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New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I just saw breaking news that the American Beverage Association was successful in having the New York ban on large sugary drinks overturned. Apparently the judge in the trial found that the mayor of New York was overstepping his boundary and that the ban was arbitrary and capricious.

Why Ban Large Soft Drinks?

Well I like a sugary soda as much as the next guy but overturning this shows that the American Beverage Association cares less about the health of it’s customers than it does about some small profits from giant drinks.New York Big Gulp Ban Overturned

I am sure that everyone recognizes that something as big as a Super Big Gulp can not be good for anyone and in writing about this in the past I have found that most people would agree. Every now and then there is someone saying that they drink a couple of the really big bottles of pop a day (2 liter bottles here in Canada) and that there is no problem.

Yes there is a problem.

Our bodies are not meant for that much sugar at one time. Especially since the north american population in much more sedentary than it has ever been in the past. That much sugar, let alone all the other chemicals is not only going to make you unhealthy but also lead to Diabetes and obesity. There is no reason that anyone needs that kind of drink and I agree with Mayor Bloomberg this kind of drink should be banned.

I know that people will come back and comment below that it is anyones right to do whatever they want and that the state can not lrgislate what we can and can’t drink but this is also a very wrong premise. As people get fatter and fatter they get sicker and sicker and this only causes more stresses on society and the health care system that needs to look after them.

We all know people that left to their own devices will hurt themselves and this is an example of just nudging the giant soft drink away from the person that will be harmed by it. I hope the law is rewritten to get the ban back and I also hope that the American Beverage Association will be shamed into turning away from trying to stop these kinds of laws that will only help their customers.

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Strong Diet Pills – Do They Work and Are They Safe?

What is the first image that pops into your mind when you think of strong diet pills? I’m sure it varies for all of us, but for me, it’s the late Anna Nicole Smith. I think a secondary image might be a young man or woman running around the house, grinding their teeth, sweating and breathing heavily, and talking way too much (not to mention too fast) for their own good. Maybe that’s just me.

Of course, there are many formulations out there, and if you’re lucky enough to find one that helps you achieve the results you want without a bunch of freakish side effects, then good for you. The problem is, these can be kind of hard to find if you don’t know where to look.

Problems with Strong Diet Pills

Strong Diet Pills   Do They Work and Are They Safe?

Strong Diet Pills

And while the chemicals found in some of the industry’s hardcore Strong Diet Pills formulas can cause heart palpitations, blood poisoning, extreme nausea, incredible anxiety, and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms, other diet pills have truly proven themselves to work wonders for some of their users.

The majority (if not all) of diet pills that can be deemed both safe and effective will be all natural formulations with strong antioxidant properties. These are great because they help you lose weight the right way. Instead of trying to fuel up your metabolism with a bunch of weird chemicals, antioxidants actually remove toxins from your body.

And guess what your body’s greatest defense against toxins is… storing fat! Extra fat blocks dangerous toxins from damaging your organs, tissues, and blood vessels. Essentially, your body holds onto more and more fat in order to save your life! So if you get rid of the toxins, your body no longer has a reason to store extra fat, and off it comes. Pretty cool, right?

Antioxidant Strong Diet Pills

These antioxidant-rich diet pills will usually contain large amounts of green tea extract. Other popular antioxidants used in diet pills include resveratrol, acai, maqui, and goji.

Other natural strong diet pills that are used to assist in the weight loss process would fall into the category of “detoxification pills,” and would include such things as colon cleansers, liver cleansers, blood cleansers, and total body cleansers. Often, these types of strong diet pills will create a sense of healthy renewal and well-being within the individual who takes them… quite the opposite of the effects experienced by people who go the chemical route.

In truth, diet pills are simply not enough to give you the results you’re after. There is not a single diet pill on the planet that I would recommend over a natural, healthy way of eating and an activity plan that works your body and puts a smile on your face at the same time.

Strong diet pills are supplements, and as such are intended to be used to supplement a responsible, healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle always comes first. Remember that and live by it, and you will be much more effective in reaching your health and weight loss goals.

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Weight Loss Exercise

Diet Pills – Do They Work and Are They Safe?

What is the first image that pops into your mind when you think of diet pills? I’m sure it varies for all of us, but for me, it’s the late Anna Nicole Smith. I think a secondary image might be a young man or woman running around the house, grinding their teeth, sweating and breathing heavily, and talking way too much (not to mention too fast) for their own good. Maybe that’s just me.

Of course, there are many formulations out there, and if you’re lucky enough to find one that helps you achieve the results you want without a bunch of freakish side effects, then good for you. The problem is, these can be kind of hard to find if you don’t know where to look.

And while the chemicals found in some of the industry’s hardcore formulas can cause heart palpitations, blood poisoning, extreme nausea, incredible anxiety, and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms, other diet pills have truly proven themselves to work wonders for some of their users.

The majority (if not all) of diet pills that can be deemed both safe and effective will be all natural formulations with strong antioxidant properties. These are great because they help you lose weight the right way. Instead of trying to fuel up your metabolism with a bunch of weird chemicals, antioxidants actually remove toxins from your body.

And guess what your body’s greatest defense against toxins is… storing fat! Extra fat blocks dangerous toxins from damaging your organs, tissues, and blood vessels. Essentially, your body holds onto more and more fat in order to save your life! So if you get rid of the toxins, your body no longer has a reason to store extra fat, and off it comes. Pretty cool, right?

These antioxidant-rich diet pills will usually contain large amounts of green tea extract. Other popular antioxidants used in diet pills include resveratrol, acai, maqui, and goji.

Other natural diet pills that are used to assist in the weight loss process would fall into the category of “detoxification pills,” and would include such things as colon cleansers, liver cleansers, blood cleansers, and total body cleansers. Often, these types of diet pills will create a sense of healthy renewal and well-being within the individual who takes them… quite the opposite of the effects experienced by people who go the chemical route.

In truth, diet pills are simply not enough to give you the results you’re after. There is not a single diet pill on the planet that I would recommend over a natural, healthy way of eating and an activity plan that works your body and puts a smile on your face at the same time.

Diet pills are supplements, and as such are intended to be used to supplement a responsible, healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle always comes first. Remember that and live by it, and you will be much more effective in reaching your health and weight loss goals.

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