise

Children these days do not get enough physical activities.  They spend too much time using entertainment media such as television, video games, computers and movies.  TV viewing is a major cause of childhood obesity because it discourages physical activity.  In addition, it can lead to increased food intake through snacking and eating in front of the TV.  Television commercials also encourage children to make unhealthy food choices.

Genetics/Family History – Another factor that can cause childhood obesity is genetics.  A child that comes from a family of overweight people is more likely to put on extra weight, too.  While genetics plays an important role in childhood obesity, family factors also have a significant impact particularly if these factors include eating too much without getting enough exercise.  Dietary and lifestyle habits within the family contribute to childhood obesity.

Socioeconomic Factors – Children from low-income backgrounds, including lower level of education,  are more likely to become obese.  Healthy eating and exercise is difficult for families with limited time and resources.  High-calorie processed foods are often cheaper and more readily available than fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.  Families with low socioeconomic status may also have limited access to safe recreational places, thus making it difficult to participate in sports and physical activities.  However, recent studies into obesity show that the rate of childhood obesity among high- income groups is now on the rise.

Psychological Factors – Some people, including children, are “stress eaters”.  They overeat in order to handle stress or deal with negative emotions.  There are also people who eat to fight boredom.

Medications – Certain drugs can cause obesity in children, such as steroids and antidepressants.  Children who are taking medications for a psychiatric condition or seizure disorder may gain excess weight.  These drugs cause weight gain by stimulating the appetite or slowing down the body’s metabolism so that it burns calories more slowly.  In some cases, the medication may cause the body to retain water.

The CDC has a great page on their plan over the last few years to try and stop these causes of childhood obesity

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Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat

When you look in the mirror, do you find yourself avoiding the sight of your flabby midsection? Belly fat is unsightly and unhealthy, and anyone with a fat belly would want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. There are exercises that will firm up your abs, but to lose belly fat you will need the best fat-burning diet.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a miracle diet. The best diet to lose belly fat will incorporate the same principles found in all healthy and sensible diets.

The following pointers will show you how to diet to lose belly diet:

1. Eat fewer calories than you expend. The only way to lose belly fat is to create a calorie deficit. You can do this by becoming more active and eating less. Use a calorie calculator to determine how many calories you need daily to maintain your weight. The number of calories will depend on your age, gender, and activity level. Cut back on the number of calories required for maintenance. Aim for at least 500 calories below maintenance, but no more than 1200 for women or 1800 for men. Cutting back too much will not only make it more difficult to lose belly fat, but you are likely to gain back the weight lost once you stop your diet.

2. Avoid unhealthy foods. The best diet to lose belly fat should avoid saturated fats, trans fats, refined carbohydrates, and junk food. Stay away from sugary drinks, white bread, and refined-grain pasta. Margarine, vegetable shortenings, cookies, etc. contain unhealthy fats that will increase belly fat.

3. Follow a Mediterranean diet to lose belly fat. Studies show that the best diet to lose belly fat is a Mediterranean diet. The diet involves a high intake of monounsaturated fats (MUFA’s) found in olive oil, olives, walnuts, grape seed oil, avocados, dark chocolate, flaxseed, and soybeans. Foods that play a prominent role in a Mediterranean diet include legumes, fruits, vegetables, unrefined cereals, and fish. It also includes a moderate intake of cheese, yogurt, and wine, and only small amounts of meat and meat products. A Mediterranean diet is low in calories but high in nutrition.

Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat

Have you thought that maybe you have the whole picture wrong about how to get six pack abs? There is this fantastic diet and exercise system that will teach you everything you need to know about how to get a firm and trim midsection and that allows your ab muscles to show through.Check out my Six Pack Abs review now.

Best Foods to Lose Belly Fat

Foods that are high in monounsaturated fats or MUFA may help you lose belly fat. While diets that are high in carbohydrates appear to increase belly fat, a MUFA-rich diet helps burn belly fat. Not only does it help you feel full longer, but it also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Other foods that you should include in the best diet to lose belly fat include oats, green tea, and natural yogurt. These foods enhance the body’s ability to burn fat, particularly belly fat.

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