Weight Loss Exercise

New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I just saw breaking news that the American Beverage Association was successful in having the New York ban on large sugary drinks overturned. Apparently the judge in the trial found that the mayor of New York was overstepping his boundary and that the ban was arbitrary and capricious.

Why Ban Large Soft Drinks?

Well I like a sugary soda as much as the next guy but overturning this shows that the American Beverage Association cares less about the health of it’s customers than it does about some small profits from giant drinks.New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I am sure that everyone recognizes that something as big as a Super Big Gulp can not be good for anyone and in writing about this in the past I have found that most people would agree. Every now and then there is someone saying that they drink a couple of the really big bottles of pop a day (2 liter bottles here in Canada) and that there is no problem.

Yes there is a problem.

Our bodies are not meant for that much sugar at one time. Especially since the north american population in much more sedentary than it has ever been in the past. That much sugar, let alone all the other chemicals is not only going to make you unhealthy but also lead to Diabetes and obesity. There is no reason that anyone needs that kind of drink and I agree with Mayor Bloomberg this kind of drink should be banned.

I know that people will come back and comment below that it is anyones right to do whatever they want and that the state can not lrgislate what we can and can’t drink but this is also a very wrong premise. As people get fatter and fatter they get sicker and sicker and this only causes more stresses on society and the health care system that needs to look after them.

We all know people that left to their own devices will hurt themselves and this is an example of just nudging the giant soft drink away from the person that will be harmed by it. I hope the law is rewritten to get the ban back and I also hope that the American Beverage Association will be shamed into turning away from trying to stop these kinds of laws that will only help their customers.

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Diet Pills

Hoodia Gum can be really effective an Appetite Suppressant?

Hoodia gum is part of a line of specialty hoodia products that have hit the market over the last two. Other products hit the market include Hoodia Hoodia chews and POP. What all these specialty products have in common is they all claim to have the ability to be very effective and almost instant appetite suppressants. The idea behind these products is that if you can control your appetite, you eat less and lose weight.
  Although it sounds fantastic, I doubt that these products have any affect on appetite and do little for weight loss. To begin, I doubt that one of the hoodia gum products contain authentic Hoodia Gordonii. The hoodia gordonii plant is found in South Africa and contains a molecule called P57. This molecule is the active ingredient in the Hoodia plant that sets the brain into thinking you are full. There are several varieties of Hoodia but only the Hoodia gordonii variety has the ability to suppress appetite.
  Hoodia gordonii is very rare these days and there is simply not enough to meet demand. Accordingly, it is very expensive. Hoodia supplements and products have been very popular in recent years many companies have jumped on the bandwagon. You have everything from gum to hoodia hoodia tea available today. Unfortunately, many companies have tried to cut corners to reap the benefits of this herb demand is diluting their products so there is very little Hoodia gordonii in them, or simply not used at all – but still claiming their product it contains.
  The reason these companies have been able to get away with this is because hoodia supplements are not regulated. He returned to the consumer to get educated on the facts about products such as hoodia gum to hoodia to ensure they are not cheated. The majority of the hoodia supplements and products on the market today are fake – meaning they contain very little or no Hoodia Gordonii. One expert said that the percentage of fake hoodia supplements could be as high as 80%!
  There are several things you can consult when buying gum and other products Hoodia Hoodia to ensure that whatever you buy is real, but the two most important are CITES certificates and independent lab results test. You can find these documents on websites that sell and Gums Hoodia Hoodia supplements market and others. If you can not find them, then it is likely that the product does not contain genuine Hoodia gordonii.
  It's hard to find these documents on any hoodia gum website. I researched many hoodia gum websites and have not yet found both clearly displayed. This is the main reason why I doubt that any hoodia gum product can be a "powerful and fast-acting appetite suppressant" as many claim to be. If you do not find these documents, then the product probably does not contain hoodia gordonii authentic and therefore has virtually no ability to effectively suppress appetite.
  However, suppose these gum products contain authentic Hoodia Gordonii Hoodia. I still think they are very inefficient when it comes to suppressing appetite because they contain very little of Hoodia gordonii. Hoodia gum products typically require to have 20 to 150 grams of it per stick of gum. It will not be nearly enough to effectively suppress appetite.
  Some experts and doctors say it may take up to 3000 mg of Hoodia gordonii per day to effectively suppress appetite. At minimum, most people need anywhere between 800-1,500 mg per day to suppress appetite. Assuming you're able to get by with 800mg per day to suppress your appetite, you would still need several sticks of chewing gum with each stick containing only 20-150mg of hoodia gordonii!
Finally, another concern I have about hoodia gum products is that most claim to be made using Hoodia extracts or concentrates. These concentrates contain only assumed the active molecule in hoodia gordonii, P57. The problem is that the process for doing so has not been perfected yet and only one company has the legal authority to do so and that company is Phytopharm.
  Phytopharm is a British pharmaceutical company, which received the patent to extract P57 for use in products for weight loss. They spent several years and millions of dollars trying to understand how to extract P57 for use in products for weight loss on a massive scale. Despite the time and money spent, they have still not been able to do so. How to apply for hoodia gum product using a sample of hoodia?
  Ultimately, I doubt that one of these Hoodia gum products contain authentic Hoodia gordonii, which is necessary to effectively suppress appetite. Moreover, even if they do, they contain so little that it would probably do little to suppress appetite. If you're serious about trying hoodia supplements to suppress appetite, I strongly suggest you stick with Hoodia diet pills traditional.