Weight Loss Exercise

Tips for Healthy Travel

Healthy travel seems like a crazy and oppressive way to not have fun when on the road and that is that last thing I want to tell someone to do. Travel is a time for changing lifestyle and exploring what you haven’t seen. I find myself that the trouble with all of this is at we also have a problem staying in shape and staying healthy.

It all comes with our priorities and how we plan.

When you travel the planning needs to happen before you leave home and will finish when you get home so here are 10 tips to help you stay in shape and arrive home in even better shape then you left

Eating tips for Healthy Travel

1. Pack snacks for the road – whether I am traveling in a car or in a plane I am never sure where my next snack will come from so I always pack my backpack with some fruit. I have always worried about this when going through security at the airport but fact is I have never been stopped so it seems to be ok to bring some fruit.

Healthy Travel Tips

Healthy Travel Tips

2. Water not Soda – It is very easy to drink some soda or juice and I know that this will happen when I travel so I always stop at a grocery store in my destination and buy bottles of water. I don’t tend to pack water before as it is not allowed past airport security but it is always handy to have a bottle or two in the car for healthy travel outside of airports.

3. Eat local food – One of the great things about travel is the fact that you get a chance to eat locally grown produce as well as the local cuisine from an area. The sooner that you can eat fresh fruits and veggies after they are picked the better they are for you, so try to find out what grows locally and eat away!

4. Morning and Night Water – Because schedules are such a mess when traveling it is really hard to keep to a normal plan, and you probably don’t want to anyway. What I do is as soon as I wake up in the morning I drink a big glass or two of water or if in a sketchy area just a big bottle of water and again at night when back to the hotel I do the same.

Elevations, different temperatures and lots of different exercise and eating plans will mess you up so try to have a good hydration plan starting and finishing with water to be sure.

5. Watch the Restaurant Meals – I am a big fan of going out for meals but recognize that what I eat is not always that good for me. When we travel as a family we always get a kitchenette in the hotel room so that we can make the majority of our meals with food we know and then have one meal out a day.

6. Order Responsibly – One of the biggest problems we all run into besides scheduling eating times when we are on the road is the bad ways that we order. Healthy travel in a restaurant starts with ordering with discernment and making sure your choices are good.

When you are ordering at a restaurant watch how they cook your meal. In most places, just like at home the chef will cook for taste not for nutrition. Stay away from sauces and deep fried food and instead get grilled meat and salad or veggies instead of fries

Exercise Tips for Healthy Travel

1. Book Hotels with Amenities – when booking a hotel for your travels make sure there is some kind of gym, google the hotel if need be. the fact is that a little exercise will make your travel more comfortable and give you the energy to make the most of your days and if you don’t set yourself up for success you will fail to exercise.

2. Plan your exercise and activities – even though you probably do not know when you are going where on your travels everyone seems to plan the next day at least. In the evening before decide how much exercise you will be getting, a hike maybe? Surfing all day? Sitting by the pool? And plan your exercise around that. If you will be out sightseeing all day then plan to go to the gym for a weight workout in the morning. If you are just by the pool then start the day with cardio. If you do cardio and then walk around all day you might run out of gas before the day is done so plan ahead!

3. Plan Active Activities – Now when travelling on vacation this is easy enough to do but when you are travelling on business it is a lot more difficult. You can perhaps go out in the evening and walk the town, like many people plan a jog around the new city you are in (be careful of unknown neighbourhoods) or even just rent a bike to travel around instead of always taking a car, this gets you active and you also get to meet more people and see more in your journeys.

So there are nine things you can do. This week in my travels across the west I had some trouble keeping all of these intact and ended up suffering. At home there is a fridge and a schedule but on the road that schedule and access to healthy travel was only as good as the way I made it, and sometimes I did not do so well

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How to Reduce Stress By Uncluttering

Stress is terrible if you can reduce stress you will live a much happier life. We all live life as best we can but almost always there are conflicting priorities and way to much to do in a day. Over time we will find that there are things that just never get done until they become a big priority.

I fight with this all the time just like I am sure you are. And I just want to give you a few tips that I hope will help you to lower your stress level, get more done, and be more happy with your life.

Reduce Stress by Uncluttering

I have had some experience with this great method to reduce stress. It takes just five steps to drop your stress level and you can make a big difference today although it may take a couple of weeks to straighten out your schedule completely. So if you are interesting in doing this to change your life then here are the five steps.

How to Reduce Stress By Uncluttering

Reduce Stress by Uncluttering

1. Assess your current situation – The first thing to do is to see what it is holding your thoughts and getting in your way. Do you have too many clothes that don’t fit? Do you have a spare room or storage room that is a mess? Do you have paperwork that you need to file. There are lots and lots of problems that people have that are not a big problem (like outstanding credit cards, or lack of cash) and it takes a day or two to clean up.

