Weight Loss Exercise

2013 Goals and Plans

I sent this email out to the subscribers of the blog (sign up is below this post). I got a great reception for this and I think it is probably becasue people like to see other peoples goals to see if they are going in the right direction or if they are pushing hard enough.

So I thought I would share it on the blog so you could see it as well.

2013 Goals and Plans

Here we are in 2013 and it probably looks a lot like last year. But I hope after the last few emails that I sent that your head is in a great place to make changes in your life and to expect and push for more this year then last.

I expect this year to be a great one for me as well.

The key is to make sure everything you do is in manageable chunks. You have to break up different parts of your life, have S.M.A.R.T goals for each of those parts of your life, and finally your next task to get yourself towards these goals.

This shouldn’t be complicated and it should make sense but I find so often that people just lose interest or get scared of the change that will happen in their lives.

So here are my goals for this year – see if they make sense

Career/Money – Build up the fitness website to be world class and earn a full time income so that I can concentrate on just helping as many people as possible and not get distracted by things that don’t help and are just busywork.

Family – Cut my time online in half so that I spend more, and better time with my family, more outings, more camping, and more experiences

Mental – Read more books. Break this up to reading a book each for Fitness, social media, and family/relationship book a month. Also I want to pick up a new skill every month so that I can keep growing and using my brain. Learning guitar is one of the first for me.

Physical – Move away from just weights and cardio and more Yoga, crossfit, tennis and more other sports. Clean up my diet more with more raw food and less junk. And really I suspect I could probably lose a bit of fat but expect that if I do it will come off with changing up my exercise and eating schedule

Social – For this I am the worst. I don’t get out enough and spend too many nights at home. I am going to push myself to get out one night a week actually being social with others!

I have been reading John Acuff’s blog quite a bit lately and he has this whole thing broken down into 7 things for 52 days which also seems to be a great idea

I know that this is more about me than you. Sorry. I just feel like if I get this information out there is keeps me grounded to what I really need to focus on and at the same time give you some ideas of how easy and important it is to make changes to improve yourself.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
burn the fat feed the muscle is an exercise and diet program. My review of Burn the Fat shows that it is designed and written by an ex-pro natural bodybuilder but is a system that was written for regular guys and gals. Teaching you how to workout and eat to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Exercise

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Men

A nutritious, balanced diet is essential if you want to stay healthy and avoid heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer. Sad to say, many people these days do not know how to eat healthy. Either they eat too much calorie-laden foods and become overweight, or they go in the opposite direction and deprive themselves of the foods they love.

Healthy Eating Tips for Men

These healthy eating tips for men will show you how to make healthy food choices and maintain a delicious, nutritious diet.

1. Plan on success

If you want your diet plan to succeed, make a number of small, manageable changes that you can follow more easily. Focus on healthy foods that you like and include fresh ingredients. Be sure to start slow and accept the fact that you cannot develop healthy eating habits overnight. Make sure that every change you make leads to a healthier diet. Do not try to be “perfect” or eliminate foods that you truly enjoy. You want to feel good and have more energy, so make food choices that will lead to your goal of healthy eating.

2. Eat in moderation

Serving sizes these days are unrealistically large, particularly in restaurants. As a result, many people tend to eat too much and put on excess weight. A healthy eating tip for men is simply to eat in moderation. Although certain foods may be high in calories, they do not have to be off limits. By reducing portion sizes or eating them less often, you will be able to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Pay attention to how you eat

Food is meant to be enjoyed and savored, not wolfed down. Eat more slowly, preferably with other people. When you eat alone in front of the TV or computer, it’s easy to overeat. Take time to chew your food and enjoy it. Listen to your body and stop eating before you actually feel full. It takes about twenty minutes for your brain to signal your body that it has had enough food.

4. Fill your plate with colors

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Men

Healthy Eating Tips for Men

One of the most important healthy eating tips for men is to fill up on fruits and vegetables. Bright, deeply colored fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Different colors provide different health benefits. Fill your plate with leafy greens, naturally sweet vegetables, and antioxidant-rich fruits. Excellent examples are broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, squash, berries, oranges and mangoes. Get your vitamins from natural foods, not pills.

5. Eat healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats

Whole grains are excellent sources of healthy, complex carbohydrates and fiber. They provide protection against heart disease and diabetes. Men also need healthy fats to nourish the brain and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Avocados, nuts, olive oil, flax seed, salmon and sardines are rich sources of healthy unsaturated fats. Avoid saturated animal fat, margarine, and processed foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Other healthy eating tips for men include taking calcium for strong bones and protein for building muscles, tissues and organs. Limit your intake of sugar and salt to prevent health and weight problems.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

First Step to Big Change

When you are trying to get motivated to get something done then the best place to start is with something small that you can build on. A great part of motivation is the small step that you need to do to get forward momentum and once you have that you are unstoppable, but how to make that first step?

First Step to Big Change

Well there are many ways to make that first step, Leo at Zen Habits says that you should just do the minimum possible, like 2 minutes of exercise. Another thing you can do is decide that you will drink 2 cups of water first thing in the morning, or eat a healthy breakfast of Oatmeal and a banana. You can decide to park in the furthest lot at work or get off a train one stop early.

The fact is you do not have to do all of these things just do one today and again tomorrow and then without saying anything to your resistant brain do one more of these things the next day, you now have two and the momentum is there. Three weeks from now you have turned you life around with a bunch of little changes that you would not even think are possible today.

This is the best way to start this one step at a time process. Do not even look at goals for this one just get ideas and write them down and then take the easiest one and do it today. Lets say you want to improve your health. You can probably come up with 50 things along the lines of stretch while watching TV tonight, or one of the above. If you want to spend less money you could think of a great dinner for tonight and make a little bit too much and have it for leftovers tomorrow, I love leftovers.

Example – How to be more Outgoing

If you want to be more outgoing and are afraid then maybe just make it a task to go out and get a latte tonight and sit in the coffee place for 10 minutes before you leave with your coffee in hand, or sit in a crowded dog park bouncing a ball (the dogs will follow the ball and the owners will follow the dog).

The fact is that just getting out there and making small changes is the only way to any goal. If you wanted to lose 100 pounds or do the Hawaii Ironman Triathalon there is no way that you could just start hard core training, you would have to start with small steps and work up. The human mind resists change so if you trick it with these small changes you will be successful before you brain figures out that you are changing.

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