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Panic Attack Causes

A panic attack causes the heart to palpitate so severe that a person feels as though they are near death. These types of attacks can be very hard to deal with no matter if you are a man or a woman. If you are a person who gets panic attacks frequently you should find out what causes then so you can find ways to stop the dreadful attacks from happening in the future.

Panic Attack Causes

Panic Attack Causes

Panic Attack Causes

Situation Attack – One common panic attack causes is known as a situation attack. This simply means that when a person is put in a particular situation they go into a panic attack. Most of the time the person is put in a fearful or dangerous situation and don’t understand how to properly deal with it thus a panic attack happens. It might help a person to find ways to deal with their fears so these attacks won’t take over their life.

Triggers Attack – Another panic attack causes is known as triggers. This is when a certain situation brings a panic attack to occur in their world. An example of this is when a traumatic event has happened to a person and one little thing comes up that reminds them (or triggers their memory) and they start having a panic attack.

Unexpected Attack – Another panic attack causes is known as unexpected attacks. This is when an attack happens, but there is no particular reason that can be pinpointed to tell why it happens. These types of attacks are hard to define and to treat. Most of the time people who get an attack for no special reason could be suffering from a panic disorder. When these types of attacks occur a person should seek attention from their doctor to see what options they have in getting control over these dreadful attacks.

Panic attacks really do hurt physically and emotionally. They can drain a person in many ways and even cause a person to lead a drastically unhealthy lie. If you even get one panic attack try desperately to find out what panic attack causes started it. If you do some research to find out why you are getting them then you can find ways to prevent the attacks from happening to you in the future.

Panic Attack Causes

The fact is if you can’t find ways to handle these kinds of attacks by yourself certainly seek professional assistance because nobody deserves to live in a world full of dreadful panic attacks.

Weight Loss Exercise

What Causes Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can cause the heart to palpitate so severe that a person feels as though they are near death. These types of attacks can be very hard to deal with no matter if you are a man or a woman. If you are a person who gets panic attacks frequently you should find out what causes then so you can find ways to stop the dreadful attacks from happening in the future.

Situation Attack

One cause of panic attacks is known as a situation attack. This simply means that when a person is put in a particular situation they go into a panic attack. Most of the time the person is put in a fearful or dangerous situation and don’t understand how to properly deal with it thus a panic attack happens. It might help a person to find ways to deal with their fears so these attacks won’t take over their life.

Triggers Attack

Another cause of panic attacks is known as triggers. This is when a certain situation brings a panic attack to occur in their world. An example of this is when a traumatic event has happened to a person and one little thing comes up that reminds them (or triggers their memory) and they start having a panic attack.

Unexpected Attack

Another cause of panic attacks is known as unexpected attacks. This is when an attack happens, but there is no particular reason that can be pinpointed to tell why it happens. These types of attacks are hard to define and to treat. Most of the time people who get an attack for no special reason could be suffering from a panic disorder. When these types of attacks occur a person should seek attention from their doctor to see what options they have in getting control over these dreadful attacks.

Panic attacks really do hurt physically and emotionally. They can drain a person in many ways and even cause a person to lead a drastically unhealthy life. If you even get one panic attack try desperately to find out what caused the panic attack. If you do some research to find out why you are getting them then you can find ways to prevent the attacks from happening to you in the future. The fact is if you can’t find ways to handle these kinds of attacks by yourself certainly seek professional assistance because nobody deserves to live in a world full of dreadful panic attacks.

What Causes Panic Attacks

What Causes Panic Attacks

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The Types of Anxiety

Feeling anxious from time to time is a natural part of our lives. However, feeling anxious constantly or letting that anxiety get in the way of living a normal life is not natural. If you feel you may have more anxiety or your anxiety is more intense than is proper, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Is your level of anxiety appropriate for each situation? If you see a man walking your way with a gun, your level of anxiety should appropriately be high. On the other hand, if you’re feeling incredibly anxious about driving two miles to the mall, your anxiety is probably out of proportion.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Constantly worrying about everything. It can keep you up at night, make you chronically tired, and cause nausea. Your levels of anxiety are higher than the average person’s and you invent and worry about situations that will most likely never happen to you or your loved ones. Example: Worrying that your daughter will get in a bike accident when she rides to school, worrying that you will be in a car accident as you drive to the grocery store, playing out the funeral scene in your mind should your husband die unexpectedly tomorrow.

Social Anxiety
This is beyond shyness; it’s a high level of anxiety about being out in public or in a group situation. It’s an excessive fear about social places and situations, and it can be incapacitating. You may have low self-esteem or worry too much about what others think of you. You may practice avoidance rather than deal with the anxiety. Example: Severe anxiousness when attending a church service or intense fear of going to a crowded movie.

Panic Disorder
Anticipated or random attacks of panic brought on by excessive adrenaline and incorrectly assessing a situation with intense anxiety. You spend a lot of time worrying you will have another panic attack and go to great lengths to avoid situations that might bring on an attack. Example: Having a panic attack with symptoms of not being able to breathe, racing heart, and clamminess while on an airplane.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive thoughts and anxieties that are tempered by performing rituals. These rituals are done over and over again the same way each time or great anxiety is the result. Example: Unlocking and locking your car door 6 times before you can leave it, or washing your hands with 3 squirts of soap and washing the back of the hands 4 times each.

Varying anxiety symptoms as a result of a traumatic event. You have very real feelings of anxiety that a similar event will happen again. Example: The traumatic event of rape can lead to fear of men, flashbacks, not being able to sleep alone, and the new occurrence of panic attacks, etc.

Phobias are persistent, irrational fears and are associated with anxiety. If you are presented with the object of your fears, you immediately experience high levels of anxiety. Example: Fear of airplanes or fear of snakes.

Having some anxiety in our lives is a normal occurrence, but when it is out of proportion to the event or seems to be taking over, then it could be that you are suffering from one of the above anxiety disorders.