2. Use the “Getting Things Done” method of Processing – This means that all of those things, items, thoughts, junk, and undone tasks can all be written down and available to be done. This may seem redundant to the actual doing and the previous step as well but don’t worry. Just get each of these things and write them down on a piece of paper each by themselves.

3. Setup an action schedule for just the next 7 days – This means that out of all of those things outstanding what can you complete in the next 7 days completely. Try to get some tough things and some easy things so that you can have victories that you can build on. Some of these may be one step like “Take old clothes to Goodwill” or “Organise the Garage” but it is amazing to feel the stress lift once these stupid little jobs are finally out of your head and out of the way.

4. Run through the next 7 days and act, act, act! – Action is the only important thing at this point. The planning and schedule are done and now you can get some stuff completed. Make sure that you make a big deal in your own mind of each and every task completed.

5. Celebrate and Re-assess – After the week of action you can sit down again and reassess what you have completed, how much you have been able to reduce stress in all parts of your life, and what is still outstanding. This exercise should have led to a much better frame of mind and most importantly a realization that through action you can make a lot of changes in your life. You can now see if these are more things that you can complete or if you can cut back on what may have been a hectic week.

The Results of this Uncluttering Stress Reduction Process

I find that I do this kind of thing at home as well as completely separately at work. There are many parts and places in our life that become stress points for us and by reducing stress in one spot will help you live a much more calm and fulfilling life in another part of your home, marriage, or worklife.

Try to run through this process to reduce stress at least once a month to make sure you are always staying ahead of the game.

Weight Loss Exercise

Finding a Healthy Diet Plan That Works Fast

Health first, weight loss second. Always keep your priorities in this order and you will be just fine. Don’t just seek out a diet, but insist upon a healthy diet. When it’s all said and done, this can prove to be every bit as effective (and fast) as some weird crash diet. This article will discuss a few healthy diet options that have been proven most successful on a consistent basis.

Some people tend to confuse the word “healthy” with “gentle” when it comes to weight loss matters. And while there is nothing wrong with being kind to your body, there is also no rule against losing weight at a break-neck pace, despite what some diet companies may tell you.

In fact, I’ve actually observed something that I find a bit suspect when it comes to companies that tell you to aim for 3 to 4 pounds of weight loss per month, and no more. It seems that just about all of the companies that throw those numbers in your direction actually have a vested interest in keeping you fat as long as possible. They tell you it’s working so that you continue buying their products or advice, but it keeps you overweight long enough for them to really cash in for months and years.

The truth is, your body is an incredible machine with its own built-in “weight thermostat.” If you start feeding yourself the right foods and eliminate all the stuff that has been forcing your body to store fat, it will aim to reach its optimal weight and vitality levels EXTREMELY quickly! Think of it like a basketball being held under water. Once you let go of the ball, does it take its sweet time resurfacing? Same with your body resurfacing to a healthy weight.

So a healthy diet can (and should) work fast! The diet you choose should be determined by how much weight you need to lose, how fast, and how much sacrifice you’re willing to make (and for how long). Here are five healthy diets for you to consider. They have proven themselves fast and effective time and time again. They are listed in order of both speed and intensity, with #1 being the most extreme and #5 being the “easiest.”

1. The Master Cleanse (aka the Lemonade Diet) – This is a 10-40 day fast in which you consume nothing but a saltwater flush, a special lemonade (lemon, water, grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper), and laxative tea. You can lose up to 2 pounds a DAY on this diet.

2. The Raw Food Diet – This healthy diet plan is exactly as the name implies. Raw fruits, veggies, and herbs along with their fresh squeezed juices. Raw nuts and seeds. Organic sprouts. Superfoods such as bee pollen, goji, and spirulina. You can undoubtedly enjoy ultra fast weight loss and perhaps even sustain a healthy body weight long-term, provided you’re willing to adhere to an “off the beaten path” type of lifestyle.

3. Veganism – Love thy animals, but never on thy dinner plate! Veganism, as most of us know, is a 100% animal-free diet. Unfortunately, this doesn’t necessarily suggest that your diet is healthy, as you could theoretically eat Skittles all day and still be going vegan. Read up on healthy veganism and follow a proven plan.

4. The Mediterranean Diet – Do you love crisp, green veggies? How about cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil? Fresh fish? If you follow this extremely healthy diet plan, not only can you lose weight very quickly, but you can expect to enjoy clear and radiant skin, bright eyes, nice hair, and a longer life!

5. The Paleo Diet – Eat like a caveman! That’s their motto. This is a very flexible diet that allows you to eat fresh lean meat, fruits and veggies, certain whole grains, and basically anything that can be hunted or harvested in Nature.

These are some of the healthiest diets on the planet. Not coincidentally, they are also among the fastest. Look into each healthy diet, determine what you think you could implement and stick with, and go for it. Some people like to do 10 days (minimum) on the Master Cleanse and choose which of the remaining four diets they will implement afterward.

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