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Finding a Healthy Diet Plan That Works Fast

Health first, weight loss second. Always keep your priorities in this order and you will be just fine. Don’t just seek out a diet, but insist upon a healthy diet. When it’s all said and done, this can prove to be every bit as effective (and fast) as some weird crash diet. This article will discuss a few healthy diet options that have been proven most successful on a consistent basis.

Some people tend to confuse the word “healthy” with “gentle” when it comes to weight loss matters. And while there is nothing wrong with being kind to your body, there is also no rule against losing weight at a break-neck pace, despite what some diet companies may tell you.

In fact, I’ve actually observed something that I find a bit suspect when it comes to companies that tell you to aim for 3 to 4 pounds of weight loss per month, and no more. It seems that just about all of the companies that throw those numbers in your direction actually have a vested interest in keeping you fat as long as possible. They tell you it’s working so that you continue buying their products or advice, but it keeps you overweight long enough for them to really cash in for months and years.

The truth is, your body is an incredible machine with its own built-in “weight thermostat.” If you start feeding yourself the right foods and eliminate all the stuff that has been forcing your body to store fat, it will aim to reach its optimal weight and vitality levels EXTREMELY quickly! Think of it like a basketball being held under water. Once you let go of the ball, does it take its sweet time resurfacing? Same with your body resurfacing to a healthy weight.

So a healthy diet can (and should) work fast! The diet you choose should be determined by how much weight you need to lose, how fast, and how much sacrifice you’re willing to make (and for how long). Here are five healthy diets for you to consider. They have proven themselves fast and effective time and time again. They are listed in order of both speed and intensity, with #1 being the most extreme and #5 being the “easiest.”

1. The Master Cleanse (aka the Lemonade Diet) – This is a 10-40 day fast in which you consume nothing but a saltwater flush, a special lemonade (lemon, water, grade b maple syrup, and cayenne pepper), and laxative tea. You can lose up to 2 pounds a DAY on this diet.

2. The Raw Food Diet – This healthy diet plan is exactly as the name implies. Raw fruits, veggies, and herbs along with their fresh squeezed juices. Raw nuts and seeds. Organic sprouts. Superfoods such as bee pollen, goji, and spirulina. You can undoubtedly enjoy ultra fast weight loss and perhaps even sustain a healthy body weight long-term, provided you’re willing to adhere to an “off the beaten path” type of lifestyle.

3. Veganism – Love thy animals, but never on thy dinner plate! Veganism, as most of us know, is a 100% animal-free diet. Unfortunately, this doesn’t necessarily suggest that your diet is healthy, as you could theoretically eat Skittles all day and still be going vegan. Read up on healthy veganism and follow a proven plan.

4. The Mediterranean Diet – Do you love crisp, green veggies? How about cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil? Fresh fish? If you follow this extremely healthy diet plan, not only can you lose weight very quickly, but you can expect to enjoy clear and radiant skin, bright eyes, nice hair, and a longer life!

5. The Paleo Diet – Eat like a caveman! That’s their motto. This is a very flexible diet that allows you to eat fresh lean meat, fruits and veggies, certain whole grains, and basically anything that can be hunted or harvested in Nature.

These are some of the healthiest diets on the planet. Not coincidentally, they are also among the fastest. Look into each healthy diet, determine what you think you could implement and stick with, and go for it. Some people like to do 10 days (minimum) on the Master Cleanse and choose which of the remaining four diets they will implement afterward.

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Healthy Diet for Women

Are you looking for a good idea of a healthy diet for women? Most women are conscious of their body and the food they eat. With all the junk and processed foods that are served everyday, it’s just right to pay a little more attention to having a healthier diet especially for women.

Some of the most prescribed healthy diets for women include whole grain, fiber-rich food, fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich food. To provide extra guidance and assistance for women who intend on eating a healthier diet, here are five foods that come highly recommended by experts:

Healthy Diet for Women

Healthy Diet for Women

Healthy Diet for Women

Low-fat yogurt. One of the best things about low-fat yogurt is that it contains ‘good bacteria’ that can help in reducing problems related to bowel movements, digestive tract disorders, ulcers, and even vaginal infections. In addition, it is also packed with calcium that women need in order to keep their posture and movement intact.

Fatty fish. What women should look for in this type of fish is omega-3 fatty acids, which are highly recommended to maintain a good and well functioning heart. Examples of fatty fish include sardines, salmon, and mackerel. Aside from various heart conditions, omega-3 has also been linked to prevent other illnesses such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit. The key nutrient in all of these is lycopene. Aside from having health benefits against prostate cancer, it has shown to be quite beneficial for women as well. In addition, lycopene has long been considered as an important factor in keeping the skin young by protecting it against UV damage.

Low-fat milk and orange juice. The main nutrient in these drinks is Vitamin D, which greatly reduces the chances of having osteoporosis, as well as reducing the risk of having diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tumors in the breast, colon, and ovary.

Berries. All types of berries including blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries are a great source of anti-oxidants. The best thing about these berries is that they are very high in anthocyans, which is known to be a powerful anti-cancer nutrient and also plays an important role in cell repair.

Of course, there are other highly recommended types of food for women who want to lead a healthier lifestyle through the food they eat. But incorporating these foods into your diet will get you started down the path to becoming a healthier you. Make a commitment to start your healthy diet for women today.

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Weight Loss Fast Also Has Health Benefits

Many religions use fasting as part of their faith and as an opportunity to slow down and meditate about spiritual issues. Fasting is also a method to begin a weight loss program on a positive note by removing toxins and pollutants from your body. A weight loss fast might be drinking only water, juices or tea for a day or more, or it can mean that you drastically cut your calories for a length of time.

When you cut calories, your body is forced to rely on the stores of fat it’s accumulated for energy. It’s normal to feel lethargic and experience headaches and dizziness during a strict weight loss fast, but that usually lasts for a short amount of time. You may want to fast one day or alternate days while you’re going through a weight loss plan if you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to rest during the day.

Another good weight loss fast plan is to skip meals. Skipping a dinner, for example can drastically cut calories and give your digestive system a rest while you’re sleeping. It’s been scientifically proven that when we restrict the calories in animals, they’re healthier, keep off unwanted weight and also enjoy longer lives.

Heart disease is a major problem among overweight or obese people, so we’re beginning to study and find ways to restrict calories and lose weight for health as well as to feel better about our bodies and look better in our clothes. A scientific study in Utah revealed that heart disease among people of the Mormon religion is significantly lower than the rest of the population. Mormons usually fast on the first Sunday of the month and also maintain healthy diets, avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.

Longevity is another reason to periodically engage in a weight loss fast. By cutting calories, losing weight, eating a healthy diet and avoiding processed, chemical- and pesticide-laden foods and other things you ingest that plug up our systems, your body performs better and your immune system is better prepared to ward off diseases. As you age, changes occur in your insulin level and body temperature. Periodic fasting and restricting calories on an every day basis can slow those changes and help you to age more gracefully.

Begin a weight loss fast carefully by researching which type of fasting plan is best for the lifestyle you live. One thing to beware of when fasting is that your metabolism will slow down during the fast and when you resume your normal diet, you’re likely to put the pounds back on unless you ease into it.

Along with the weight loss fast, choose an exercise plan that you can stick to. It doesn’t have to be rigorous ? a walk around the block with your pet can do wonders in keeping your metabolism up and your weight down. Good luck!

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